TikTok currently has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. TikTok development history.

2024/05/2501:04:33 technology 1503

TikTok currently has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. TikTok development history. - DayDayNews

Hello everyone, I am the eldest cousin of Tiktok, a koi carp dedicated to making TikTok overseas.

TikTok currently has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. TikTok development history. - DayDayNews

TikTok currently has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. TikTok development history. - DayDayNews

About TikTok

TikTok now has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. business platform.

TikTok development history

TikTok currently has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. TikTok development history. - DayDayNews

Launched in the second half of 2017, initial user growth was steady;

Global monthly active users were 55 million in January 2018;

In 2019, the number of users exploded as new markets continued to expand;

2019 In December, there were 500 million monthly active users worldwide. The United States and India contributed the most;

In 2020, as the epidemic spread, we seized the opportunity to expand rapidly, with 690 million global monthly active users;

In 2021, it only took 4 years for the global monthly active users to reach 1 billion, while Facebook, and Ins took 8 years;

In 2022 In January, TikTok & Douyin ranked first in global APP revenue;

swept more than 150 countries around the world, ranked first in 141 countries, supports more than 75 languages, and has been downloaded 3 billion times worldwide.

TikTok currently has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. TikTok development history. - DayDayNews

TikTok e-commerce development prospects

Business is the same all over the world. All businesses need traffic. Traffic is the essence of all businesses. So where do we get traffic? How big is the traffic of the overseas version of Tiktok? If China has a population of 1.4 billion, Tiktok’s traffic pool is the world’s 6 billion population excluding Chinese.

The trend will pass, but the trend will not. To make money, you must make money from the trend!

There was a word called "foreign trade" before. In the early years, foreign trade was based on the B to B model, which was equivalent to domestic wholesalers selling products to foreign wholesalers, who then sold them to foreign shopping malls or supermarkets and other places, earning a profit Profit difference. Although it all depends on volume, the profit is limited, but it is still more profitable than selling things domestically.

Later, Amazon , Shopee, AliExpress, and Lazada appeared as overseas e-commerce platforms equivalent to domestic Taobao, JD.com , and Pinduoduo, and even opened their own small stores as independent websites.

An industry has emerged in China called cross-border e-commerce, which is B to C. The simple explanation is that domestic B-end wholesalers sell domestic manufacturing products to foreign end customers through logistics and foreign platforms. . Emphasize that we sell to customers, not wholesalers, and earn huge price differences from end customers.

Domestic manufacturing is much cheaper than abroad, labor is cheap, and the exchange rate is different between and , so the terminal price of this model is 10-20 times higher than the cost. Even if there are huge logistics costs and delivery costs, the calculated gross profit can reach 1 times or even more.

In the past ten years, a small number of people have made a lot of money relying on this industry. Until the epidemic last year, this industry ushered in a blowout because the foreign epidemic could not be well controlled. Daily necessities and consumables Extremely scarce. Foreigners who originally liked the experience of shopping malls and supermarkets had to shop online, which accelerated the consumption GMV (performance) of foreign e-commerce companies.

As of now, only China has the epidemic under control, and foreign countries have been in a very tight state, so that there is a supply chain crisis around the world. At this time, where are the opportunities? Cross-border e-commerce opens AliExpress, Amazon?

No, No, No!

  • The competition has become more intense (but it is true that there is still a market)
  • has formed a circle, and new people need to be led by someone when they enter the market!
  • Starting The investment capital of is still quite high, especially it has to solve problems such as international logistics, foreign payment and withdrawal, and supply chain.
  • Existing cross-border e-commerce traffic is difficult to obtain, and the cost of investment is very high.

So for ordinary people, where are the opportunities?

My cousin still recommends TikTok!!!

The biggest advantage of Tik Tok is that it has free traffic! ! ! After 's exploration and adjustment in recent years, the monetization model of Douyin in China has become very clear. TikTok only needs to make slight adjustments to this model to directly apply it to TikTok's business system.

The company has a complete logistics, supply chain, and payment system. It does not require you to purchase goods, store goods, find logistics, make payments, and invest huge costs. You only need to learn Tik Tok, increase your fans, attend live broadcasts, sell goods, sell goods to foreigners, earn huge price differences, and send on behalf of .

If you bring goods through tiktok, you can earn 100% profit for one item, dozens of dollars for one item, and it’s not private domain traffic, it’s public domain traffic, endless, is it good or not? You know, Douyin store can easily sell 1 million orders per month.

What TikTok e-commerce sells is the profit from the products you sell. There is no time cost of private domain services, no risk of stockpiling, and no traffic problems. Is this a good deal?

TikTok currently has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. TikTok development history. - DayDayNews

Opportunities of TikTok

In the past 2 years, there have been only 2 waves of money-making opportunities released by TikTok. The first was the Creator Fund, which was to accelerate creators from other social media to join TikTok, but it only lasted 3 waves. -About 5 months.

