Artificial intelligence "head wild goose flying", China Artificial Intelligence Annual Conference held in Hengyang

2021/10/1016:08:19 technology 2103

This afternoon, the 2021 Artificial Intelligence Annual Conference and the 2021 China AI Golden Goose Award Ceremony were held in Hengyang.

Artificial intelligence

This event brings together high-end talents and experts from industry, academia and research in the national science and technology circles. More than ten academicians and dozens of artificial intelligence company founders and CEOs attended.

Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician Ni Guangnan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Zheng Weimin, Vice President of Jingdong Group Zheng Yu, 111 Group Co-founder Yu Gang, Canadian Academy of Engineering Academician Yang Jun, Japanese Academy of Engineering Academician Li Xunjie, University of Science and Technology Fei Vice President Wu Junhua, Dart Robot Co-founder Wang Bing, and dozens of artificial intelligence experts and business leaders from various sub-fields will give speeches and in-depth dialogues on the artificial intelligence industry.

At the same time, this event hopes to use academic + market, from the perspective of true Chinese scientific and technological strength, through keynote speeches and roundtable dialogues, to work together to create an integrated application scenario development path, and to jointly draw a blueprint for sustainable technological innovation and development. .

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Gigi Hao

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