In ancient times, there lived a carpenter named Liu Hansheng in Shiliu Town. He was in his early twenties this year, which is when he was young and strong. In order to make a living, he learned the craft of a carpenter and could still earn an income of three melons and two dates.

In ancient times, there lived a carpenter named Liu Hansheng in Shiliu Town. He was in his early twenties, which was when he was young and strong.

His parents died young, leaving him alone in the world.

In order to make a living, he learned the craft of a carpenter and could still earn a salary of three melons and two dates.

In addition to his usual frugality, he accumulated some wealth.

Soon after, she got married to Li Yingmei from the village.

Li Yingmei is also a miserable person. Her mother died of dystocia and massive hemorrhage.

Her father remarried, and her stepmother treated her harshly and harshly. She had experienced all the sufferings in the world since she was a child.

is now married to Liu Hansheng and has finally escaped from the clutches of his stepmother. She naturally cherishes this hard-won marriage.

She is very diligent, she keeps her house spotless and everything is arranged in order.

Liu Hansheng often goes out to do carpentry work, and his life is quite contented.

But my only regret is that I don’t have children.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had been married for a year and a half, but there was still no movement in Li Yingmei's stomach.

I was very anxious thinking that the children of my playmates in the same village were already pregnant, but I was not even pregnant.

So the two of them sought medical advice and medicine to regulate their bodies, but still had no effect.

It is said that the Guanyin in the Guanyin Temple is very effective in giving children to Guanyin, so Li Yingmei decided to go there to offer incense and pray for a son and a half daughter.

Who knew that the sun was shining brightly when we went there, but as soon as we arrived at the temple, dark clouds gathered and it started pouring rain.

Li Yingmei had no choice but to wait for the rain to stop before leaving.

After she prayed devoutly, she sat in the pavilion in the backyard to take shelter from the rain.

At this time, bursts of crying children came, which instantly attracted her attention.

He stood up hurriedly and looked around, but found nothing.

thought to himself that he was hallucinating, that he wanted to have a baby, and that he was going crazy. His face showed disappointment, and then he turned around and sat down again.

But not long after, the child's cry started again, and Li Yingmei was even more convinced that it was not an hallucination, but a real child crying.

She walked towards the cry.

When she reached the door of a row of houses, she stopped.

It seemed inappropriate to rush in like this, but the cries became louder and louder, making people upset.

She looked back and forth, but there was no one around, and finally decided to break in by herself. The moment

opened the door, he saw a little boy lying on the bed.

A little pink face cried heartbreakingly, and Li Yingmei was so distressed that she couldn't help but hug him.

Perhaps the little boy felt someone picking him up, and immediately stopped crying, staring at her with a pair of big eyes.

"Is the child having a tantrum again and disturbing the donor?" At this time, a monk came from outside the door and asked in a low voice.

Li Yingmei was stunned when she heard someone ask this.

hurriedly put down the child and replied in a panic: "I apologize for breaking in without your permission, but the child is crying really pitifully." After that, she looked at the child again.

"It seems that the child is indeed destined to be a donor. It is really pitiful that he was abandoned by his parents while he was still in such a pee."

The abbot looked helpless and continued: "We have nothing to feed him here. We can only feed him some gruel. , Maybe it was because of hunger that she was so noisy."

When Li Yingmei heard that the child was an abandoned baby, she was overjoyed and asked quickly: "I wonder if Master will agree to let me adopt him. I have no children so far, but I will have one in the future. A person to rely on."

burst into tears after saying this. Maybe it was because she was not destined to have a child!

The master saw that Li Yinghui was so sad, and said: "Amitabha, it would be his blessing if this child could be adopted by the donor, and we should be willing."

In this way, Li Yingmei took the little boy back home.

Liu Hansheng was very happy when he learned that his wife had brought home a child.

Since then, there has been a lot more fun at home and less loneliness and boredom.

Later, because they could not read a single Chinese character, they gave the child a random name, Liu Hanyang.

Since the family had a child, Liu Hansheng has been full of energy in his work.

's technology is becoming more and more sophisticated, and he is becoming more and more famous. Everyone within a ten-mile radius knows him.

On this day, the servant of Liu Yuanwai's family in the town came to send a message and invited him to build a new house for Liu Yuanwai.

Liu Hansheng was very happy to build a house for the employees, and the wages were naturally very high.

He packed up his tools, said goodbye to his wife and children, and left with his servants.

Because he was busy with his family's business, Liu Yuan could not find time to supervise the work, so he asked Butler Li to do a good job in supervising the work.

On this day, Liu Hansheng was a little tired because of his busy work, so he sat aside and rested for a while.

Unexpectedly, Butler Li happened to see him, and Butler Li shouted directly: "Liu Hansheng, I invited you here to work, not to sit here and hide away."

Liu Hansheng heard what Butler Li said, although You feel aggrieved, but after being given money, you have to obey their orders, so you can only swallow it, stand up and continue working.

was already exhausted physically and mentally, and it was very difficult to move the wood at this time. Liu Hansheng lost his footing and fell down.

The wood happened to hit his leg, and the leg was broken.

This time he didn't make any money and even suffered a leg injury. Liu Hansheng had no choice but to go home to take care of himself.

Afterwards, Liu Yuanwai ordered his servants to carry him back home.

When Li Yingmei saw her husband being carried back home, she cried and said, "It's all my fault that I usually push you to make money, but now you won't end up like this."

From then on, Liu Hansheng stopped working because of his leg injury. Mu Jin is alive, and the living conditions at home have plummeted. He eats some coarse bran pickles every day.

Liu Hanyang is also sensible and well-behaved. He has never complained. Instead, he is smart and studious.

