In this Hejian Mansion, there is a doctor named Zhu Qing. Although this person inherited his father's business, his medical skills are not very good. He often gives some useless medicine to patients. It is difficult to say whether he can cure the disease, but at least It won't ki

"The right way in the world is that good deeds are rewarded; it's not that you don't repay, the time has not yet come; when the time comes, retribution will come!"

It is said that During the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty , such an evil thing happened in Hejian Mansion, Zhili, saying It's very fresh.

In this Hejian Prefecture , there is a doctor named Zhu Qing. Although this man inherited his father's business, his medical skills are not very good. He often gives useless medicine to patients. It is difficult to say whether he can cure the disease. Okay, but at least it won't kill anyone. Don't forget that Mr. Zhu is a "Mongolian doctor" with poor medical skills, but he has a good brain. Any rich person who comes to see him for treatment is guaranteed to make a fortune through extravagance.

Characters of the Late Qing Dynasty

One day in June, Dr. Zhu, who had not been open for most of the day, was dozing off with his cheeks in his hands, when a person came in. This person came so suddenly that Zhu Langzhong woke up with a fright.

Zhu Langzhong straightened up quickly, put on the air of an old Chinese doctor, and asked the visitor in an old tone: "What's wrong with you?" He doesn't look easy to mess with. The man claimed that his surname was Zhang and he lived twenty miles away. He had heard of Mr. Zhu for a long time and came to see Mr. Zhu for treatment.

After saying that, he opened his coat and exposed his chest. Zhu Langzhong only glanced at it, and his heart suddenly started to pound.

Then he saw a sore on Zhang Dahan's chest. The sore had already burst open and was as big as a tea bowl. The yellow pus and red blood were mixed together, and the smell was disgusting.

Although Dr. Zhu had never seen such symptoms before, he did not refuse to diagnose and treat him. Firstly, he could not ruin his reputation because he did not know how to treat it. Secondly, he wanted to take advantage of this good opportunity to make money from Zhang Dahan. An expense. This old boy has read countless people and has a very sharp eye. He can tell at a glance whether there is money or not. From the moment Zhang Dahan walked in, he could tell that this man was not poor. Although he was not rich, at least he was They are also from a wealthy family. It's okay to get a few taels of silver from this big guy.

Characters of the Late Qing Dynasty

After making up his mind, the old boy smacked his tongue a few times, and then said slowly: "Your disease is difficult to cure. The sore is located on the heart. If it continues like this, it may penetrate the heart. 'Ah. Even Da Luo Zhenxian can't save you." As soon as he said this, Zhang Dahan's already worried face couldn't help but twitch, and he quickly raised his fists and begged Zhu. Doctor, I have to save him no matter what. He hasn't lived enough yet and really doesn't want to die.

As soon as Zhu Langzhong saw the opportunity, he immediately said in a pretentious manner: "It's not that there is no way to cure this disease, but..." He hesitated to speak, as if he was in trouble.

Zhang Dahan suddenly became anxious: "Sir, just say what you want, don't beat around the bush. Whatever you need, just say it."

"This -" Zhu Langzhong squinted his eyes and twirled his goatee, looking serious. He said, "I need to use ten Dadong beads, grind them into powder, mix them with my medicinal powder, and apply it on your wound to relieve your pain. It's just that these Dong beads are hard to get." As he spoke, He glanced sideways at Zhang Dahan to see what expression he would have on his face.

"Oh!" Zhang Dahan forcefully slapped his crotch, "Isn't it just ten beads? What's the difficulty? I can get them from ten to a hundred. Sir, just wait. I'll be there early tomorrow morning. I'll bring you the beads!" After that, he left a couple of silver as the consultation fee and strode out.

Zhu Langzhong was dumbfounded. If he had known that this man had such great ability, he would have asked for twenty pills. It's too late to regret it, but it doesn't matter, just try to blackmail him again.

Characters of the Late Qing Dynasty

The man was true to his word. Early the next morning, he brought ten beads the size of pigeon eggs. Zhu Langzhong made a pot of " high end " for Zhang Dahan, asked him to drink some tea and wait patiently for a while. Then, on the pretext of preparing medicine, he went into the inner room with ten dongzhu. He only used two beads and hid the remaining eight. This is a good thing. If you get it to a jewelry store, it can be converted into at least dozens of taels of silver.

After everything was settled smoothly, he came to the outer room with a bowl of sticky ointment, applied the medicine to Zhang Dahan, and let him go home to rest. If Zhang Dahan met his savior, he stood up and said goodbye.

How did I know that three days later, I heard the news that Zhang Dahan died tragically from ulcers. The man who brought the news to Zhu Langzhong was named Li He. In his early years, he was a ruthless scoundrel in the world. Later, he changed his mind and started working as a farmer. In his free time, he would go to Zhu Langzhong's clinic to tease Mengzi. The relationship between the two was very good.

Li He complained that Langzhong Zhu should not be involved in Zhang Dahan's affairs. He also said that Zhang Dahan's illness was impossible to cure.

Zhu Langzhong didn't like to hear such words, so he scolded Li He: "You don't understand medicine, how do you know that I can't cure him?"

