During the Republic of China, there was a butcher named Zheng Erlang in a small town in the south. His parents died young and he and his brother Zheng Dapang depended on each other. Zheng Dapang was also a butcher. He was hardworking and kind-hearted. When he was twenty years old

During the Republic of China, there was a butcher named Zheng Erlang in a small town in the south. His parents died young and he and his brother Zheng Dapang depended on each other.

Fatty Zheng is also a butcher. He is hardworking and kind-hearted. When he was twenty years old, he married his wife Liu's .

Speaking of which, this Liu family was originally a woman who fled from the north. She has a slim figure and is charming.

One night, Fatty Zheng saw some gangsters teasing her. He drew out his butcher knife angrily, and after a few rounds, he beat the gangsters into submission.

One of the gangsters showed a hint of joy when he saw Big Fat Zheng's butcher knife, but he quickly pretended to be scared and ran away.

Out of gratitude and because she was helpless, Mrs. Liu married Zheng Dapang.

After getting married, the two lived a happy and sweet life.

When Zheng Erlang reached his thirties, he took the initiative to separate the family in order not to disturb the world of his brother and sister-in-law.

The old butcher left two houses. Zheng Erlang had a generous personality and said that he wanted the small abandoned house at the east end of the village. Fatty Zheng was very moved and privately gave his younger brother some silver as compensation. At the same time, he also thought that his younger brother could start a family and start a business as soon as possible.

But his younger brother Zheng Erlang was thinking about his elder brother and said that he would need to spend a lot of money soon after his wedding, so he refused to accept anything.

When Fatty Zheng saw this, he did not insist anymore. Instead, he took out a butcher knife that exuded a primitive atmosphere with a solemn expression, "This is handed down from our ancestors. It is said that it can ward off evil spirits. It may be useful if you carry it."

" Brother, I never do anything wrong, why are you bringing this?" Zheng Erlang waved his hand.

"This is a treasure passed down from our ancestors. You must keep it well." Zheng Da Pang had a tigerish face and was full of majesty.

Zheng Erlang had no choice but to take it and put it away.

One night, Zheng Erlang was returning from selling meat. When he passed by a forest, he heard a rustling sound.

He was very curious, so he followed the sound and found a white fox covered in blood. Its legs were clamped by iron clamps, and it kept whining.

This white fox is huge, almost the same size as a tiger. Zheng Erlang couldn't help but be a little scared when he saw it.

The white fox stared at him with a pair of green eyes, as if begging him for help.

Zheng Erlang hesitated and said softly, "Since you have met Zheng, it is your blessing, so I will help you."

Zheng Erlang was tall and strong, but it took a lot of time to pull it off. Open the clip.

After the white fox escaped, he nodded at him.

"Be careful next time." Zheng Erlang was also very happy to get the white fox's approval.

Strangely enough, a few days later, there were rumors in the village that there were man-eating foxes in the back mountains, so everyone should be careful.

Fatty Zheng, who has always been bold, was dismissive. He had heard of wolves, tigers and leopards eating people, but he had never heard of foxes being so ferocious.

Zheng Erlang was shocked when he heard this. Could this man-eating white fox be the one he rescued a few days ago?

In order to confirm his suspicion, he lurked in the back mountain as soon as it got dark, but after waiting for several days, he didn't find it, so he didn't take it to heart.

However, a few days later, Zheng Erlang, who was still out buying Lao Niu, suddenly heard the bad news that his brother Zheng Dapang was eaten by a fox and no bones were left.

Zheng Erlang almost fainted after hearing this.

He rushed to the scene of the incident and found the fur of the white fox on the grass. He regretted for a moment that he should not have saved the white fox in the first place.

After taking care of her brother's funeral, Mrs. Liu shed tears all day long, feeling very pitiful.

In order to take care of his widowed sister-in-law, Zheng Erlang often sent her some fresh beef and sometimes helped her with farm work.

One night, Zheng Erlang picked a good leg of beef and sent it to his sister-in-law.

Ms. Liu received her warmly, with a rare sweet smile on her face, which finally made Zheng Erlang feel relieved.

A few days later, Zheng Erlang came to deliver meat to his door again. This time he came in a hurry. It took Liu a long time to knock on the door before she opened the door.

However, Zheng Erlang seemed to have noticed something was wrong. He always felt that there was someone else in his sister-in-law's house.

After Mrs. Liu took the meat, she had no intention of inviting Zheng Erlang into the house, saying that she was tired today and wanted to have a good rest.

Zheng Erlang said sorry, but when his eyes touched her embroidered shoes , he couldn't help but frowned.

Normally, Mrs. Liu always pays attention to the details of life. For example, she will keep the house very clean, but tonight, the embroidered shoes on her feet were worn backwards.

Mrs. Liu seemed to have noticed Zheng Erlang staring at her embroidered shoes. She couldn't help but blush, her eyes dodge, she hurriedly said, "Go back first," and then closed the door impatiently.

After a busy day today, Zheng Erlang felt a little sleepy while walking on the road. When he saw a big tree on the roadside, he decided to squint for a while before going home.

Just after falling asleep, a beautiful woman with white skin came into the dream.

Her voice was very beautiful, and she kept calling him benefactor.

Zheng Erlang was very surprised, "Girl, who are you? Why do you call me benefactor."