The couple saw that their child was a good student and intended to send him to school, but conditions did not allow for it and they had no money for him to study.

One day, when Liu Hansheng went out, he found a baggage at the door. He thought someone had left it here, but he looked around and no one came to find it, so he took it home.

The two of them opened the baggage and took a look. There were several items inside. A new child's clothes and ten taels of silver.

Liu Hansheng was flattered. If you really wanted to take a nap, someone would bring you an embroidered pillow.

Liu Hanyang got his wish and went to school.

But since then, every once in a while, someone would put some food, clothing and other things at the door, which made Liu Hansheng suspicious.

discussed with his wife Li Yingmei that they would take turns on duty at night to see what was going on. Who put this thing at the door?

In order to find out the truth, the two took turns guarding in a hidden place every night.

A few days passed like this, and sure enough, I found a woman dressed in gorgeous clothes. She secretly placed her baggage at the door. She looked around and found no one, so she was ready to leave.

Liu Hansheng opened the door and caught her just in time. The woman was so frightened that she stayed where she was and was at a loss.

Liu Hansheng asked hurriedly: "I don't know who the lady's name is, why do you want to give us something?"

The woman burst into tears when she heard his question.

"Why are you crying so much? Tell me slowly if you have something to do. Come into the house quickly. It's a little cold outside at night." Liu Hansheng said comfortingly.

After hearing this, the woman followed him home. After listening to her story, she found out that the woman's surname was Liu. The daughter of Liu Yuanwai.

There used to be a scholar named Xu in the village. He was handsome and well-read in poetry and books. He was deeply liked by Miss Liu, and the two of them had a private life.

It's a pity that Xu Xiucai's family is poor, and Liu Yuanwai dislikes poverty and loves wealth, so he firmly disagrees with the two of them being together.

Miss Liu ran away from home after a big quarrel with her father, and finally came to Xu Xiucai's home.

The two of them decided to kill it first and play it later. It was up to Liu Yuanwai to see what else he could do.

As a result, Yuanwai Liu kidnapped Ms. Liu back home and prevented the two from meeting again.

No one thought that Miss Liu was actually pregnant, so Yuan Liu had no choice but to wait until Miss Liu gave birth to the child before making any plans.

Who knew that Butler Li offered to marry Miss Liu, which made Liu Yuan extremely happy. He was originally thinking about what to do if Miss Liu had disgraced the family, but Butler Li helped him solve his urgent need.

When Xu Xiucai heard that Miss Liu was getting married, he left in anger.

Just after Miss Liu gave birth, Liu Yuanwai ordered Butler Li to get rid of the child.

Miss Liu knelt down and begged Butler Li to let the child live and she would be willing to marry him.

Later, after inquiring, I found out that Butler Li left the child at the door of the temple, and he was finally adopted by Li Yingmei.

Only then did Liu Hansheng know that the new house built by Yuan Liu's wife was for Miss Liu to get married.

Since knowing the whereabouts of the child, Miss Liu secretly followed Liu Hanyang and never dared to recognize him.

was afraid of being discovered by his father and Butler Li, so he would be satisfied as long as he saw his child doing well.

Liu Hansheng and Li Yingmei felt even more sorry for their child after they learned about their child's life experience.

shed tears, more than ten years have passed, Liu Hanyang has grown into a young man of fifteen years old.

And Miss Liu comes less and less often.

The two of them felt very strange. After asking around, they found out that because Liu Yuanwai was old, everything was left to Butler Li to take care of.

As a result, Butler Li took advantage of the situation and directly occupied the Liu family's property and drove Yuanwai Liu and Miss Liu out of the house.

Mr. Liu was blind and fell ill in a fit of anger. Ms. Liu had nowhere to go, so the two of them had no choice but to live in a dilapidated temple, which at least provided shelter from the wind and rain.

Liu Hansheng thought that the two of them were in such a state of poverty and looked at the sick Liu Hansheng. Liu Hansheng couldn't bear it. He took the father and daughter back home and invited a doctor to treat them.

Because they were weak and the county magistrate was corrupt and perverted the law, Ms. Liu did not dare to file a complaint, so she could only let him go unpunished.

After Liu Hanyang knew his life experience, how could he watch his biological mother being bullied? He decided to go to Beijing to take the exam and seek justice for his mother.

After more than a month of non-stop rushing, he finally caught up with the exam.

Liu Hanyang’s hard study finally paid off and he won the second place.

His knowledge was appreciated by many adults, and after some recommendations, he was allowed to serve under him.

Liu Hanyang told Mr. Xu what happened to his mother, hoping to seek justice for his mother.

Mr. Xu's eyes turned red after hearing this and he fell into deep thought.

It turned out that he was Xu Xiucai. At first he thought Miss Liu had changed her mind. He was so disheartened that he left home and went to Beijing to take the exam.

Who knew that he won the first prize in the exam and finally got a job in the capital through his unremitting efforts.

Now when I heard what he said, I realized that I had misunderstood her, and that my son had grown up so much.

Master Xu finally investigated the matter thoroughly, found evidence that the county was corrupt and perverted the law, and arrested Butler Li. , was imprisoned for the crime of misappropriating other people's property.

When Mr. Xu saw the former Miss Liu, the two of them held their heads in pain.

Mr. Liu also regretted it, everything was caused by himself.

In the end, Mr. Xu brought Miss Liu back to the capital, and the two were together again.

In order to thank Liu Hansheng and Li Yingmei for taking care of them for many days, Liu Yuanwai built a new house for them, and their lives became better and better. The editor of

has something to say: This story spreads positive energy. Please do not associate it with feudal superstition. If you like it, please like, follow, and forward it to support it. Thank you!

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