Because I lingered in the library for too long, I didn't leave the library until 12:30 noon. On the walk home, I felt hungry for a while and I didn't know if I could make it all the way home. I was overjoyed when I suddenly saw a 1949 Tofu Nao on trial opening on the roadside. ​I

Because I lingered in the library for too long, I didn't leave the library until 12:30 noon. On the walk home, I felt hungry for a while and I didn't know if I could make it all the way home. Suddenly I saw a 1949 Tofu Nao on the roadside that was open for trial operation. I couldn't help but be overjoyed.

I walked into the store hesitantly and then stood in front of the bar. Then a young couple who came in quickly got in and ordered before me. The elderly are slow and useless. Although the waiter sweetly called me sister, it didn't scare me. Isn't that their marketing strategy?

The young couple wore refreshing royal blue couple T-shirts. The man is tall and tall, with a straight nose and a square mouth. He looks at the woman ordering food with a doting look on his face. The woman has picturesque features and her long black hair is tied high. The two of them together are so beautiful and eye-catching.

The sapphire girl looked at the menu, then looked at the sapphire man, and said, "I'll have a salt and pepper roast."

As soon as she opened her mouth, I was shocked. Her voice was not only hoarse, but also sounded like she was suffocating in a wet quilt. She is a goddess when she doesn't open her mouth, but when she opens her mouth, her good feelings are shattered. She must be talking about her type of person. It would be a pity for everyone to have a flaw in a very good piece of jade.

The waiter said: "fire was only available in the morning, and it is gone now."

Sapphire Girl listened and said: "How can it be gone? Really. What should I eat then? Okay, then I will have a sandwich. Fried dough sticks pie, a bowl of tofu. Oh, will you get fat if you eat fried dough sticks? "

In the hot weather, her voice makes people want to lift the wet quilt to take a breath, otherwise they will have a heart attack. There are such ugly sounds in this world. In addition to the male duck's voice, the smoky voice, and the broken gong voice, there was also the wet quilt voice. This time I heard them all.

I then ordered my food and found a seat a little further away from them. When the temperature is as high as 33 degrees, the indoor air-conditioning is turned on and there is fast Wi-Fi. As long as there are no unpleasant sounds, it is still very comfortable.

Because the fried dough sticks are all freshly fried, you have to wait for a while. A conscientious shop insists on changing the oil every two days, and even lets you take a look at the back kitchen.

Sapphire Girl continued to talk, and her husband probably didn’t think her voice was unpleasant. Only strangers feel guilty listening to her because they have no emotional basis with her. Then she started scrolling through her phone. Thank God, she finally stopped talking.

Mia said that her blind date with Mr. Qiu was successful because his voice was beautiful, like clear springs coming out of the valley. That's the beauty of sound. In the past few decades, who among us has not been obsessed with Tong Zirong Ding Jianhua?

In fact, the quality of a person's voice depends entirely on God's arrangement and cannot be done through hard work. Which card you get depends entirely on God's mood, it's just a matter of luck. The sound is nice and suitable for dubbing, singing, reciting, giving speeches, recording audio books and talking about love. My voice doesn't sound good, so I have to talk less.

People with unpleasant voices are suitable for occupations that do not require speaking. Especially don't quarrel with others, otherwise you will lose everything no matter whether you are justified or not.

Nowadays, various cosmetic techniques and plastic surgery are emerging in endlessly. Even boys have begun to draw eyebrows, apply lipstick, have hairline cuts, and cut their jawbones. Only the voice cannot be made up. We have never heard of anyone's voice changing from murky and hoarse to crisp and clear. Soaking , fat sea , and taking golden throat throat medicine all don’t work. So there seems to be no other way but to control the volume. Some people even destroy their naturally good voices because of their addiction to tobacco and alcohol. There are also people who run tutoring classes to make money and turn their voices into broken gongs.

I’m going too far, let’s go back to the fried dough sticks.

Sandwich Fritter Pie is a short and fat fried dough stick cut open, filled with cabbage leaves, fried eggs, smeared with salad dressing and mustard sauce, and then inserted into a bamboo stick with a small green heart - cute and cute like the mast of a ship.The fat fried dough sticks originally taste good, but the shorter ones make them more delicate. In addition, the combination of local and foreign food, Chinese and Western food, is unique and ingenious, which is really interesting.

Under the epidemic, many shops in this city have closed down, but many shops have opened with joy. Zhang Ailing wrote in " Ember Record ": "I remember how we searched the streets for ice cream and lipstick after the fall of Hong Kong." "The male and female students in the dormitory talked about nothing but eating all day long." "We stood in Eating fried radish pancakes at a stall, and seeing the bruised corpse of a poor man lying under my feet far away gave me a shocking and intense stimulation that I will never forget for many years. No matter how ups and downs the environment changes, if you can eat happily, you will have the strong will to live and the amiable human fireworks. Eating, to some extent, also heals the wounds caused by wars and natural disasters to the people. The most important thing is to live, and then live well.

Although fried food is not good for health, eating it once in a while can actually be a pleasant surprise. I hope 1949 Tofu Nao can survive and prosper in the long run. It's great to sit there when I pass by.

Baolan and his wife finished their lunch and left with satisfaction. Bao Lannu said goodbye to the landlady, still feeling stuffy in the wet quilt. But because he was leaving, it wasn't so annoying.

At this time, my fried dough stick pie has also cooled down, it no longer burns my mouth, and the temperature is just right.