It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal

2024/05/2022:31:33 technology 1401

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on the four key points of service attitude, complaint handling, and cases Examples and analysis. Let’s start the analysis with three major points. I hope it will be helpful to you~

Every article is not easy to produce. Friends, please help share the public account~Thank you!

1. Determination criteria for service attitude issues:

Online service rating standards - service attitude

1. It is prohibited to offend and insult customers, have disputes with customers, question customers, and use service prohibitions;

2. When customers are strongly dissatisfied or explicitly request to complain, Customers need to be appeased and handled;

3. Sensitive complaints, such as complaints about products related to 315, industrial and commercial, personal safety, etc., need to be taken care of as soon as possible to avoid the expansion of customer problems;

4. They need to be actively handled within the scope of acceptance services (prohibited) Answers that arouse negative emotions from customers such as impatient, orders, threats, prevarication, etc.);

5, failure to reply to customers after being online for more than 5 minutes during working hours (if the customer sends multiple messages, the time of the first message will be counted);

6, customer If there is any objection or dissatisfaction with the brand or store served by customer service, the customer service staff must actively clarify and appease them to maintain the corporate image;

7. The same comforting words must not be used more than twice;

8. If the customer does not accept the same plan, it must not appear more than 2 times;

Criteria for judging service problems - service attitude

1. Behaviors such as questioning, rhetorical questioning, talking over words, inappropriate word choice, inappropriate metaphors, impatience, and disputes with customers occur during communication;

2. When the customer's mood changes (helpless, complaining, angry) , emotional excitement, etc.) or when they were dissatisfied with the plan, they failed to comfort and guide the customer's emotions in a timely manner, and the online customer service lasted for more than 5 minutes and the telephone customer service failed to respond to the customer for more than 30 seconds;

3. When the customer asked for a complaint, he ignored the customer's complaint needs ( For example, if a customer wants to make a complaint against you, the merchant will reply "Yes", "Okay" or "I'll transfer you to the complaint hotline, without any explanation or follow-up"), or proactively guide the customer to call again (for example, if the customer says "I want to make a complaint against you", the merchant will tell you that I can );

4. When customers question the merchant (such as what the customer said about your service, what is your attitude, etc.) or when the customer complains or insults, the merchant fails to comfort the customer in time or does not respond to the customer;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

2. Four key points in handling complaints:

"Properly" Association"

Establish the concept of service responsibility without saying "no"

1. Listening - accurately capture customer demands

2. Trust - let customers believe that the problem can be solved

3. Actual - propose practical solutions

4. Positive - the process of hard work Let customers feel

Complaint handling - ① Listen to needs and explore problems

Five levels of listening

1. Listen

2. Listen attentively

3. Listen selectively

4. Pretend to listen

5. Listen but not hear

Listen from the customer's perspective. Listening is to give The other party feels

so listening is an emotional activity!

Listen to what he says and watch what he does!

Complaint handling - ② Earn trust

Trust - Let customers believe that you can solve the problem

▲ Have a fair attitude, not condescending, but not servile or weak. Simply put: neither humble nor overbearing.

▲Respect the facts, take responsibility and actively deal with those who are indeed responsible for our company; for those who are not responsible for our company, we should also thank consumers for their concern for the company and provide help as much as possible.

▲When explaining to customers, pay attention to your speaking skills to make them feel comfortable and avoid any words that may cause misunderstanding.

Complaint handling - ③ Seek truth from facts

Apologize and appease

Regardless of whether it is our company's responsibility, give priority to apologies, deal with customer emotions head-on, and solve customer emotional problems first

Propose the first solution

Continuously explore based on customer problems, propose conventional solutions

Propose the second Plan

If the customer does not accept the plan, explore whether there are personalized needs or special problems, and give a targeted second plan

Complaint handling - ④ Positive action

1. Quick response

2. Effective answer

3. Multiple choices

3. Service attitude case Examples and analysis

1. Insults, disputes, rhetorical questions, and questions are prohibited.

standards: It is prohibited to offend and insult customers, have disputes with customers, question customers, or use service bans;

response suggestions: Do not use "Isn't it...?" "Is there something difficult to understand?" "Didn't you say this yourself?" "You have explained so much and you still don't understand." "Even elementary school students know what I mean." "I've said it many times." "You won't read it. "Record it?" and other expressions that can easily offend customers.

suggests replacing it with: "I'm very sorry, maybe I didn't express it very clearly, please let me elaborate again."

