During the Qing Dynasty, there was a widow named Sun in Liuzhou. She was a poor woman. Her husband died unexpectedly before her son Yi Tianci was a full moon. In order to support her son, Widow Sun, who was still in confinement, began to make money by working as a female celebrit

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a widow named Sun in Liuzhou . She was a hard-working woman. Her husband died unexpectedly before her son Yi Tianci was a full moon. In order to support her son, Widow Sun, who was still in confinement, began to make money by working as a female celebrity.

Widow Sun was very beautiful, gentle and virtuous, and her neighbors often advised her to marry another woman to avoid hardship. But she was worried that her married son would be bullied, so she refused everyone's kindness.

When Yi Tianci was ten years old, the world was in a recession, and there were very few people looking for work for Widow Sun. Mother and son were often hungry and full. Later, they couldn't stand it any longer and decided to flee elsewhere.

One night, Widow Sun was packing up her belongings. She shed tears again when she looked at the things her late husband had used. She thought to herself, if her husband was still alive, how could she have to work so hard? After learning from the painful experience, she found all the belongings of her late husband and planned to seal them up.

At this time, a large box caught her attention, and she saw a letter and a bag of silver placed in the mezzanine of the box. Widow Sun said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to leave two hundred taels of silver for us two. We don't have to leave this time." After that, she opened the letter again and read it, but her face immediately turned ugly.

After that, Widow Sun stopped working and took care of her children at home every day. The neighbors were very confused when they saw this, wondering how a jobless widow could support her son. She couldn't stand being talked about, so she confessed to everyone. Unexpectedly, it backfired, causing many people with evil intentions to be concerned about the money, including Wang Zherong.

Speaking of Wang Zherong, he is a well-known gangster in the city. He usually only steals and engages in illegal activities, especially his clever mouth that has deceived many good women. He heard that Widow Sun had become rich recently, so he planned to marry her and gain both wealth and sex.

From that day on, Wang Zherong was like dog-skin plaster, blocking the door of Widow Sun’s house and saying sweet words every day. Yi Tianci was tired of this piece of brown candy. On the other hand, Widow Sun gradually became immersed in it and even agreed to the marriage without realizing it. Unexpectedly, this move pushed herself into a pit of fire.

After getting married, the two were happy and loving, but soon Wang Zherong's true nature was exposed. He was lazy and lazy all day long, and often stole his wife's money to make money. One day, Wang Zherong was about to steal money while his wife was not around, but was bumped into by Widow Sun who accidentally entered the house.

Widow Sun took the money and cursed him for not being a thing. Wang Zheronghuo hit her upwards and immediately punched and kicked her. Yi Tianci came to see his mother being humiliated, and went to the kitchen to grab a kitchen knife to fight Wang Zherong.

Even though he was only ten years old, he was tall and strong, and with a knife in his hand, Wang Zherong was so frightened that he stepped back. At this time, Widow Sun scolded: "Get out quickly, it's not your turn to deal with your father and me." Yi Tianci was so angry that he put down his knife and ran outside to cry.

Wang Zherong thought that Widow Sun was afraid of him, so he beat and scolded her more violently every day. Unfortunately, Widow Sun was often covered with injuries. The most terrible thing is that her family's savings have been wiped out. In order to make ends meet, she has to work outside again. Yi Tianci couldn't bear it anymore, so he told his mother that he could either let him teach Wang Zherong a lesson or leave home.

Seeing that her son was determined to vent her anger, Widow Song said earnestly: "Son, you will have to thank him in a few years. The reason is that I can't say for the time being. In short, listen to your mother and don't be impulsive. I will not suffer all these hardships in vain." ." After Jing Niang's persuasion, Yi Tianci calmed down and nodded sensibly.

In the blink of an eye, eight years later, Yi Tianci has become a handsome young man. With his good carpentry skills, he has become the favorite of many women. After being introduced by the matchmaker, he fell in love with a woman named Pang Chunmei from a neighboring town. Pang Chunmei is fair-skinned, beautiful and has long legs. The only drawback is that she has an unhealthy lifestyle and is said to often flirt with others.

Ke Yi Tianci believed in everything he saw. He would not believe it unless he saw it with his own eyes, so he decided to marry Pang Chunmei.After marriage, he discovered that his wife was not as rumored. Instead, she was gentle, virtuous and filial to her parents-in-law, and she was a model among women. What's even more gratifying is that even Wang Zherong, who always loved to go out and have fun, has changed his bad habits and stayed at home all day.

On this day, Widow Song felt unwell while working and returned home at noon. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the house, he heard an indecent sound. She leaned out of the window and peeked, and found that her husband was having an affair with his daughter-in-law.

Wang Zherong smiled and said: "Good daughter-in-law, you are so beautiful."

Pang Chunmei blushed and said: "Dad is no worse than young people. Get dressed quickly. They should go home soon."

But Widow Sun just smiled. , pretending that nothing was wrong, turned around and went out again. She didn't go home until dark, and she didn't mention it when she saw her son. After that, Widow Sun often came back early, and almost every time she would encounter the scandal between the two. The strange thing was that she never told her son and allowed him to be a cuckold.

On this day, when Yi Tianci came home from work, a neighbor took him to a place where no one was around and said angrily: "You don't know, your stepfather is having an affair with your wife. Your mother also knows about it, but she didn't tell him." You?" It turned out that the neighbor couldn't stand it anymore and came to remind him.

Yi Tianci was so angry that he immediately asked his mother to question him. Widow Sun was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly: "Son, please don't be impulsive. It will be your father's death anniversary in seven days. After that day, I will tell you everything."

Yi Tianci said : "Okay, I believe you again."

On the morning of seven days later, the mother and son went up the mountain to worship. Near noon, Yi Tianci wanted to go home, but was stopped by Widow Sun. She said she had to spend the night here.

Waiting until the next day, the mother and son went down the mountain towards home. From a distance, they saw many neighbors gathered in front of the house. They got closer and found that Wang Zherong and Pang Chunmei were both dead in the yard, and several government officials were checking on the two. According to neighbors, they heard two people screaming the night before, and that was it when morning came.

Widow Sun pretended to be sad and said: "What happened?"

The yamen officer replied: "While you two were going up the mountain, they hooked up together. Unexpectedly, when they were doing something wrong, they suddenly died of a bad disease."

After that, the two of them got together. The body was taken away and the case was dropped. Yi Tianci was even more confused and asked his mother why the two died. Widow Sun sighed: "Oh, my son, my mother did it all for you."

It turned out that Widow Sun learned from the letter left by her late husband that Yi Tianci was a heinous person in his previous life and could only live to be eighteen years old in this life. . If you want to escape this disaster, you must find a bad person to ward off the disaster for you. It would be better if this person is a close relative.

Widow Sun chose to marry Wang Zherong and allowed him to do evil in order to make him become worse so that she could ward off disasters for her son. But what Widow Sun didn't expect was that her daughter-in-law would actually have an affair with her husband. After much thought, she didn't do anything to stop her, thinking that it would be better if more people could protect her son from the disaster.

In addition, Widow Sun also found someone to figure out that the day of Yi Tianci's disaster happened to be the anniversary of her late husband's death, so she took her son up the mountain to take refuge. When mother and son returned home, the two villains were indeed dead.

Afterwards, the mother and son gave them a grand burial and paid homage to them every anniversary of their death. Unfortunately, from then on, Widow Sun's health deteriorated and she eventually contracted an illness and died. Yi Tianci blamed himself endlessly, so he often accumulated virtues and did good deeds, and lived until he was ninety before dying without any illness.