# Folklore Strange People and Strange Things# During the Ming Dynasty, there was a child named Ling Yu in Xuanzhou Prefecture. Both his parents died when he was young. He almost froze to death in the snow when he was 8 years old. An old man named Liu Ming who passed by saw him pi

When Ling Yu woke up, he asked him if he wanted to be his son. If you want, kneel down, kowtow, and call him daddy. Ling Yu was naturally willing. After all, the old man had just saved his life and he had nowhere to go. He quickly knelt down, kowtowed firmly, and called daddy.

After this, Ling Yu lived in Liu Ming's house. Ten years passed in the blink of an eye, and Ling Yu was eighteen years old.

One day, Ling Yu went up the mountain to collect herbs, intending to dry them and sell them for money. When he was halfway up the mountain, he suddenly smelled the smell of blood. He saw a white python covered in wounds. The python was as big as Ling Yu's thigh. It was thick and blood kept coming out. Ling Yu was a kind-hearted person, so he went to collect herbs to stop the bleeding nearby, and walked over to apply it on the snake's wound. Snake was very wary at first, but then she gradually relaxed after realizing that Ling Yu was treating her injuries. After Ling Yu's treatment, the wound on the snake stopped bleeding quickly. Ling Yu continued to collect herbs in the mountains, and then went down the mountain without taking this matter to heart.

After some time, Ling Yu had a dream at night. He dreamed of a woman who told him that he wanted to repay his kindness and that she wanted to commit herself to her. At dawn, a beautiful woman came to the door of the house, saying she was here to repay a favor. Ling Yu asked: What kind of favor was repaid? The woman said: My name is Liu Yue, and I am the snake you saved some time ago. That day was a critical moment in cultivation, and I was accidentally plotted. Fortunately, Ling Yu saved me. Now that I have become a cultivator, I will go down the mountain to find Ling Yu to repay my kindness!

Ling Yu didn't mind that Liu Yue was a snake, after all, she appeared in front of him in human form. He let her live in his home first. After about half a year, the two fell in love with each other and got married under Liu Ming's auspices. After getting married, the two lived happily!