"Huh!" Li He said, "Although I don't understand medicine, I know this man. He deserves this retribution for the bad things he did in the past. If you want to tell me, he should have died a long time ago!"

Zhu Langzhong was stunned for a moment, and he had to let Li He speak clearly. If you don't explain clearly, you are not a friend enough.

Li He complained that he shouldn't be so quick to talk, but the words had already been spoken and he couldn't take them back, so he simply changed his mind and told Zhu Langzhong exactly what happened in the past.

Characters of the Late Qing Dynasty

It turns out that when he was young, he and Zhang Dahan went to Gubeikou to join the army, and were kicked out of the barracks together and became bandits together. At first, they only robbed things and did not harm anyone. As time goes by, his temper becomes more and more wild, and it is difficult to guarantee that his hands will not be stained with blood. However, the two of them swore to heaven that they would only kill rich and unkind people and never harm the elderly, weak, women and children. Unexpectedly, Zhang Dahan didn't keep his word, completely ignored the vow he made back then, and committed a despicable deed in a single thought.

That day, the two of them coated their faces with pot ash , wrapped soap handkerchiefs around their heads, held steel knives, and hid in the dense forest, waiting for lonely customers to pass by so that they could make a deal.

waited and waited for most of the day. They said it was a human being but not even a rabbit. Just when they were disheartened and ready to leave, they suddenly heard voices. Following the sound, I looked over and saw an old man and two children, a boy and a girl, walking slowly over the path. The old man was carrying a bamboo basket on his back. It looked heavy, and there was probably some good stuff in it. Then, two evil men jumped out to block the way and ordered the old man to leave money to buy the way. If anyone dares to say no, I will kill you and kill you on the hill!

The old man and the two children were so frightened that they had no choice but to put down the bamboo basket and take out a shabby baggage from it. When they met the two kings, they begged pitifully: "Good man, this is all our three sons have." I'll give it to the good man and ask him to let us live."

Zhang Dahan took the baggage, weighed it a few times, and opened it. He saw that there were almost twenty taels of silver. With a sneer, he opened the way and let the old man and the two children pass.

The old man bowed several times, took the hands of the two children, and fled for his life in a panic.

Characters of the Late Qing Dynasty

The deal gained a lot, and the two of them were very happy. Just as they were about to call it a day and return to the den of thieves, Zhang Dahan suddenly jumped up: "No! It's not cold yet, that old guy and those two brats Wear thick clothes, 80% of the good stuff is hidden in the cotton-padded jacket. Brother, let’s catch him!” So, the two of them started to catch up.

They are in their prime, how can they not catch up with the old man and the child. The two of them blocked the path of the young and old for the second time. They rolled their eyes strangely and made babbling noises. They rubbed the steel knives in their hands on the soles of their shoes a few times, pretending to kill someone alive.

The old man held the hands of the two children and lay on the ground in fear, crying and begging the good man for his life.

Zhang Dahan drew the cold steel knife on the back of the old man's neck: "It's not impossible if you want to live. Leave the cotton-padded jacket to our buddies, and we will let you go immediately."

The old man said with tears streaming down his face: "Good man, you can't take off your cotton-padded jacket. It's very cold in the mountains. Our two children are so weak that they will freeze to death. Please show mercy to me, good man, and give me a way to survive..."

Zhang Dahan sneered. : "Since you miss these two children, I have a way to stop you thinking about them immediately."After that, he raised the knife and dropped it. After two rays of cold light, it was pity that the two children had their heads dislocated and died unexpectedly.

When the old man saw this, he was filled with grief and anger. He cried and rushed towards Zhang Dahan, asking Zhang Dahan to give the two children Pay for your life. Zhang Dahan didn't care about killing one more person. He heard a "click" and pierced his back. The old man screamed and fell to the ground immediately. Then, Zhang Dahan peeled off the cotton-padded jackets of the old and young people, and with a few "chips", the cotton wool flew everywhere, and it turned out that there were big bright beads and golden leaves inside. There was a thunder, and suddenly he became rich! Characters in the late Qing Dynasty

Since then, the two of them gave up their "business" and returned to their hometown to buy land and houses, marry a wife and have children. However, they did not expect that they had been peaceful for many years. Just half a year ago, Zhang Dahan suddenly felt something in his heart. It was itchy and I couldn't help scratching it, but I scratched a small hole. I thought it would be fine in a few days, but unexpectedly, the small hole got bigger and bigger, until it was as big as the mouth of a bowl. After taking countless decoctions, he still didn't get better. In desperation, he went to the doctor when he was sick, so he inquired about Zhu Langzhong's clinic. As a result, Zhu Langzhong cheated him with eight Dadong Pearls, and he couldn't live for a few more days. .

According to Li He's opinion, Zhang Dahan killed the old man first and got the sore later. The sore was located right on his heart, so if it wasn't retribution, what was it? When it comes, retribution comes. This is his fate, he deserves it!

This article is not made up by the author, but is borrowed from a Qing Dynasty classical note. It is impossible to verify whether it is true or false. Just listen to it, it’s a joy.