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on the four key points of service attitude, complaint handling, and cases Examples and analysis. Let’s start the analysis with three major points. I hope it will be helpful to you~

Every article is not easy to produce. Friends, please help share the public account~Thank you!

1. Determination criteria for service attitude issues:

Online service rating standards - service attitude

1. It is prohibited to offend and insult customers, have disputes with customers, question customers, and use service prohibitions;

2. When customers are strongly dissatisfied or explicitly request to complain, Customers need to be appeased and handled;

3. Sensitive complaints, such as complaints about products related to 315, industrial and commercial, personal safety, etc., need to be taken care of as soon as possible to avoid the expansion of customer problems;

4. They need to be actively handled within the scope of acceptance services (prohibited) Answers that arouse negative emotions from customers such as impatient, orders, threats, prevarication, etc.);

5, failure to reply to customers after being online for more than 5 minutes during working hours (if the customer sends multiple messages, the time of the first message will be counted);

6, customer If there is any objection or dissatisfaction with the brand or store served by customer service, the customer service staff must actively clarify and appease them to maintain the corporate image;

7. The same comforting words must not be used more than twice;

8. If the customer does not accept the same plan, it must not appear more than 2 times;

Criteria for judging service problems - service attitude

1. Behaviors such as questioning, rhetorical questioning, talking over words, inappropriate word choice, inappropriate metaphors, impatience, and disputes with customers occur during communication;

2. When the customer's mood changes (helpless, complaining, angry) , emotional excitement, etc.) or when they were dissatisfied with the plan, they failed to comfort and guide the customer's emotions in a timely manner, and the online customer service lasted for more than 5 minutes and the telephone customer service failed to respond to the customer for more than 30 seconds;

3. When the customer asked for a complaint, he ignored the customer's complaint needs ( For example, if a customer wants to make a complaint against you, the merchant will reply "Yes", "Okay" or "I'll transfer you to the complaint hotline, without any explanation or follow-up"), or proactively guide the customer to call again (for example, if the customer says "I want to make a complaint against you", the merchant will tell you that I can );

4. When customers question the merchant (such as what the customer said about your service, what is your attitude, etc.) or when the customer complains or insults, the merchant fails to comfort the customer in time or does not respond to the customer;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

2. Four key points in handling complaints:

"Properly" Association"

Establish the concept of service responsibility without saying "no"

1. Listening - accurately capture customer demands

2. Trust - let customers believe that the problem can be solved

3. Actual - propose practical solutions

4. Positive - the process of hard work Let customers feel

Complaint handling - ① Listen to needs and explore problems

Five levels of listening

1. Listen

2. Listen attentively

3. Listen selectively

4. Pretend to listen

5. Listen but not hear

Listen from the customer's perspective. Listening is to give The other party feels

so listening is an emotional activity!

Listen to what he says and watch what he does!

Complaint handling - ② Earn trust

Trust - Let customers believe that you can solve the problem

▲ Have a fair attitude, not condescending, but not servile or weak. Simply put: neither humble nor overbearing.

▲Respect the facts, take responsibility and actively deal with those who are indeed responsible for our company; for those who are not responsible for our company, we should also thank consumers for their concern for the company and provide help as much as possible.

▲When explaining to customers, pay attention to your speaking skills to make them feel comfortable and avoid any words that may cause misunderstanding.

