# Mother-in-law #​@ Sui Fengxiu​My mother-in-law just came to the city to live for three days. She couldn't sit still. She walked left and right in the house, trying to help with this and that, but there were some things she couldn't do. When I came back from get off work in the

Picture 1: An electric tricycle that is common in every household

Me: Mom, just stay for one more week. I will send you back next week. You have to take the train back this week.

Mother-in-law: How can that be done? Buy a train ticket and leave on Saturday.

Picture 2: Corn seedlings

She injured her arm and has gotten better these days. She still talks about her fields, saying that she needs to visit them every day, for fear that she will miss the growth period if she misses them. It is really like raising a child. of.

Alas, this mother-in-law, who is over 70 years old, does not want to cause trouble to her children and cannot fall behind. This is just her character. In today's fashionable terms, he is a tomboy.

Figure 3: Yang Shulin

So the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, I feel, is to respect each other, help each other, communicate more, and accompany each other more.

For example, my mother-in-law’s arm was injured, and I took the initiative to pick her up. Wash her hair and wash her clothes. When she needs my help, I will do it to reduce her burden. If

has any big issues, we will let her give her ideas. Even if she can't help, we still want her to have a sense of participation.

Figure 4: A bumper wheat harvest