Text/Zhang Jie Tian Niu is in her fifties. She is healthy and sick at times. Summer comes in winter and she gets sick easily when cold, hot or excited. She looks older than her peers. Tian Niu is always talkative, and she always talks about the benefits that Murakami Township has


Tian Niu is in her fifties. She is healthy and sick at times. Summer comes in winter and she gets sick easily when cold, hot or excited. She looks older than her peers. Tian Niu is always talkative, and she always talks about the benefits that Murakami Township has given her in aid... She talks too much, and no one pays attention to what she says.

By the way, Tian Niu is sick again. Tian Niu's husband Cheng Shi had no choice but to find a neighbor's house, took over the borrowed 30,000 yuan from the hostess Lu Hong, and quickly took his wife Tian Niu to the city hospital for treatment: at the hospital, various examinations were completed, and as soon as they moved in In just half a month, my condition gradually improved, and I stopped spending money nonsense. The doctor informed me to leave the hospital, and when I calculated the accounts, I spent more than 55,000 yuan, in addition to the new rural cooperative medical care reimbursed 45,000 yuan. Yuan aside, I still have to pay more than 10,000 yuan. After doing this calculation, Tian Niu felt unhappy. Tian Niu said to her husband: "It would be great if they were fully reimbursed!"

Tian Niu then said to her husband Cheng Shi: "The living expenses and transportation expenses of the two of us have been spent in the past half month. "How much did it cost?" "About five thousand yuan in total." "Doesn't that mean it costs fifteen thousand yuan?" Cheng Shi counted the money in his pocket, and there was exactly fifteen thousand yuan left. Eight yuan. Tian Niu suddenly said loudly to her husband Cheng Shi: "The rest of the money is all borrowed, you know? Another big hole has been opened, how can I pay it back?" "Let's go home from the hospital first." Cheng Shihan said with a smile. Tian Niu said.

After Tian Niu returned home, she first went to the village to find the village official and asked him to give her some assistance because she was old and had no source of income. The village cadre asked Tian Niu: "Why do we need rescue again?" Tian Niu said: "I was hospitalized for a serious illness, spent a lot of money, and my life is difficult." The village cadre asked her to take out the hospitalization reimbursement form and take a look. Once you see it, you will understand everything. The village leader said: "You were hospitalized and almost four-fifths of it was reimbursed. Aren't you satisfied?" "We have difficulties in life. Can we not solve it with Murakami?" "You have a son and a daughter, right?" "Can your son and daughter leave you alone?" At any rate, Tian Niuma pestered the village cadre for two or three days, but to no avail.

Tian Niu came to the township civil affairs office again. She thought: "Last time, I asked for a subsistence allowance, but it didn't happen. Let's not talk about it. This time, let's ask for a temporary relief from the civil affairs office. It's urgent!"

But I never thought that the person in charge of the township civil affairs office was new. After hearing what Tian Niu said, he directly asked the civil affairs officer to check Tian Niu’s last application for subsistence allowance and said: "Although you are in difficulty, you still need to pay attention every year." We will provide you with help, and there are many people in need. Besides, your son and daughter have savings, so why don’t you give me some help? I can’t just solve the problem for you alone.” “Tian Niu, please understand! I feel so melancholy.

Tian Niu had been looking for Murakami and Gogami for two or three days in a row, saying that she wanted to be rescued, but after many attempts, there was still no concrete result.

Tian Niu said to herself: "Don't get too irritated this time. You can only take your time." When her husband went out to work, she closed the door, cruelly took out a plastic bag from the crack of the footstone in the back room, and opened it. Finally, I looked at the cash she had hidden and counted it, a total of 50,000 yuan. She took out 15,000 yuan, plus the remaining 15,000 yuan for hospitalization, a total of 30,000 yuan, put it in an khaki envelope, and then put it into her small red satchel.

After her husband Cheng Shi came back, she handed him the envelope and said, "You should pay back the 30,000 yuan that you borrowed from Lu Hong's family as soon as possible. We can't always owe him. Besides, we still owe him 45,000 yuan. I've owed it for ten years. What if I don't pay it back?" Her husband Cheng Shi asked her, "Don't worry about it, just borrow it!"

The husband returned the 30,000 yuan he borrowed. After becoming popular, Tian Niu felt a lot more comfortable...

After another two months of the Beginning of Autumn, her husband said: "My son has transferred fifteen thousand yuan and asked us to pay back the money we borrowed." Tian Niu My heart was open again for a long time.

At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, Murakami considered Tian Niu’s family’s actual difficulties and applied for a temporary relief fund for Tian Niu. He asked Tian Niu to go to the village to fill out the form first and wait for approval from the township civil affairs office. Sure enough, on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, another fifteen hundred yuan was added to Tian Niu's personal account.

Suddenly, Tian Niu burst into tears. Her husband Cheng Shi said: "La is the twelfth lunar month, why are you crying?" "We just want to cry, what? We thought: The government's policies are better, and they always think about us people in need!"