As the saying goes, everything prospers when everything is in the family. If a family has many conflicts and everyone has selfish motives, then the family or family will definitely fall. It is said that during the Zhengde period of the Dynasty, there was a relatively wealthy farm

As the saying goes, everything prospers when a family unites. If a family has many conflicts and everyone has selfish motives, then the family or family will definitely fall. It is said that during the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a relatively wealthy peasant family in Taikang County, Kaifeng Prefecture. The eldest brother was called Liu Wen, and the second brother was called Liu Wu. Their parents died young, leaving behind hundreds of acres of melon fields. The two brothers made a living through farming and lived a fulfilling life.

Liu Wen has an honest and loyal personality and is not good at interacting with others, so he is still a bachelor at the age of almost thirty. Liu Wu was quick-thinking and eloquent. He made a private life-long marriage with a woman from a neighboring village. After the rice was cooked, the two got married. This woman was called Liu Yanran.

However, unexpected events occur in the sky, and misfortunes happen to people. In the summer of this year, when Liu Wu went to the city to sell melons, he encountered a flood on the way and unfortunately drowned. After Liu Wu's death, his wife Liu Yanran was so heartbroken that she locked herself in the house for several days without thinking about food or tea.

Liu Wu's death naturally made her very sad, but what really worried her was her future life, because Liu Yanran was only twenty-four years old now, and she and her husband Liu Wu did not have any children. Is it possible that she would be able to achieve this at such a young age? Do you want to remain a widow for the rest of your life? In fact, at that time, there was no rule that women who lost their husbands could not remarry, but if they remarried, they would not be able to enjoy the benefits provided by the government to loyal women.

The key is that even if Liu Yanran wants to marry, she may not be able to find someone with better conditions like the Liu family. After worrying about gains and losses for a few days, a bold idea suddenly came to Liu Yanran's mind. Although Liu Wu is dead, Liu Wen is still there, but the question is whether Liu Wen is willing or not. Doing so will definitely cause a lot of rumors.

After careful consideration, Liu Yanran decided to try to express her feelings to Liu Wen in order to keep this comfortable and fulfilling life and for the Liu family's property. In the next few days, Liu Yanran began to look for opportunities to get close to Liu Wen, either mending his clothes or cooking and serving tea for him. She was extremely caring.

Although Liu Wen is honest, he is not stupid. The relationship between the eldest brother and his sister-in-law is really against the rules of etiquette, so Liu Wen deliberately keeps some distance. In recent days, matchmakers have been coming to Liu Wen's house to arrange marriage. If Liu Wen becomes , her efforts will be in vain. She will either remain a widow for the rest of her life, or she will have to leave the Liu family and marry someone else.

Liu Yanran believes that this matter should be resolved sooner rather than later. Only by turning raw rice into cooked rice can we take the initiative in our own hands. But at noon that day, the weather was very hot. Liu Yanran brought lunch to the melon shed and asked Liu Wen to put down his work and eat first. Liu Wen saw that his sister-in-law kindly brought lunch, so he took the food, deliberately kept some distance from Liu Yanran, and squatted in a corner of the melon shed to eat.

Liu Yanran saw that he had such a grudge. Although she felt unhappy, she still had a happy smile on her face. She took out a new dress from the package and said with a smile: "Brother , I made one for you recently. New clothes, you have eaten and try to see if they fit. " After hearing this, Liu Wen wolfed down his meal immediately, then took the clothes and walked out.

Liu Yanran asked strangely: "Why did brother go out to try? " Liu Wen didn't even raise his head and smiled: ", you are here... I'm a little embarrassed... " Liu Yanran laughed angrily and said: " How can you, a big man, have so many scruples? I'm not afraid. What are you embarrassed about? Don't go anywhere, just change here!" "

Liu Wen smiled naively and had no choice but to take off his old clothes and put on new ones. But at this moment, Liu Yanran hugged Liu Wen from behind. Liu Wen was shocked and lost his new clothes. He asked nervously : " what are you doing? Let me go quickly! " Liu Yanran said hurriedly: " Brother, Liu Wu was unfortunately killed, but I really can't bear to leave the Liu family! Why don't we... let's get married! "

Liu Wen was dumbfounded when he heard this. He used all his strength to break away from Liu Yanran. He was about to refuse sternly, but for some reason, he felt that his whole body was hot and his breathing was short. However, his body did not obey his orders and he hugged her. Liu Yanran.After a long time, Liu Wen woke up. He saw that Liu Yanran was still sleeping soundly. He was very angry and quietly left the melon shed and walked towards the county government office.

