Just when I was about to start practicing, Haiyang arrived. I expressed my gratitude to him for working tirelessly to deliver goods to me every time. I took the goods and piled them all under the banyan tree. I cut some bamboo and started building the house and yard. After a week

Just when I was about to start practicing, Haiyang arrived.

I expressed my gratitude to him for working tirelessly to deliver goods to me every time.

I took the goods and piled them all under the banyan tree.

I cut some bamboo and started building the house and yard.

After a week of busy work, the bamboo house, bamboo bed and bamboo yard are all ready.

I used a calligraphy pen to write a few cool cursive characters on the bamboo plaque - Infinite Joy Food Park. I was very satisfied with my calligraphy.

In the days to come, I will make delicious food here and sell it to people in Wuming Village, in order to change their bad habit of relying solely on pawning.

It was early summer, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were chirping in the banyan tree.

I got up early and started making hot dry noodles .

I cook the alkaline noodles until they are medium done. Add some rock sugar while cooking, pick them up after cooking, add salt, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, salted radish cubes, mustard shreds, chili oil, beef sauce , sesame paste, water garlic, Chives, coriander, some cooked black sesame , and laba beans .

I started to fry noodle nests , glutinous rice cakes , and glutinous rice chicken , fried dough sticks, Huanxi Tuo .

Soy milk is indispensable for breakfast.

I first had a happy breakfast - hot dry noodles, soy milk, and two noodle nests.

The aroma of hot dry noodles floats into the nostrils of the villagers of Wuming Village who got up early.

For three days in a row, no one came to buy breakfast.

I’m not worried. Hot-dry noodles are a delicacy of the earth, a special delicacy of the Earth’s Jiangcheng (Wuhan). On this dreamless planet, there are no hot-dry noodles. And I, Wu Xiaochui, brought hot-dry noodles , including those delicious fried ones.

On the morning of the fourth day, I still ate hot dry noodles, but instead of eating noodle nests, I had fried mung bean glutinous rice cake, and drank Shuxian brand rice wine.

Finally, people couldn't help it anymore and were tempted by the delicious food.

An aunt came over with her six-year-old daughter.

The aunt asked: Boss, how do you sell this noodle?

I put down my chopsticks and said: There is no money for this noodle, I just need you to do something for me.

The little girl opened her eyes wide and asked: Uncle, what do you want us to do?

I thought about it and said: I want to write a calligraphy work. I need your mother to help me sharpen the ink and you to help me wash the pen.

Auntie said: I have plenty of money, why do I still have to do things? I don't like doing things the most. It would be nice to lie flat.

I refuse: I don’t need money, I just need you to do things for me.

The little girl was a little tempted: Uncle, I am willing to help you wash your pen. I want to eat this noodle and those.

She pointed to the noodle nest, Huanxi Tuo and the like.

Auntie was unhappy: Xiaowan, we are not his servants, why should we help him work? We won’t eat this.

Xiao Wan said: Mom, but I want to eat.

Auntie shouted: What kind of Arrancar is this? Will you die if you don’t eat it? go home with me. After

said that, he took Xiaowan away.

Yes, you won't die if you don't eat this noodles, but it's wrong for you to say that the delicacies I made are Arran noodles. If you don't want to eat it, then get out of here. I'm not begging you to eat it.


I shook my head, didn’t care, and continued to enjoy the glutinous rice cake and hot dry noodles.

I am not worried about not having customers, I am confident in the food I cook.

On the fifth day, a human came.