In the Internet age, each of us can name a few stories about how technology changes the destiny of individuals and even countries: Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, Kai-Fu Lee, etc.

2024/05/2119:33:33 technology 1865

‎“My father spent the equivalent of his year’s salary to buy me a ticket to the United States so that I could go to Stanford University.‎‎This is also the first time in my life to fly by plane.‎”

said this The speaker was none other than Pichai, the famous president of and Google .

In the Internet age, each of us can name a few stories about how technology changes the destiny of individuals and even countries: Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, Kai-Fu Lee, etc. - DayDayNews

In the Internet age, each of us can list a few stories about how technology changes the destiny of individuals and even countries: Steve Jobs , Jack Ma , Ma Huateng , Kai-fu Lee , and so on.

Speaking of the most powerful person in Silicon Valley today, without India's Sundar Pichai (Sundar Pichai), the entire Internet giants may not agree. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Alphabet and Google, is known for his decision-making skills and business acumen. Its control of Google has attracted the attention of the world!

Unlike Jack Ma, Ma Huateng and even Steve Jobs, these familiar people are that Pichai, a rising star on the Internet, has completely created a world-wide miracle: he went from Tamil Nadu, the southernmost state of India, to the world The sexual metropolis of Silicon Valley in the United States, and has emerged as a striking industry giant in the Internet world!

In fact, compared with Pichai, both Jack Ma and Ma Huateng can at most be regarded as tycoons who got rich overnight. And Pichai is the real aristocrat of the Internet world!

On January 26, 2022, the Indian government awarded Padma Bhushan to Alphabet and Google CEO Pichai. ‎

‎Video sharing platform‎‎YouTube‎‎Drawing inspiration from the emerging world order, it organized a virtual graduation ceremony on June 6, 2020 for students who were unable to receive an in-person farewell due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. But what left its mark on the virtual crowd was Pichai's inspiring message to the "Class of 2020," encouraging students to become changemakers. ‎

‎In a speech to the outgoing class of 2020, the ‎‎Google CEO said that while it's hard to find hope in such bleak times, it's important to celebrate what a person has gained during these difficult times. knowledge. "‎‎You will win, ‎‎" he emphasized. ‎

He said: ‎

  • ‎I don’t think this is the graduation ceremony any of you imagined. While you should be celebrating all the knowledge you've gained, you may be grieving the things you've lost: the moves you planned, the jobs you gained, and the experiences you looked forward to. In such bleak times, it's hard to find hope. ‎
  • ‎Be open, be patient, and embrace hope. ‎‎If you can do this, history will remember the class of 2020, not because of what you lost, but because of what you changed. You have a chance to change everything.
  • ‎I didn’t have many academic opportunities growing up. ‎‎We didn’t get our first phone until I was ten, and I didn’t use a computer regularly until I came to the United States for graduate school, and it only had one channel. In contrast, you grew up with computers of all shapes and sizes.
  • ‎My father spent the equivalent of a year’s salary on my plane ticket to the United States so that I could go to Stanford University. ‎‎This is my first time flying. ‎
    • ‎The United States is expensive. A phone call home costs more than $2 per minute, and the price of a ‎‎ backpack is equivalent to one month’s salary of my father in India. ‎
    • ‎The only thing that got me from here to there, besides luck, was a deep passion for technology and an open mind.‎
    • ‎The crowd in attendance included former US President Barack Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama, Korean pop group ‎‎BTS‎‎, Lady Gaga, Malala Yousafzai and others. ‎
    • Let us review how this world-class technology giant went from a small town in southern India to the world-class Silicon Valley .

    ‎Sundar Pichai - Children and Education‎

    In the Internet age, each of us can name a few stories about how technology changes the destiny of individuals and even countries: Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, Kai-Fu Lee, etc. - DayDayNews

    Young Sundar Pichai‎

    Pichai was born on June 10, 1972 in Madurai, India‎ city. His father is an electrical engineer, and his mother is a stenographer. ‎

    Pichai did most of his schooling at Jawahar Vidyalaya, a CBSE-affiliated school in Chennai, and completed Year 12 at Vana Vani School, a bustling IIT in Madras. Then did a degree in Metallurgical Engineering from IIT Kolkata Kharagpur. ‎

    ‎Pichai studied at ‎‎Stanford University for a master's degree in materials science and engineering‎, and studied at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for an MBA degree as a Wharton School of Siebel Scholars and Palmer Scholars. ‎

    How to become the CEO of Google ‎

    Pichai started as an engineering and product manager at Applied Materials Company and later joined McKinsey & Company as a management consultant. joined Google in 2004 as a manager ‎‎. He works on Google's client software products, including Google Chrome and Chrome OS. Google Drive is also the brainchild of Sundar Pichai. ‎

    Chromebook was released in 2011 for trials and testing after Pichai demoed Chrome OS in 2009. Chromebooks were officially released to the public in 2012. On March 13, 2013, Pichai added Android to the list of Google products he oversees. All content related to Android was previously managed by Andy Rubin. ‎

    ‎Pichai's team was instrumental in developing the Google Chrome browser. He did not invent it but was involved in actively developing it and then turning it into the most widely used web browser. ‎‎Sundar Pichai became the CEO of Google on August 10, 2015. ‎‎His appointment is attributed to the success of various products launched under his supervision and his exemplary decision-making skills. ‎

    ‎On December 3, 2019, he was appointed as the new CEO of Google parent company ‎‎Alphabet‎‎ Inc. ‎‎. ‎

    ‎Sundar Pichai - Family Man‎

    In the Internet age, each of us can name a few stories about how technology changes the destiny of individuals and even countries: Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, Kai-Fu Lee, etc. - DayDayNews

    Sundar Pichai and wife Anjali Pichai‎

    ‎Sundar Pichai‎‎is married to Anjali Pichai. ‎‎Anjali is Sundar’s classmate at IIT Kharagpur. ‎‎They have two children, a boy named Kiran Pichai and a girl named Kavya Pichai‎‎. The couple lives in Los Altos Hills. ‎

    In the Internet age, each of us can name a few stories about how technology changes the destiny of individuals and even countries: Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, Kai-Fu Lee, etc. - DayDayNews

    ‎Kiran and Kavya Pichai‎

    ‎Sundar and his family are known for keeping a low profile and rarely discuss their lives on public platforms. ‎

    Pichai: A great CEO ‎

    ‎Sundar Pichai is the brains behind Google’s famous search toolbar. Toolbars lead to a huge increase in user searches. It was later merged with ‎‎Google Chrome‎‎. Chrome subsequently became the most used web browser in the world under Pichai. Sundar is also involved in other Google products such as Google Gear and Google Pack.He is an advisory board member of Ruba Inc. and served as principal of Jiva Software from 2011 to 2013. ‎

    ‎Sundar Pichai’s net worth is estimated to be around $600 million. ‎‎He is one of the highest-paid executives in the world. ‎

    ‎Sundar Pichai’s journey is an inspiration to many. From growing up in a humble family in India to becoming the CEO of one of the largest organizations, he is an example of hard work and sincerity. Sundar once recalled in an interview: ‎

    ‎ "My life was very simple, which is very good compared to today's world. We lived in simple houses, shared with tenants. We would sleep on the living room floor. As a child There was a drought that made us anxious. Even now, I can never sleep without a bottle of water by my bed. That’s a big thing for me when other houses have refrigerators. ‎

    This is Pichai, a young man who went from a small town in southern India to the Silicon Valley of the world.

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