Eighteen years ago, when Xiaoya first started looking for a partner, she only wanted to find someone with a house. In the first year, I thought it would be better to have a house in the city center and buy it with full payment. In the second year, I felt that a loan would be fine


html8 years ago, when Xiaoya first started looking for a partner, she only wanted to find someone with a house.

In the first year, I thought it would be better to have a house in the city center and buy it with full payment.

In the second year, I thought it would be okay to get a loan, as long as it was within the third ring road.

In the third year, I feel that it is not impossible to travel in surrounding urban areas, and the subway is convenient.

In the fourth year, she was still single. She was about to give up.

At this time, someone introduced Dong to her. Dong owns a house in the city center. He paid 60% of the down payment and used provident fund to pay the rest, so he didn’t need to pay out of his own pocket. The key is that he is not ugly and has a good job. After meeting her twice, Dong expressed interest in her.

What kind of bad luck is this.

Dong belongs to the kind of man who looks very reliable. Not fat, but with a thick frame, he looks very strong. There was a wall where he stood, and a grindstone where he sat. The thick joints of his palms protruded, giving him a stubborn and sexy look unique to men. With a pair of metal-framed glasses, this working man's body immediately looked literate, and the rusticity was neutralized, leaving only two words: honesty.

has been in a relationship for three months, and everything is going well. As for how he treats her, Dong is definitely not the best man for her, but Xiaoya has reached this age and knows that getting married cannot rely solely on the simple subjective feeling of "being good to me". Dong has his own good points. He pays attention to economical and economical things when buying things. He doesn't gossip or be greasy. He strictly abides by the rules in everything he does. Just talking about dating, there were no less than 30 dates, and he was never late. No matter how windy or rainy it was, he would wait for her in advance.

seems a bit stupid, but very easy to control. Xiaoya felt that maybe he would be the one in this life.


That day was the day when the climax was coming, and the two of them were getting ready to go to bed. This emotion has been laid out in the past few days, and she has been kissed and touched. Dong invited her to "come and see his house" a week in advance. Isn't that what he wants?

Xiaoya also took it seriously and changed into a set of expensive lace underwear in the morning.

Let’s have dinner first when we meet in the evening. What he did, his craftsmanship was passable. Xiaoya thought that she should drink more wine, but she didn't expect that she would do something bad with the wine.

Dong is a very bad drinker, and he starts to feel his heart out after half a bottle of red wine.

"I had a girlfriend before." He said it without saying anything.

"It's a long story." His face was red and he just ate the plate of peanuts in front of him and kept eating. Xiaoya knew that this man was already drunk, so she looked at him without saying a word, waiting for him to continue.

"We had a good relationship at first. We were fellow villagers and classmates in high school. Later, I studied geology and she studied law. Our schools were not far apart, 13 stops away.

"We were together every weekend, and our family didn't have much money. , being poor means being poor. At that time, I could happily go to a restaurant for a long time, but I never expected to be able to buy a house so quickly. Unexpected. Don't even think about it.

"After graduation, we rented a house and lived together. I don't know why, but she started to love money. She often said enviously that so and so bought a house, which made me feel bad. I knew that I would never be able to afford a house. I I don’t want to listen to her nagging all the time.

“Everyone in the family knows that we are together. During holidays, my dad would visit her house. During the Chinese New Year the year before last, her family said it would be best if our family paid for it to buy a house here. Otherwise, if we don’t put down roots, we won’t be able to trust our daughter.

"My family doesn't have much money, so my dad goes out to work, and we save money together."

Speaking of this, Dong drank a glass of red wine by himself, and his eyes got wet.


"My dad... the day my dad had an accident, I was on a business trip in Gansu, and the signal was not good. Where we worked, the signal was floating. It would be there when it floated over, but it would disappear after it floated over.

"I didn't get it until the next day. I received the text message and saw many phone calls coming from my home. When I wanted to go back, there was no signal. At noon, a leader from the station drove over and told me to go back quickly, saying that something happened at home.By the way, the day before was dusty and windy, and the phone line was down. When I received the notice, the phone line had just been repaired, so I called my mother. My mother had no energy to talk at that time. My aunt answered the phone and said that my dad Already... just waiting for me to go back and take a look and discuss when to extubate.

"I was confused at the time and called my girlfriend."

Dong stopped, and the following words became increasingly difficult:

"She studied law, and those who studied law... were probably very calm. Anyway, she was at that time She was very calm and didn't even take a minute. She quickly told me that if she was sure that she was brain dead, she would have to extubate her tube as soon as possible, otherwise it would be easy to argue about compensation in the future. She said that from the time of the accident to death, it would take 48 hours. The compensation standard is 20 times the national per capita disposable income in the first year. She said,

"The place I was in was very remote, and it would definitely take more than 48 hours to get back." My girlfriend ran to the hospital to do some science education with my mother and aunt. She told me that she needed to be extubated and she couldn’t wait for me.

"We have been together for so many years, and my family treats her as a family member. Since she said this, my family will definitely listen. My aunt called me to ask for my opinion. I was still at the train station and there was no time. My aunt She said, "Why don't you just pull it out? Your partner has fought similar lawsuits and failed to win. She understands."

