The United States is engaged in technological terrorism. At present, most people seem to think that de-beautification of chips can solve the problem. However, to avoid the control and bottleneck of the United States, there are many areas for de-beautification, which need to be de

2024/06/1019:44:32 technology 1869

What is de-beautification? The United States is engaged in technological terrorism. At present, most people seem to think that de-beautification of chips can solve the problem. However, to avoid the control and bottleneck of the United States, there are many areas for de-beautification, which need to be dealt with as a comprehensive project.

The first thing is to beautify the technology. This is the most core and fundamental beautification. With technology to beautify, it will not lead to bottlenecks, and companies will not be afraid of being cut off by the long-arm jurisdiction of and the supply of will be cut off. Not all day long. The de-beautification of technology includes the de-beautification of hardware, software, tools and instruments.

The de-beautification of hardware means that not only all kinds of chips, equipment, materials, and components must not be American, but even the production equipment for non-U.S. products must not contain American technology, including software and hardware. This is the real de-beautification from the root. . The Americans have shown China that as long as it contains more than 0% American technology, any chip materials provided to , Huawei, and other chips must be approved by the Americans. Many chip design manufacturers in China are unable to obtain SMIC OEM because of this. So there must be nothing containing American technology.

software is used to beautify, not only core software such as operating systems and office software, but also databases, chip design software, APPs, etc., any of which are used by companies such as Huawei and others in the United States. Moreover, some intermediate computing tool software also needs to be beautified. Harbin Institute of Technology was blocked by an American software MATLAB. From a security perspective, the core is to beautify the operating system first. Huawei has made good progress in this regard, and some Chinese companies are also working hard.

instrumentation de-beautification. There are countless American instruments and meters in many semiconductor factories and university laboratories, many of which are exclusive secret recipes and cannot be replaced. These must also be completely beautified, because American companies are unambiguous in enforcing American laws. You see, many large American companies in Russia will retreat if they say they want to retreat. If they don’t want the business, they won’t. It is not difficult for American companies to survive with a broken arm.

Second, de-beautify finance. The first is to replace the swift system, and these obstacles must be removed through various channels such as digital renminbi . Otherwise, the other party’s order will result in no way to transfer and settle the account. After Russia suffered a big loss, it suggested that China work together to replace the swift system .

In addition, it is de-dollarization. Nowadays, many companies do not accept US dollars and Euros for transactions, and foreign trade is basically useless. In particular, if many banks do not have Euro-USD transactions, then the banks will lose high-quality large customers. We need to work hard to get rid of this aspect, and gradually implement RMBization while everyone is in great demand for Chinese goods.

Third, beautify safely. Nowadays, if many countries do not have a good relationship with the Americans, the Americans will at least exert pressure, and at worst, incite color revolutions or even use force to attack. Many developing countries dare not confront the Americans.

The United States is engaged in technological terrorism. At present, most people seem to think that de-beautification of chips can solve the problem. However, to avoid the control and bottleneck of the United States, there are many areas for de-beautification, which need to be de - DayDayNews

The United States is engaged in technological terrorism. At present, most people seem to think that de-beautification of chips can solve the problem. However, to avoid the control and bottleneck of the United States, there are many areas for de-beautification, which need to be de - DayDayNews

So to ensure that the world is not threatened by Americans in terms of security, or at least China itself is not threatened by Americans, China needs to develop a large number of nuclear weapons , aircraft carriers and hypersonic missiles and other series of weapons. Letting Americans attack China is a cost that is too high to bear and they have no such plan. Even China’s die-hard friends such as Cambodia Pakistan will not be subverted.

Only by improving these aspects can we ensure true beautification.

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