"Give you the latest and fastest WeChat internal beta update information!" Remember the key to selling it to you yesterday, today I will reveal to you a new feature of this WeChat Moments upgrade. For this function, it is a pretty good functional experience. For some friends, thi

2024/06/2905:33:32 technology 1165

" gives you the latest and fastest WeChat internal beta update information! "

Remember the key to selling it to you yesterday, today I will reveal to you a new feature of this WeChat Moments upgrade.

has a pretty good functional experience for this function. For some friends, this function is a practical and convenient function to save beautiful memories with friends!

Today we will announce the new function of this circle of friends. After seeing the answer later, I think everyone will like it. After all, who doesn’t like the new function?

WeChat Moments has added "With Whom"

I don't know if everyone is satisfied with the name of this function. After all, judging from the name, it is a function of Moments.

The "With Whom" function is still in the state of internal testing. Some friends' WeChat Moments should have been covered, but some friends still cannot see this new feature.

1, with whom

The logo of the new feature of this Moments internal test is as follows. Everyone has seen it yesterday. From the logo, it is not difficult to explain the name of this new feature.

The new function this time is the upgraded function of posting @Who will watch together in the circle of friends. Let’s take a look at the old page for publishing the circle of friends. After the internal testing of

, this function will be upgraded to "with whom". In today's article, we will analyze this functional module. If you are using

for the first time, you will definitely be curious and click on the little red dot to get the instructions for this use. To put it simply,

is to mark the friends who are with you to reserve the response of the function. The marked friends will have a reminder, which is similar to the principle of watching @Who.

However, a new identifier has been added to the details page of who you are with in the circle of friends. Click on the icon to see your shared memories.

Let’s test this new function next to see if we can get out of the circle with whom we play together this time.

- Click on who you want to be with, and a pop-up will pop up for you to choose friends. Currently, it supports up to 10 friends. Of course, it also supports selecting friends in group chats.

- After the selection is completed, we will simply send it to a circle of friends to let everyone see the effect with whom.

- After the release is successful, there will be a new logo like this in the circle of friends of the friends you choose to watch it with.

- When entering the homepage of your circle of friends, a new logo of someone is added in the upper right corner. After clicking it, it will be the circle of friends with whom, which is the new upgraded version of @you before.

2, 3 new statuses

has added 3 cute statuses in this WeChat status, namely: bot, dog walking, and cat sucking.

To put it simply, the change of @Who together to Who together this time is quite practical. I think this new way of playing with Who will become an important content in your circle of friends, and bring important memories It's even better to share it with your significant other.

The above is the updated content brought to you today. I don’t know if you will like the function section of "With Whom Together" this time. Since the function is covered in grayscale, you can open the post circle to see if you have been cheated. Detected.

Of course, if you find any new content, please leave a message below to tell me!

looks good. Remember "Retweet/Collect/Like/Watch" supports it with three clicks!

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