About an hour later, four officials came to Guapeng, woke Liu Yanran up, and brought her to the county government hall. On the way, Liu Yanran had learned from the official that it was Liu Wen who had accused her. She couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth, and thought coldly in her heart: " You Liu Wen, if you don't want this great good thing, you have to seek your own death! In this case, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

walked into the lobby , Liu Yanran saw Liu Wen kneeling aside, and she burst into tears: " Mr. Qingtian, you have to make the decision for the slave family! The slave family's husband's body is still cold, who would have thought that his eldest brother Liu Wen turned out to be a beast in clothes. Not only did he repeatedly say You molested me and did something inappropriate to me! "

Seeing that she was ignoring the facts and talking nonsense, Liu Wen became furious and said: "You are really telling lies with your eyes open. It was obviously you who cast a spell on me and harmed me. I did such a disgraceful thing, but you blamed me for it! " Wang Zhong, the county magistrate, was upset when he heard this. He slapped the gavel hard and said angrily: "Quiet! Who is the accuser? Is he the defendant? "

Liu Yanran immediately stopped crying and said: " Report to the Lord, the slave family kindly gave him food at noon today, but who knew that he got jealous after eating and behaved like a beast to me! He thought that his family's ugliness should not be publicized, and he would die if he lost his virginity, but he was unexpectedly brought here by several official servants. "

Wang Zhong nodded after hearing this and asked Liu Wen: " What else do you want to say? " Liu Wenzhong was honest and honest, and could not tell any lies, so he told him in detail what happened at noon. Wang Zhong saw that they all insisted on different opinions, and it was difficult to determine who was true and who was false. Liu Wen's face was loyal and it didn't look like he was telling lies, and Liu Yanran's crying and wiping tears didn't look like she was pretending.

The key point is the most surprising. If Liu Wen really molested Liu Yanran, why would he take the initiative to report it to the official? Liu Wen kept saying that Liu Yanran cast a magic spell on him. Does this woman have any special skills? Thinking of this, Wang Zhong left his seat and walked to the two of them and looked at them carefully.

When he approached Liu Yanran, a faint fragrance suddenly hit his face. Wang Zhong smelled her vigorously again, and immediately felt dizzy and hot all over, so he quickly distanced himself from her. This situation aroused Wang Zhong's suspicion, and he asked the government officials to find the most famous doctor in the county.

The doctor came closer to Liu Yanran and smelled the smell. He smiled and said to Wang Zhong: " Sir, this is the smell of a kind of love medicine! If you smell it for a long time, it can make people lose consciousness and become unable to do anything. Self. " When Wang Zhong called for the doctor, Liu Yanran had already begun to panic, and Wang Zhong observed her expression and actions clearly.

After the official found the remaining half pack of medicine from her home, Wang Zhong became furious and said: "What a cruel woman, she used such a bad behavior to frame her husband's eldest brother! Come on, put this sister-in-law to death immediately ! " Liu Yanran was about to cry and beg for mercy, but Liu Wen said first: " Master, Liu's crime is not worthy of death! This is her first offender, please forgive her this time! " Liu Yanran was very surprised. She didn't expect Liu Wen to intercede for her. She lowered her head in shame and just sobbed softly.

Wang Zhong sighed, nodded and said: " If this is the case, I will spare your life! Although the death penalty is exempted, the living penalty cannot be escaped. Please note down these twenty rods first. If you change your mind and repent in the future, you can be exempted. Otherwise, the punishment will be doubled! " Liu Yanran thanked Wang Zhong for not killing him and went back with Liu Wen. Three years later, Liu Wen couldn't bear Liu Yanran being widowed, so he gave her a large sum of money to remarry and start a new life.