"In that situation, what opinion did I have and what consciousness I had." I don't know what to do, but I pulled it out anyway. When I got home, everyone was holding a funeral. "

When Xiaoya heard this, she suddenly realized that he hated her, he blamed her, and he regretted it. He must think that she is the most cold-blooded person in the world. He felt that she traded his father's life for a house.

As expected, Dong went on to say that after receiving the compensation, the person started planning to buy a house. She chose the location, the floors, and the decoration. Her mission in life seemed to be on the house. Later, Dong saw a foreigner. He heard the news about a brain-dead patient who was miraculously resurrected. He even felt that his father might have had hope. He couldn't accept this fact because just the day before his business trip, the father and son were chatting and laughing together over dinner. .

"So... the contradictions are getting bigger and bigger?" "Xiaoya asked cautiously.

"Yes. Dong said categorically: "I can't go any further when I get to the back, so I have to start everything over again." "

He drank the last bit of wine at the bottom of the bottle: "I can't face her. I am a very filial person, not only to my own parents, but also to the woman’s family. If this happened to her, I would never be so active in making decisions for her. "


Xiaoya took a deep breath.

She wanted to sort out her thoughts while going to the bathroom, but found that her heart was empty. Her intuition told her that she could not get along with this man anymore. Yes, he was very honest, He revealed his pain to her just before going to bed, leaving no room for his own history, but this kind of honesty exposed his selfishness and cowardice. This may be the only case in the world where a brain-dead person is resurrected, and he, a person who has read books, would not. He doesn't understand this. He's avoiding, he's shirking, he hates the compromises he's made, it's not his ex-partner that he can't face, it's his own cynicism, and he's kind of stupid, what he calls "starting over." Isn't it a sin of carrying capital? He should know very well that she won't follow him without a house, right? Even if he doesn't understand, at least he knows that the house can give him points. If he doesn't know this, he is a pure fool. , A pure fool cannot date.

If you take a step forward, he is cowardly, hypocritical and irresponsible. If you take a step back, he is a fool.

It is not possible to have a house, Xiaoya thought, but to be with a man who has a brain problem. , It seems to be even worse.

When Xiaoya walked out, Dong seemed to wake up a little, and he said: "You don't have any ideas when I tell you this, right? I have only talked about this one person, what about you? "

" I haven't talked about it. "She responded.

Dong said: "When people wanted to introduce me to someone and asked me what I was looking for, I said I didn't want anything, just be simple."

Xiaoya thought to herself, the introducer is really good at introducing people. She is indeed very simple. She simply wants to find someone with a house. The introducer understands this very well. When he comes up, he talks about how much the person has a house and how much he paid, and whether he needs it. Repay the loan. Everyone in the world is smart, but he is trapped. The food plate in front of

has bottomed out, and he needs to take the next step. Just in time, the team leader calls and rescues her. Shouting: "If nothing happens, I can go work overtime!" "Later, Dong sent her to the entrance of the corridor and said that she could come in without an access card. She needed a password. The password was changed by the property management every month. He would send it to her on the 1st of every month in the future.

It was in line with his style. On the surface, He was so naive, but he actually didn't give him anything. Even if she knew the password to the corridor, she couldn't get in. Why would she want the password to enter the corridor? Besides, the password was posted in the owner group, so he just dragged her into the group. That's it, why bother to stop and convey it with a sense of superiority?

When Dong approached Xiaoya, she found a reason to reject it, so she had to ask why he felt so bad a few days ago. "Okay." Xiaoya couldn't explain it by saying, "If I were your ex, I would ask you to choose that way," nor could she say, "I'm really ashamed that I also like the house." She couldn't say that he had such and such problems. She could only say that she was extremely busy. Dong could still "forgive" her once or twice, but he didn't believe it after many times, so Xiaoya had to find an introducer to help her, and lied to Dong that she couldn't get along with her because of her job transfer.

Ask: "Why? What a reliable boy! "

Xiaoya said: "Do you know about the person in front of him? He worked so hard to ensure a better future for the two of them, but he still hated him. The introducer

said: "I know this. People in the past planted trees and people in the future can enjoy the shade." "

Xiaoya shook her head. People helped him plant trees, and he dug their soil. The cool weather was not so easy to take advantage of.

After breaking up, Xiaoya dated another person. They didn't have a house, so the two of them lived together at the end of the subway line. Duan bought a small house and lived a good life. Sometimes when taking the subway, she would think that if she had bought a big and bright house with Dong, she would not have to squeeze in the subway. Then she would laugh at herself, if Dong found her. He is also very worldly, and every choice is very calm. He must hate the world to death.

It is better to be his current husband. They both have the same goals, to own a house, to have money, to weigh things rationally, and to know what to do. In one.

html When I heard about Dong again in 2004, it was still from the introducer. She lamented that Xiaoya was right not to follow Dong. Dong was a bit weird and was getting divorced because his family had a second child. , both mothers were helping take care of the children at his house, but the woman’s mother was not sick, but her mother was tired. Even the introducer didn’t know why this incident happened. How could he intentionally harm someone when he was sick? He complained that it was the woman who wanted the second child more. Wasn’t it because of the cooperation of the two of them that the second child could be born? understand. "

Xiaoya thought to herself, fortunately I don't understand the previous things.