The plums are ripe【6】 News report. Zhang Xin, secretary of the general party branch of the work film, is also the deputy mayor of Changping Town and is in charge of family planning, health, culture and education in the town.

Meizi is ripe [6] News Report

Work Film Zhang Xin, Secretary of the Party Branch, is also the deputy mayor of Changping Town , and is in charge of family planning, health, culture and education in the town. In the days when Qin Yuemei reported for duty, Zhang Xin went on an inspection trip with the Municipal Family Planning Commission. I heard that today he will come to the work film to preside over a mobilization meeting to focus on two tasks with the participation of village secretaries and directors.

In the morning, Qin Yuemei cleaned the conference room and boiled water. Bring water and tea to everyone who arrives early for the meeting. A village director asked: "Who is this little girl with a strange face?" Lao Jin replied: "She is the newly assigned college student in the town."

The village director smiled and asked, "The college student assigned to serve tea?" Lao Jin Said: "These days, academic qualifications are not directly proportional to positions, and may even be inversely proportional. Look at our work videos, junior high school student Zhang Xin is the secretary, high school student Qi Kenan is the director, and technical secondary school student Yu Hua leads this Qin university student. As for me The deputy director who is about to retire has never been to school." After

finished speaking, he laughed wildly, and his laughter made people feel a little ferocious.

Qin Yuemei has deliberately kept a distance from Lao Jin since she came back from Lao Jin's house last time. Recalling the chat in the office that day, Qin Yuemei also clearly felt the pressure.

Yu Hua was not there that day, and everyone talked about his love affair.

"I heard that Yu Hua's girlfriend is a doctor in the hospital?" "No, she is a nurse."

"Yu Hua is so young, handsome, and a civil servant. He will not worry about a wife in the future."

"I'm afraid I can't look back now. , I heard that the nurse was very careful. "

" What a great opportunity it was because the woman didn't agree. "

At this time, Lao Jin made a concluding speech: "It's not that easy to be a cadre without a background. Promotion does not depend on your academic qualifications or ability. In my opinion, if you don't have a backer, you can just work honestly and have a stable family. That's pretty good!" When

said this, Lao Jin glanced at Qin Yuemei and flicked the cigarette on the ashtray with his right hand.

Qin Yuemei knew that Lao Jin felt alienated from her not only because his daughter-in-law's fantasy had come true, but also because he did not feel the infinite respect that Qin Yuemei should have for him.

As for Qin Yuemei, she was originally disgusted with people who despised knowledge and academic qualifications, and his behavior of relying on the elderly and selling them out made her stay away. The

meeting was not long and ended in an hour. After the meeting, Deputy Mayor Zhang Xin called Qin Yuemei to a separate secretary's office and briefly asked some basic information about Qin Yuemei. Deputy Mayor Zhang Xin's impression of Qin Yuemei was that he was affable, humble and courteous.

At this moment, a middle-aged man came in with a black briefcase under his arm. Qin Yuemei helped pour the tea and wanted to leave, but Secretary Zhang asked Qin Yuemei to call Yu Hua too.

Secretary Zhang handed an envelope to the man with the briefcase in front of Yu Hua and Qin Yuemei and said: "You violated the family planning policy, and the social support fee (fine) collected is stipulated by the policy. You follow the regulations Pay the social support as soon as possible. I will not and cannot accept your red envelope. This is the principle and bottom line of our cadres." Then he asked Yu Hua to send the man out.

Qin Yuemei knew that the man with the briefcase was obviously from a family planning family, and the envelope should contain money. She didn't understand why Deputy Mayor Zhang Xin insisted on returning the red envelope when they were present. Qin Yuemei thought for a long time and felt that they should be allowed to be witnesses.

Two days later, a news article titled "The deputy mayor refused to accept the red envelope" appeared in the newspaper, and the signature was Yu Hua. It was written about the return of red envelopes by Deputy Mayor Zhang Xin, and the sentences in the article were not very skillful. This report is undoubtedly a satire for Qin Yuemei, who considers herself good at words.

Qin Yuemei understood at this time that even though it was only the lowest level of officialdom in China, there was also a mystery of "words can break the law as soon as it is said". Deputy Mayor Zhang was too embarrassed to let others promote him, so he let the two of them figure it out on their own.

This is being mellow and sophisticated, not showing off, and everyone is in his own place, but she is smart and missed an opportunity to express herself in front of the new leader.

Of course Qin Yanmei is not willing to just stay peacefully in her work movie. "If my plans are not suitable, don't say that I have few friends." She believes that with her knowledge and ability, it won't be long before she will leave this place where "I see people returning to the village from time to time" where the mind is destroyed. She wants to create opportunities for herself.

Every day, when the newspapers are delivered to the office, Qin Yuemei will carefully read the news reports about the township departments. Research what information can be reported, what angle to look at, and how to word it. However, she thought wrongly. A work example of a township work film is really insignificant for a newspaper, let alone innovative.

In fact, to publish in a newspaper, you not only need to find a suitable topic, but also find out how to submit articles. If you can know a few editors, you can get twice the result with half the effort. After several months, except for a small piece of "dried tofu" with 150 words, Qin Yuemei could not see her written words turned into type.

For Qin Yuemei, writing is her advantage and the fastest and most effective way to get leaders and superiors to notice her. How can she break the situation? (To be continued)

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