The second wave is to bring goods with free traffic, but it is much more difficult to bring goods with short videos compared with funds. It tests the creator's video creation ability, ability to control platform content, product selection ability, and cross-border e-commerce. experience, ability, etc. This is also a focus of future development, but the study of the culture of the target country may become a watershed for short video delivery orders. This is also TikTok’s first money-making opportunity.

The second opportunity to make money is to live stream the goods in the store. Live broadcast will be more explosive than short videos. This has been proved by domestic Douyin. In addition, the store greatly shortens the path for users to purchase items, which is the same as You go to Taobao to buy things on Douyin, but now you can buy things directly within Douyin.

TikTok currently has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. TikTok development history. - DayDayNews

In Southeast Asia, it is common for sellers to make tens of thousands of orders every day. In the UK, there are also sellers whose single sales exceed 100,000 pounds. It may not be much compared to Douyin, but this is also the first time that it has exceeded 100,000 pounds in half a year since its launch.

Free Traffic Video Delivery

Free Traffic Delivery refers to publishing works on TikTok and then directing people to independent sites or e-commerce platforms. This has also been our main business in the past two years. Since January last year, the GMV of goods sold has exceeded one million. The core problem to solve when bringing goods with free traffic is to build the environment and solve the problem of 0 video playback; create original or edited excellent videos to get high playback; divert traffic to independent stations for conversion and solve the problem of independent stations.

free traffic is recommended for friends who are new to the game, but no matter what other methods you do to monetize, I suggest you try to make an account for a while, because the core of TikTok is short videos, which will be very helpful for you to do other things. .

Both independent websites and e-commerce platforms can build their own websites or use other people's independent websites for distribution. Secondly, it is also suitable for brand entry. Brand promotion can also work well with TikTok for marketing and product delivery.

Live broadcast of goods and store gameplay

The essence of TikTok store live broadcast is to sell goods. You open a store by finding an official and uploading the products you want to sell to the store.There are three main ways. The first is to send videos to sell goods by yourself, which is the same as the free traffic to sell goods introduced above, except that the independent station becomes a TikTok Shop; the second is to sell goods through live broadcast, selling goods through the live broadcast room. This is almost the same as domestic live broadcast; the third method is to set up three marketing methods: "Targeted Plan", "Public Plan" and "Store Plan" to let experts help you sell goods, but experts generally choose the ones with larger sales volume and higher profits. The product.

The advantage of live broadcasting in small stores is that the official is currently promoting it, and there are many policies; small stores are easy to copy and enlarge, unlike traffic to bring goods, the official will block you at every turn, and it is difficult to broadcast on a single account or single video Copy to enlarge. The disadvantage is that we need an independent live broadcast venue, equipment, anchors and operations, etc., and the early stage may be relatively difficult; compared to the other two types of monetization, the requirements in this area will be higher.

TikTok Business Ads

is TikTok information flow advertising delivery. The core of advertising delivery is material, product selection and delivery skills. To place ads, you need to find an agent to open an advertising account first, then recharge US dollars in the background, and install the pixels before placing them. Free traffic and goods cannot be copied and amplified on videos or accounts, but advertising can. A good piece of material can keep you amplifying. Because the core of TikTok is tags, before a mature tag system is established, the effect of advertising will be very unstable.

TikTok currently has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. TikTok development history. - DayDayNews

Secondly, you still need to build your own independent website. It is recommended to place it if you have experience in placing it or if your own material is in good condition. Another thing to note is that advertising is relatively expensive on capital turnover.

Other monetization methods and virtual product variants

In addition to mainstream e-commerce monetization, you can also try other monetization methods, but because they are not used in this region, it will be more difficult to operate. For example, the following main problems need to be solved, Drainage issues, video creation issues, payment issues, communication issues, etc.

The above are the mainstream monetization models of TikTok e-commerce, mainly TikTok e-commerce. If you feel that it is not suitable, you can try to be a service provider and provide TikTok services. On a smaller scale, I personally see that some of the areas that people are doing better include second-hand mobile phone sales, scrapped cards, trading accounts, Ads account opening, resource docking, etc.

TikTok currently has 3 billion global downloads, 1 billion daily active users, and ranks first in global traffic, surpassing any other platform in the world, and will become the world's largest e-commerce platform. TikTok development history. - DayDayNews

Speaking more broadly, you can do some software development based on TikTok to help operations solve some problems. What I suggest here is to try not to engage in black technology. After a year, it will be useless and will eventually be eliminated by the market.

If the market conditions are good, the service provider's business demand will surge.

The above is what my cousin shared with you today. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions about Tiktok, you can ask me private messages. Remember to like and follow!

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