Complaint handling - ③ Seek truth from facts

Apologize and appease

Regardless of whether it is our company's responsibility, give priority to apologies, deal with customer emotions head-on, and solve customer emotional problems first

Propose the first solution

Continuously explore based on customer problems, propose conventional solutions

Propose the second Plan

If the customer does not accept the plan, explore whether there are personalized needs or special problems, and give a targeted second plan

Complaint handling - ④ Positive action

1. Quick response

2. Effective answer

3. Multiple choices

3. Service attitude case Examples and analysis

1. Insults, disputes, rhetorical questions, and questions are prohibited.

standards: It is prohibited to offend and insult customers, have disputes with customers, question customers, or use service bans;

response suggestions: Do not use "Isn't it...?" "Is there something difficult to understand?" "Didn't you say this yourself?" "You have explained so much and you still don't understand." "Even elementary school students know what I mean." "I've said it many times." "You won't read it. "Record it?" and other expressions that can easily offend customers.

suggests replacing it with: "I'm very sorry, maybe I didn't express it very clearly, please let me elaborate again."

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem points: Customer service abuse and indifference to sensitive customer complaints;

Diagnosis ideas: First: In response to customer complaints, give priority to appeasing customers, consult customers on specific problem points, express empathy, guide customers to explain problems, provide solutions, and take the initiative Help customers verify specific activity information, dolphin work orders or consult with supervisors, and give customers final solutions;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem points: When customers have questions about their emotional changes, customer service does not comfort and apologize for complaints, and uses rhetorical questions, which can easily aggravate customer emotions;

Diagnosis ideas: First of all: check the chat records first to avoid duplication of solutions. For customer dissatisfaction, give priority to empathizing and appeasing the customers. You can ask the on-site supervisor for help or coordinate a call back to coordinate different solutions to the customer to avoid duplication of solutions;

2 . Sensitive complaints and personal safety are handled in a timely manner

standard: Sensitive complaints, such as complaints about products related to 315, industrial and commercial, personal safety, etc., need to provide customer care immediately to avoid the expansion of customer problems;

response suggestions: apologize and resolve as soon as possible Explain or provide 2+ solutions; when personal injuries are involved, humanistic care for customers' personal problems is required;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem points: involving the sensitive complaint word "315", the customer service did not appease the complaint and apologized to intercept the complaint, but forcibly ended the communication;

diagnosis ideas: First, appease and apologize to the customer and express empathy. The customer service will do its best to deal with the customer's problem. If necessary, you can find the supervisor to coordinate the best solution, and then provide a follow-up reply to the customer to avoid indifferent treatment and accelerate customer complaints. 315;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem point: involving customers For personal safety issues, the customer service did not inquire, comfort or apologize for the customer's problems, lacked humanistic care, and had an indifferent attitude;

diagnosis idea: when it comes to personal safety, first care about the customer's physical health, it is necessary to recommend the customer to seek medical treatment, and at the same time provide customers with caring skills , indicating that they attach great importance to it and will do their best to deal with the problem. If the authority is exceeded or the situation is serious, please contact the supervisor to handle it online;

3. Do not be impatient or push the envelope.

Standard: It must be actively handled within the scope of the acceptance service. (Impatient orders are prohibited. Threats, prevarication, etc. that arouse negative emotions from customers); use weak words, such as: There is no way to deal with this, I can't help you, please figure it out yourself, this is not our problem, etc.;

response suggestions: Ask when customers have complaints Respond to specific issues complained by customers, and then provide answers. When changes cannot be made, listen to customer suggestions and inform them that the problem has been recorded, and continue to improve services in the future;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem points: Customer service did not inquire and answer customer complaints, did not appease and apologize, and just blamed the page Settings to create a blame-shifting experience for customers;

diagnosis idea: Apologize to customers for their dissatisfaction, tell customers that they will do their best to handle customer problems, guide customers to point out the problem, find relevant supervisors or dolphin work orders for verification, and give customers the best solution The best solution is to prohibit directly telling customers that it cannot be handled, which can easily lead to customer complaints;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem points: When customers have questions due to changes in their mood, the customer service does not comfort and apologize for the complaints and intercept the complaints, but instead forcibly ends the communication and answers with impatient words;

Diagnosis idea: pay attention to changes in customer emotions, comfort customers in a timely manner and calm down customer complaints, deal with customer complaints, verify and provide the best solution to customers, remember not to listen to customer demands and make generalizations, and directly provide solutions without verification, which can easily lead to customer complaints ;

