On the stage of the graduation ceremony, Lin Wanyan walked onto the stage wearing a brand new light blue top that her classmates had never seen her wear before. Lin Wanyan was among the top three scholarship winners last semester.

On the stage of the graduation ceremony, Lin Wanyan walked onto the stage wearing a brand new light blue top that her classmates had never seen her wear before. Lin Wanyan was among the top three scholarship winners last semester.

In the three years of junior high school, Lin Wanyan went to school with a scholarship. Apart from giving her some living expenses, her parents never worried about anything else. She was a sensible and filial child at home, and a student with excellent academic performance at school. This is probably the legendary Someone else's child.

The teachers and students in the audience applauded warmly. They were no longer unfamiliar with this student who received scholarships every semester. Among the approving glances of teachers and students in the school, a sharp gaze was staring at Lin Wanyan, as if to see through her, but Lin Wanyan, who was immersed in joy, did not notice this gaze.

After the graduation ceremony, Lin Wanyan was packing her things in the dormitory when she received a letter. Lin Wanyan thought it was another admirer who wrote it.

opened, and it read briefly: I believe that you, who is so good, just got lost for a while and took away my attractive clothes. But I forgive you, please give me your clothes back. The signature is Xiao Yun from the next door dormitory.

Lin Wanyan's head buzzed, and the joy of the scholarship disappeared. The things she thought she had concealed from the outside world have been exposed nakedly. If Xiaoyun told other students about this, wouldn't I be like a clown on the stage and laughed at by them?

Lin Wanyan did not dare to think about it anymore. She immediately wrote a letter to Xiao Yun to sincerely apologize, hoping that Xiao Yun could forgive her, and said that she would return the clothes to her after cleaning them in two days.

It turns out that the new clothes Lin Wanyan wore today were from when she was living on campus during the weekend. All her classmates had gone home, and Lin Wanyan was the only one living in the dormitory. She saw a simple and elegant light blue top hanging on the clothesline in the corridor. It was the latest style.

She hasn't worn new clothes for a long time because of her poor family conditions. She really likes this light blue dress. Out of sheer vanity, she secretly took the dress back to the dormitory. She hid the clothes at the bottom of the box and prepared to wear them when she went on stage to receive the scholarship.

But she never expected that it was her vanity that betrayed her. On the stage, as soon as she walked up, Xiao Yun recognized her clothes at a glance. At first, I thought they were the same style, but when I looked closer, I saw that the hood of the dress was embroidered with flower patterns. She embroidered it herself, so it was definitely her own.

Xiao Yun saw Lin Wanyan receiving the award on the stage and thought that her nature should not be bad. Later, through exchanges of letters, what she had in mind was indeed confirmed. They also became good friends who talked about everything.

Lin Wanyan, who is now 35 years old, always feels emotional when recalling this campus episode: If Xiao Yun had chosen to report her stealing to the teacher, the teacher would definitely pursue it to the end.

And her name, Lin Wanyan, will definitely be written on the campus blackboard, and may even be "displayed" on the stage during Monday's regular meeting. This will cause stress in her heart, which will affect her studies and even force her to drop out of school.

Lin Wanyan felt that she should thank Xiao Yun. It was her kindness and tolerance that saved a lost lamb. Some people and things can really affect a person's life, and they can also make you enjoy your life.