The woman stared at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "Benefactor, I am the white fox you saved that day."

Listen When he saw the white fox's son, Zheng Erlang was filled with anger, "You ungrateful white fox, tell me! Why did you harm my brother?"

The woman was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she quickly knelt down, "My benefactor, how can I eat people?" , you must have misunderstood."

Zheng Erlang felt soft for a moment when he saw the woman's pitiful appearance. He couldn't help but feel more favorable to her. He helped her up and talked about his brother being eaten by a fox.

The woman frowned and said, "There must be someone pretending to be a fox to commit murder. My benefactor, I am here for this very reason. Someone will come to harm you tonight."

After finishing speaking, the woman took out a very ordinary piece of clothing. , "Tonight you will be undressed and sleep in it."

Zheng Erlang was puzzled, "Why?"

The woman looked embarrassed, "Benefactor, this is a secret. I don't dare to reveal too much about it. Just remember it. ." After

finished speaking, the woman drifted away.

When Zheng Erlang woke up, he found that there was really a piece of clothing in his arms. Recalling the words of the woman in the dream, he was shocked. It seemed that the dream was true.

When he got home, Zheng Erlang kept the woman's words in mind and did not take off his clothes when going to bed. He even put on the clothes and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, a man in black quietly appeared in front of the window. He was very agile and quickly broke the window and entered the house.

After searching for a while without any results, the man in black became angry and put on a fox fur, making him look like a fox.

He pointed at Zheng Erlang with his sharp claws and said loudly, "Quickly tell me, where is the butcher knife."

Zheng Erlang was woken up and was frightened when he saw a fox as tall as a person appearing in front of him.

"What kind of butcher knife?"

Zheng Erlang was trembling.

"Humph, I will eat you if you don't tell me!"

After saying that, the man in black grabbed Zheng Erlang's back with his iron claws.

What he didn't expect was that the clothes on Zheng Erlang were extremely flexible and could not be pierced by sharp claws.

Zheng Erlang, who had escaped the disaster, had a flash of understanding, but soon, anger rose in his eyes.

It turns out that this vixen is pretending to be a person, and he must be here for the ancestral butcher knife. If so, then my brother was also killed by this person.

"You are the murderer of my brother, I want revenge!" After saying that, Zheng Erlang took out the ancestral butcher knife from his arms.

The man in black's eyes flashed after seeing it, "Haha, you are very smart. You actually carry it with you. Let me take you to the Palace of Hell. You brothers can go and get together."

Although Zheng Erlang is not very skilled in martial arts, he has special abilities. The clothes were self-defense, and the butcher knife was very sharp, so the two were evenly matched for a while. However, the man in black was very fierce. He saw the opportunity and kicked Zheng Erlang away. The butcher knife fell to the ground and was snatched away by the man in black.

At this moment, Mrs. Liu also arrived. She said to the man in black, "Chopping the weeds without eradicating the roots will only cause endless harm."

Zheng Erlang almost spit out a mouthful of blood after hearing this. Unexpectedly, his widowed sister-in-law not only did not know how to be grateful, He even teamed up with gangsters to kill his brother, he was so vicious.

The two of them must have been cheating just now, and they were caught by me. They were worried about being exposed, and at the same time they wanted to seize the ancestral butcher knife, so they came to silence them. This was a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

The man in black sneered, "That's right, then I will send the two brothers to meet."

After saying that, the man in black looked sinister and was about to kill Zheng Erlang with a butcher's knife.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and a woman in white came.

Zheng Erlang was overjoyed, isn't this a white fox spirit?

However, the white fox spirit seemed to be afraid of the butcher knife in the hands of the man in black, and slowly took a few steps back.

"You took the butcher's knife, why are you still killing people?" the white fox spirit asked softly.

When the man in black saw how beautiful the white fox spirit was, he changed his mind midway and wanted to negotiate terms with her, which made Mrs. Liu very angry.

Baihu obviously had no experience in the world and didn't know the complexity of people's hearts. She thought she could save Zheng Erlang in this way, so she walked over happily.

Suddenly, something bad flashed through Zheng Erlang's mind, and he was about to remind her to be careful, but it was already too late. The man in black quietly stabbed the white fox spirit with the butcher knife.

The butcher knife itself can drive away ghosts and evil spirits, so the white fox spirit is afraid of it.

The white fox spirit was so angry that she tried her best to self-destruct. She looked at Zheng Erlang affectionately, sighed quietly, and chose to die with the man in black.

Zheng Erlang felt pity for him when he saw it, and his heart was full of regrets.

Ms. Liu was frightened when she saw this scene. It was too late for her to run away, so she was caught by Zheng Erlang and sent to the government.

After that, Zheng Erlang missed the woman in white day and night.

Perhaps it was his infatuation that moved God. One night, the white fox spirit entrusted her with a dream, saying that because she was kind-hearted and saved people, the Lord of Hell left her a life and could return her body in three years.

Sure enough, one night three years later, the woman in white knocked on the door, and the two staged a touching love story between human and fox.

writes at the end, those who are greedy for pleasure and greed are wolves in sheep's clothing, and they are despised.

And the vixen did not hesitate to trade one life for another in order to repay his kindness, which deserves our respect.

What do you think about this?