4. Actively maintain platform and brand standards

: When customers have objections and dissatisfaction with the brand or store served by customer service, customer service must actively clarify and appease the company and maintain the corporate image;

Response suggestions: Actively explore customer specific issues and provide explanations;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem points : When customers are dissatisfied with the store, the customer service fails to appease and maintain the store's image, fails to ask and answer customer complaints, and forcibly ends communication;

diagnosis idea: first listen patiently to the customer's emotional problems, and then analyze the customer's problem to determine the cause of the store Apologize in a timely manner to appease customers, give them the best solution, actively record and verify points of customer complaints and feed them back to customers, take the initiative to acknowledge and apologize for appeasement caused by store reasons, and ensure that customers' emotions are relieved and problems are followed up and dealt with;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem point: When customers questioned the quality of the brand, the customer service did not explore and explain the complaints to maintain the brand, appease and apologize, and directly guide the after-sales service, which is not conducive to brand image maintenance;

diagnosis idea: first appease and apologize to the customer, listen to the customer's explanation of the problem, and target the customer Feedback issues will be addressed.During the communication process, we tell customers that our products are genuine and are sold strictly in accordance with the national three-guarantee regulations, etc., so that customers can rest assured;

5. Non-repeatable words or solutions

Standard: the same soothing words or the same solution are not accepted by customers and cannot be used twice. Above;

response suggestions: Change communication thinking, provide solutions from multiple angles, explain further if customers do not understand, avoid using the same sentence to reply repeatedly, giving customers a mechanical reply experience;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem points: When customers question the page, customer service Instead of exploring specific issues and explaining them, they repeated the same sentence and responded mechanically, ignoring customer complaints.

Diagnosis ideas: First listen patiently to the customer's problem description, carefully record the customer's problem, and then find the corresponding relevant parties to verify and give the customer an accurate answer. Remember not to Verify direct responses. When communicating, you need to pay enough attention to customer issues, and do not make casual remarks to make customers feel that the store is unprofessional

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem points: When customers are dissatisfied with the page settings, customer service does not recommend 2+ solutions for the complaints, repeats mechanical solutions, and ignores customer needs. ;

Diagnosis idea: If the customer is not satisfied with the repeated plan, it is forbidden to repeat the plan mechanically. Seek help from the supervisor and duty team leader to give the customer an alternative plan, or coordinate a callback to help the customer verify the best plan and call the customer back. It is prohibited. Mechanical duplication scheme appears;

6. Unable to guide complaints

standard: When the customer asks for a complaint, ignore the customer's complaint demand (for example, customer I want to complain about you, the merchant replies yes, okay or I will transfer you to the complaint hotline without any explanation) appease and follow up), or actively guide customers to log in again (for example, the customer says I want to complain about you, and the merchant tells you that it is OK, you can log in again to complain);

response suggestions: Do not actively guide customers to log in to complain, you should first Apologize, explain and intercept;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem point: When a customer complained, the customer service did not apologize and provide other solutions to intercept, but guided the customer to contact the store to make a complaint.

Diagnosis idea: When the customer is dissatisfied, appease and apologize to the customer, and use heart-warming words , and sincerely apologize for the mistakes, and then provide the best solution to the customer to reassure the customer, be sincere, and pay attention to using sweet words;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem point: When the customer asked for a complaint, the customer service did not deal with the complaint, but provided a complaint Email, guide customers to make complaints;

diagnosis idea: If the customer clearly requests a complaint, first calm the customer's emotions, express empathy, guide the customer to state the complaint point, tell the customer targeted solutions, follow up and resolve when necessary, and let the customer Rest assured;

7. Emoticons or symbols cannot be used as alternatives.

Standard: When a customer is strongly dissatisfied or explicitly requests a complaint, the customer must be appeased and handled, and a targeted solution provided;

Response suggestions: Do not use expressions or symbols as a replacement Plan or explain words to respond to customers;

ending with

will briefly share with you some commonly used soothing words. You can simply modify the words after receiving them according to the differences of each company. Thank you for reading and paying attention.

