Once upon a time, there was a man named Wei Zuo who knew music well and was good at whistling. He called himself "Young Master Yiqun". Wei Zuo went to take the Jinshi imperial examination, but failed once, so he gave up and never took the exam again. He said, "A good man has ambi

Once upon a time, there was a man named Wei Zuo who knew music well and was good at whistling. He called himself "Young Master Yiqun". Wei Zuo went to take the Jinshi imperial examination, but failed once, so he gave up and never took the exam again. He said, "A good man has ambitions everywhere, how can he lose his reputation in the dust?" Later, Wei Zuo traveled to Yueyang, Yueyang, and the prefect of Yueyang appointed him because he knew him well. Wei Zuo worked for a few months, and then he said he was ill and left.

Wei Zuo had a younger brother named Wei Zhi, who unfortunately drowned while taking a boat in Dongting Lake. Wei Zuo wept bitterly by the lake, moored the boat under the Lake Temple, and wanted to set the Lake Temple on fire. Wei Zuo said: "We spent so much money to build your temple just to allow the people to cross the water safely. My brother is haggard and frustrated, and he is suffering from this disaster. What is the use of your lake temple!"

Suddenly, Wei Zuo fell into a deep sleep in the boat. In his dream, Wei Zuo saw a godly man in full attire coming to see him and saying to him: "No one has ever been killed in vain in the underworld. Sir, your father used to be the prefect here. He was an upright man, and even the ghosts and gods could not see him." After he took office, he ordered the removal of many temples that were not built according to rituals, but the gods in these two temples appealed to the Emperor of Heaven, but at first, the Emperor did not accept it. The two gods have been suing for more than ten years. The Emperor of Heaven promised to let one of the descendants of the Wei family die to apologize to the two gods. However, the person who needs to choose must be someone who does not know how to advance or retreat, and you are ignorant of current affairs. My brother is just such a person. If you can't find your brother's body for funeral, it will be my fault. I will immediately ask the plumbers to bring your brother's body to the lake."

Wei Zuo suddenly woke up and burned the lake temple. That's all. So, he asked the fisherman to drive the boat and drag it back and forth with a hook, and sure enough, he found his brother's body on the shore of the lake.

That night, Wei Zuo dreamed that the Lake God came to him again and thanked him: "Ghosts and gods are not afraid of anger, but they are afraid of decisive and brave people because they are sincere. Sir, you are such a brave person, so I am in awe of you." In the past, I was responsible for the music played in Dongting Lake. Now I want to thank you for your kindness by listening to the emperor's music of Xianchi. "

Suddenly, Wei Zuo saw various musical instruments appearing in front of him, and their voices were sonorous. Wei Zuo was greatly amazed and thought that he was not worthy to listen to this kind of music. When the song ended, Wei Zuo woke up from his dream.