College students of different generations have different states of falling in love. In the past, there were few college students, and most of them focused on their studies when they went to college. Even if they fell in love, they were looking for the long term. However, nowadays

College students of different generations have different states of falling in love. In the past, there were few college students, and most of them focused on their studies when they went to college. Even if they fell in love, they were looking for the long term. However, nowadays, love among college students seems to have become a kind of college life. experience, sometimes two people can quickly confirm their relationship if they feel right.

Before going to college, parents had a very strict attitude towards students' love affairs. Even if the students said a few words to the opposite sex, the parents would ask suspicious questions. However, once they went to college, in today's marriage market where there is more money and less money, parents would rather have college students. Fall in love earlier, and if it is stable, you may even want to take it home and look at .

A college student brought his girlfriend home during the summer vacation, and the two spent the night together in the same room.

Ronaldinho, a college student, is already in his junior year. He has a girlfriend he has been with since freshman year, and their relationship is very stable. Ronaldinho goes to college in the south, but his hometown In the Northeast, due to the epidemic in the past few years, his girlfriend has never had the opportunity to visit the Northeast. This time it is summer vacation. Ronaldinho plans to take his girlfriend back to his hometown, meet his parents and travel together.

After Ronaldinho told his parents about this matter, their parents were very happy. Ronaldinho had done well since he was a child, and the university he was admitted to was double first-class . The parents felt that Ronaldinho was old enough to fall in love, and the other party was Ronaldinho's classmate. , they are also college students from double first-class universities, their age and academic qualifications match , and their parents are very happy.

Ronaldinho’s mother cooked a large table of food at home. After seeing Ronaldinho’s girlfriend, she couldn’t stop praising her. Although the girl is not a glamorous girl, she is also pretty and pleasant, and her conversation is very polite. Ronaldinho’s mother said The prospective daughter-in-law was very satisfied with it, but she was delayed for a while after finishing the meal. It was almost ten o'clock, and her mother had not seen Ronaldinho to send the girl to the hotel. She was a little worried, and she was afraid that Ronaldinho was careless and forgot. , so I reminded you quietly.

Unexpectedly, Ronaldinho said that his girlfriend would stay in the same room with him at night. My mother was very surprised at the time, and hesitantly asked if this was not appropriate? Ronaldinho said that his girlfriend was from the south and was not used to living in a hotel in a strange environment, so the two spent the night in the same room.

The next day, his mother persuaded him to break up, and the college student said he didn't understand.

Ronaldinho planned to take his girlfriend out for a walk the next day, but his mother, who was very enthusiastic the night before, was very cold at this time, and even pulled Ronaldinho to persuade him to break up, The mother thought that Ronaldinho was in love for the first time and had an honest and responsible character. However, this female classmate lived with her son when she met her parents for the first time. She probably had a lot of love experience and the two of them were not suitable.

Ronaldinho, a college student, didn't understand what his mother said. He didn't understand that the classmates around him brought their girlfriends home and they all lived together. College students are already adults. Is there anything wrong with this? He asked for his opinion on this matter online, but got different answers.

Some people think that mothers don’t understand because of the generation gap. They were more conservative at that time and did not agree with this kind of thing. However, today’s university campus atmosphere is open, not to mention that there are many people who live together and get married and have children before graduating from university. They may have already lived together in a place where parents didn't see it, and covering it up when they get home will only look guilty.

And some netizens feel that this matter is not the responsibility of the female college student. Your son obviously did not object, so why was it the woman who disliked it in the end? Isn't this a double standard?

Some parents feel that college students should not live together if they are not married yet and are only in the relationship stage, let alone meeting each other's family for the first time, and they should not be so casual . Girls are easily hurt and criticized in this matter. So you should pay more attention to protecting yourself.

College students should have a sense of proportion when it comes to love, and at the same time, parents’ ideas should also keep pace with the times.

University campuses do not oppose students’ love, but it can also be found from the school regulations of many colleges and universities that college students are not encouraged to live together. Many key universities It is clearly stated in the school regulations that unmarried cohabitation on campus is considered a disciplinary violation. This shows that although colleges and universities do not allow part-time students to fall in love, they are opposed to taking it further.

University is a place for students to study and study. Although college students have grown up, many students are still immature in their thinking and often cannot be responsible for their own actions. Once problems arise, it will not only affect their studies but also the future development of both people, especially Female college students are even more disadvantaged in this regard.

Therefore, college students should exercise caution when falling in love, and do not impulsively do things that they regret. Moreover, love on college campuses often end in breakups. Do not affect your future development because of a short love.

However, I also want to remind parents that the concept of love among college students should also keep pace with the times. Times are developing, and college students also have their own ideas about the choice of their partner. Parents cannot force students to accept their own opinions . If you want to give College students suggest that you can communicate peacefully in private, don't be too tough, and don't say impolite words in front of the other party. Which college student is not the treasure of his parents? Parents cannot just treat their own students as treasures and belittle other people's students.

Today’s topic: Do you think college students who bring their girlfriends home should live together?

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