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

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Download method 1: 1. Scan the code with WeChat - 2. Save to the network disk - 3. Download

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

in the network disk APP ▼ Go Highlights of this period ▼

Do you know the common types and countermeasures of after-sales refunds? A must-read for supervisors and after-sales service!

How does a customer service manager hold the first team meeting after joining the company? How can it be effective?

Things to note when communicating with customers during customer service reception [Welfare courseware included]

Updated useful articles every Monday

Welfare courseware can be downloaded at any time

During the communication process, we tell customers that our products are genuine and are sold strictly in accordance with the national three-guarantee regulations, etc., so that customers can rest assured;

5. Non-repeatable words or solutions

Standard: the same soothing words or the same solution are not accepted by customers and cannot be used twice. Above;

response suggestions: Change communication thinking, provide solutions from multiple angles, explain further if customers do not understand, avoid using the same sentence to reply repeatedly, giving customers a mechanical reply experience;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem points: When customers question the page, customer service Instead of exploring specific issues and explaining them, they repeated the same sentence and responded mechanically, ignoring customer complaints.

Diagnosis ideas: First listen patiently to the customer's problem description, carefully record the customer's problem, and then find the corresponding relevant parties to verify and give the customer an accurate answer. Remember not to Verify direct responses. When communicating, you need to pay enough attention to customer issues, and do not make casual remarks to make customers feel that the store is unprofessional

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem points: When customers are dissatisfied with the page settings, customer service does not recommend 2+ solutions for the complaints, repeats mechanical solutions, and ignores customer needs. ;

Diagnosis idea: If the customer is not satisfied with the repeated plan, it is forbidden to repeat the plan mechanically. Seek help from the supervisor and duty team leader to give the customer an alternative plan, or coordinate a callback to help the customer verify the best plan and call the customer back. It is prohibited. Mechanical duplication scheme appears;

6. Unable to guide complaints

standard: When the customer asks for a complaint, ignore the customer's complaint demand (for example, customer I want to complain about you, the merchant replies yes, okay or I will transfer you to the complaint hotline without any explanation) appease and follow up), or actively guide customers to log in again (for example, the customer says I want to complain about you, and the merchant tells you that it is OK, you can log in again to complain);

response suggestions: Do not actively guide customers to log in to complain, you should first Apologize, explain and intercept;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem point: When a customer complained, the customer service did not apologize and provide other solutions to intercept, but guided the customer to contact the store to make a complaint.

Diagnosis idea: When the customer is dissatisfied, appease and apologize to the customer, and use heart-warming words , and sincerely apologize for the mistakes, and then provide the best solution to the customer to reassure the customer, be sincere, and pay attention to using sweet words;

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

Problem point: When the customer asked for a complaint, the customer service did not deal with the complaint, but provided a complaint Email, guide customers to make complaints;

diagnosis idea: If the customer clearly requests a complaint, first calm the customer's emotions, express empathy, guide the customer to state the complaint point, tell the customer targeted solutions, follow up and resolve when necessary, and let the customer Rest assured;

7. Emoticons or symbols cannot be used as alternatives.

Standard: When a customer is strongly dissatisfied or explicitly requests a complaint, the customer must be appeased and handled, and a targeted solution provided;

Response suggestions: Do not use expressions or symbols as a replacement Plan or explain words to respond to customers;

ending with

will briefly share with you some commonly used soothing words. You can simply modify the words after receiving them according to the differences of each company. Thank you for reading and paying attention.

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

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Download method 1: 1. Scan the code with WeChat - 2. Save to the network disk - 3. Download

It is very important for a good store to have good service standards and awareness. Many friends definitely don’t know where to start on how to standardize. In this issue, we will focus on service attitude issues, four key points of complaint handling, and case examples. and anal - DayDayNews

in the network disk APP ▼ Go Highlights of this period ▼

Do you know the common types and countermeasures of after-sales refunds? A must-read for supervisors and after-sales service!

How does a customer service manager hold the first team meeting after joining the company? How can it be effective?

Things to note when communicating with customers during customer service reception [Welfare courseware included]

Updated useful articles every Monday

Welfare courseware can be downloaded at any time

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