Domestic Douyin released a statement on the review rules for false rumors posted online. WeChat cannot be mentioned in the live broadcast to refute rumors. According to Jiemian News on July 14, Douyin released a statement on the review rules for false posts posted online saying t

2024/07/0222:29:33 technology 1095
Domestic Douyin released a statement on the review rules for false rumors posted online. WeChat cannot be mentioned in the live broadcast to refute rumors. According to Jiemian News on July 14, Douyin released a statement on the review rules for false posts posted online saying t - DayDayNews


Douyin issued a statement on the review rules for false online transmissions, and WeChat cannot be mentioned during the live broadcast to refute rumors

According to Jiemian News on July 14, Douyin released a description on the review rules for false online transmissions, stating that on July 13 On the same day, some netizens posted on Weibo that they violated regulations eight times a day during Douyin live broadcast, describing many irregular situations. After verification, it was found that there was a large amount of false information in the netizen's statement. The anchor stated normally during the live broadcast that there are no restrictions on WeChat. However, when the anchor guides users to conduct transactions on WeChat, in order to protect the interests of consumers and prevent subsequent transactions from losing security, the platform will issue a security prompt. In addition, the explanation also stated that it is true that extreme words cannot be used in the live broadcast. Live broadcast content with marketing attributes such as e-commerce live broadcasts must comply with the requirements for advertising banned words and limit words in Advertising Law .

The 32nd China News Award The preliminary evaluation results of self-recommended and other-recommended works were announced

According to the China Press, Publication, Radio and Television News on July 14, on July 12, 2022, the 32nd China Press and Publication Media Group organized The preliminary evaluation meeting for self-recommended and other-recommended works for the China Journalism Award was held in Beijing. A total of 72 works (including 60 works submitted for final evaluation of the China Journalism Award and 12 candidate works) were evaluated in this preliminary evaluation meeting and entered the public announcement period. The public announcement date is from July 14 to July 21, 2022.

extended reading: "72 items! Announcement of the preliminary evaluation results of the 32nd China News Awards for self-recommended and other-recommended works"

The 31st China TV Golden Eagle Awards Online voting officially opened

According to People's Daily July 14 news, recently, the 31st China TV Golden Eagle Awards The TV Golden Eagle Awards and the 14th China Golden Eagle TV Arts Festival press conference and launching ceremony were held in Beijing. This year's Golden Eagle Awards received a total of 610 participating works in four categories: TV series, TV documentaries, TV variety (literary) programs, and TV cartoons submitted by nearly a hundred TV organizations and online audio-visual platforms, and participated in 20 work awards. and competition for individual awards. The 31st China TV Golden Eagle Awards will keep pace with the times and will compete online audio-visual works and TV works on the same stage. There will no longer be separate awards. The 14th China Golden Eagle TV Arts Festival is planned to be held in Changsha, Hunan Province in October in the golden autumn.

The first copyright dispute case of "Tan Tan Traffic": Youshu Company successfully defended its rights and was awarded 1,500 yuan

According to Yangtze Evening News Ziniu News reported on July 14, on July 13, a company in Xiamen received a request from Chengdu Tianfu Judgment issued by the People's Court of Chengdu District, New District. He uploaded a video titled "A Collection of Full Name Scenes of "Tan Tan Traffic"" on his public account. The court found that he had infringed the information enjoyed by Chengdu Youshu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. The company was ordered to pay reasonable expenses of 1,500 yuan and stop the infringement. This is the first case to be heard and decided by a court after the copyright dispute of "Tan Tan Traffic" emerged.

Previously on July 10, the former host of "Tan Tan Traffic" "Tan Sir" Tan Qiao said on Weibo that day that he had been sued for tens of millions of dollars by Chengdu Youshu Culture Network, and that videos involving the program would face The entire network was removed from the shelves, and tens of thousands of "hot" videos produced by secondary creators were also removed from the shelves due to complaints. This incident brought Chengdu Youshu Culture and Chengdu Radio and Television Station to the forefront of public opinion.

Extended reading: "Talked in a copyright dispute 17 years after it started broadcasting. Is the host of "Tan Tan Traffic" vindicated or not? 》

Domestic Douyin released a statement on the review rules for false rumors posted online. WeChat cannot be mentioned in the live broadcast to refute rumors. According to Jiemian News on July 14, Douyin released a statement on the review rules for false posts posted online saying t - DayDayNews

Picture According to Yangzi Evening News Ziniu News

WPS responded to online reports to delete user files and reiterated that it would not infringe on user privacy

According to China Net Technology’s news on July 13, in response to user complaints about WPS remotely locking user files, WPS issued a statement saying: Regarding the "delete user's local files" reported online, we reiterate that WPS will not perform any audit, lock or delete operations on users' local files. WPS stated that during legal audits, strict encryption and desensitization measures will be taken to protect the security of user information. At the same time, it also provides users with customer service complaint channels and document retrieval paths. The information spread online about "WPS deleting users' local files" and "infringing on user privacy" are all false information. We will take legal measures to safeguard our legitimate rights for any loss caused to the company's goodwill.

Weibo will rectify the illegal behavior of publishing bad information using homophonic words, variant words, etc.

According to a message from the Weibo administrator on July 13, in order to create a clear cyberspace and maintain a civilized and healthy community ecological order, the site will Centralized rectification will be carried out on the site to publish and disseminate bad information using "typos" such as homophonic words and variant words. The main contents are as follows:

. Increase the investigation and cleanup of violations such as using "typos" to spread bad information;

. Improve the platform terminology management mechanism and improve the keyword identification model;

Domestic Douyin released a statement on the review rules for false rumors posted online. WeChat cannot be mentioned in the live broadcast to refute rumors. According to Jiemian News on July 14, Douyin released a statement on the review rules for false posts posted online saying t - DayDayNews. By establishing a positive incentive mechanism, strengthen Guide users on the site to standardize the use of Chinese characters through on-site publicity and other methods.

The 2021 Media Social Responsibility Report was released, and more than 300 media reported their responsibility performance

According to Xinhua News Agency July 13, the 2021 Media Social Responsibility Report was recently released. This is the ninth consecutive release of relevant reports since the media social responsibility reporting work was launched. This year, more than 300 media from central news units to county-level integrated media centers have released reports. The number of publishing media has tripled that of last year. 26 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have further expanded their coverage, and some The region has achieved media coverage at the provincial, city and county levels.

The international organization of the World Internet Conference was established

According to Xinhua News Agency on July 12, the founding meeting of the World Internet Conference was held in Beijing on the same day. Members include relevant international organizations, corporate institutions, experts and scholars in the global Internet field. The World Internet Conference International Organization is headquartered in Beijing, China. Its purpose is to build a global Internet platform for discussion, joint construction and sharing, to promote the international community to adapt to the trends of digitalization, networking and intelligence, to jointly meet security challenges, to seek common development and welfare, and to jointly build an network Space community with a shared future .


Netflix chooses Microsoft as the advertising service provider and will launch a low-price subscription plan

According to Jiemian News on July 14, on Wednesday, local time, Netflix said that it has selected Microsoft as its technology and sales partner. Currently, Netflix is ​​preparing to propose a low-cost, ad-supported streaming plan. Netflix said in a statement, "Microsoft has proven capabilities to support all of our advertising needs. More importantly, Microsoft offers the flexibility to innovate over time in technology and sales, as well as strong privacy protections for our members." "Previously, Netflix experienced its first membership decline in more than a decade.

Google YouTube TV has more than 5 million users, becoming the largest live streaming service provider in the United States.

According to IT House news on July 13, due to the pandemic, Netflix, Disney+ and other streaming media services have experienced huge growth in the past few years. popular. While their growth is now slowing, on-demand services are the future of content consumption. However, there are still many people who prefer to watch live TV rather than on-demand content. That's where Google's YouTube TV comes in, which allows users to stream live TV channels over the internet and was launched in 2017 to replace traditional cable TV services in the United States. YouTube TV now has an active user base of over 5 million.

Editor of this article: Xu Yanlin

Contribution and cooperation email:

[email protected]

Domestic Douyin released a statement on the review rules for false rumors posted online. WeChat cannot be mentioned in the live broadcast to refute rumors. According to Jiemian News on July 14, Douyin released a statement on the review rules for false posts posted online saying t - DayDayNews

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