My hometown is in an ancient small village by the Wenshui River. In 1997, the first year of normal school, communication was not very developed and transportation was relatively blocked. When I came home during the summer vacation, I saw a chubby, well-dressed woman at home. The

My hometown is in an ancient small village by the Wenshui River.

was in the first year of normal school in 1997. Communications were not very developed and transportation was relatively blocked.

went home during the summer vacation and saw a chubby, well-dressed woman in the house.

The woman speaks a nice Northeastern dialect. Compared with the dialect of northwest Shandong , the words are more precise and the accent is more melodious.

It was the summer harvest, and the family was harvesting peanuts during the day. After a day of hard work, they were exhausted. The whole family was sitting on chairs in the main room, and the woman was surrounded by stars and the moon.

The picture comes from the Internet

I am a junior, refilling the tea and pouring water, listening to the men and women chatting around the Northeastern women.

Women know a lot about astronomy and geography, and they also understand medicine, and they know all the native methods of treating diseases.

I was so impressed when I heard it.

She is a distant relative of the neighbor's family. It is said that when she was a child, she followed her parents to the Northeast and traveled to the Northeast.

My cousin had a sore back and waist from working during the day. The woman generously lifted up my cousin’s shirt and kneaded it for him. My cousin’s face turned red and white. Anyway, in front of so many people, there was no point in laughing and joking.

The uncle looked like he was enjoying it. The woman kneaded it very well and looked very professional. The uncle said that he had never relaxed so comfortably in his life and praised the woman for her good skills and being smart and capable.

Everyone also joked that women from the Northeast are capable, and whoever marries a woman from the Northeast will see smoke rising from their ancestral graves.

After hearing this, the woman really took it seriously and said seriously: What's so difficult about this? I went back to my hometown this time and brought my niece back. Her family was poor and she lost her parents when she was very young. She wanted to find her here. I think Desheng (my cousin’s name)’s youngest son hasn’t started a family yet, so why don’t I help him get married?

The picture comes from the Internet

We usually call him the youngest son of my uncle’s family, Brother Shengli.

Indeed, I am in my thirties, and I don’t look like a good person. There are small pimples on my face all year round, as if I have never gone through puberty. Because my cousin’s family has three sons, the upper two sons finally became a family and lived separately, leaving only the younger son wandering around the village every day.

I went out to work last year and got into some trouble for some unknown reason. It was said that I was flirting with an older girl. I was beaten up by the girl's boyfriend. My arm was a little disabled and I couldn't straighten it. I had to crook my arm all day long and couldn't walk. Like polio, a little wobbly.

When my uncle heard about this good thing, he nodded quickly and said, "Sister, if you can find a wife for my family Shengli, I will give you a generous gift, and I won't treat your sister badly."

My uncle stretched out a finger - 10,000.

In our hometown in the late 1990s, 10,000 yuan was quite a lot. I paid 3,000 yuan for tuition at the Normal University, but my family couldn't afford it. I don't know what other families are like unless they start a small business locally.

My cousin’s family is also farming. If he has 10,000 yuan in hand, he will definitely not be able to get it. But in order to find a wife for my younger son, it is worth spending more money.

At noon the next day, my uncle asked me to help burn the big pot. As expected, many guests came to the house. Among the guests, I saw a girl with a braid.

She is so beautiful, with double eyelids, big eyes, and rosy skin. Anyway, she has a look that I envy.

was also dressed very fashionably, with transparent plastic sandals and a floral dress. She was particularly well-proportioned. Not to mention that I was a fledgling seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl at the time, but I liked them all.

The guy will definitely like it even more when he sees it. Because in the village at that time, especially those who came from places as far as the northeast, the people in the village would treat them warmly.

Pictures come from the Internet

I have never traveled far, and I always feel that the outside world is very good, the families outside should be very rich, and the girls outside should be very kind.

I cooked a pot in the kitchen all afternoon. My uncle’s family cooked a large table of chicken, duck and fish dishes, and I also took out the Taishan Tequ that I was reluctant to drink.

Throughout the dinner, the Northeastern woman (later the matchmaker) praised the Northeastern girl as if she were a flower.

The cousin asked Brother Shengli to toast the matchmaker, which felt a bit condescending. During the whole dinner, the Northeastern girl smiled and said nothing, and the more she watched, the more comfortable she became.

That meal was considered a meeting meal. When the matchmaker left with the girl from Northeast China, my cousin gave the matchmaker five hundred yuan and gave the girl another five hundred yuan, which was considered a meeting gift.

Actually, the thousand yuan that my cousin took out was money from the rations he just sold, and he borrowed some from my dad to put it together.

The matchmaker lives with her niece in a small guest house in the north of the village. Ever since they met, my uncle asked Brother Shengli to visit the small admissions office again and again with his things to keep in touch with the two of them.

Today I carry a chicken, tomorrow I carry a basket of eggs, and the day after tomorrow I carry a big watermelon, all of which are raised or grown at home.

Every time Brother Shengli asked to meet the girl alone, the matchmaker said it wasn't time yet, and she was going to get married sooner or later, so there was no rush. Besides, the girl had never been in love before, so she was scared to take her out.

Brother Shengli didn't pay attention. The next time she went there, she would slip a letter to the girl when the matchmaker wasn't paying attention. The letter was full of Brother Shengli's love for the girl.

There is a letter I wrote for Brother Shengli. I used the lyrics from a song by Zhao Chuan: I am ugly, but I am gentle.

After going back and forth, the girl was also impressed by Brother Shengli, and when she went back again, she started flirting with him.

Pictures come from the Internet

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and my cousin feels it is almost time to propose marriage, and he has spent thousands of dollars on it. On the day

went to propose marriage, the matchmaker raised the issue of the bride price. She said that according to the local standards in Northeast China, the bride's family had to be given a bride price of 20,000 yuan. The girl's family has no parents, so I collected the gift money for her parents. After Shengli got married, I took out the money to live as a couple, just as a token of appreciation. Otherwise, I would also feel sorry for her parents who passed away.

My uncle is an honest man. Although the psychological price was 10,000 yuan, he gritted his teeth and agreed when he thought that he could get back the 20,000 yuan in the future.

agreed to hold a wedding for the two of them in February.

During this period, my uncle happened to be raising money for the bride price. It was a large amount of money. At that time, this amount could buy a house in the city.

My uncle asked to borrow money from relatives and friends. All the relatives and friends knew everything about it. They all lived in the surrounding villages, and none of them had made a fortune. Borrowing one hundred to one family and eight hundred to that family did not solve the fundamental problem.

There were dozens of big white poplar trees planted on Tangshu Mountain. The trees were not very valuable at that time.

That night, my uncle and several men from the village went to the mountain to cut down trees. It was dark and the road was steep. When carrying the tree down the mountain, I accidentally stepped on a pile of rocks.

was impartial when he fell, and the machete attached to his body was inserted into his stomach.

The men who went with him drove his tractor overnight and sent his uncle to the hospital in the city. His life was saved, but unfortunately half of his stomach was removed.

originally planned to get married after the next year, but the wedding date was postponed until October of the next year. After my cousin was discharged from the hospital, the family was destitute. Instead of borrowing the money, they spent it all and owed a lot of debt.

But Brother Shengli had his sights set on a Northeastern girl. When he couldn’t see her for a day, he searched everywhere like crazy, as if he had lost his soul and didn’t want to eat or drink. Later, Brother Shengli even went to the Northeast with the Northeastern girl. After he came back, he was even more determined to marry her. She is a wife.

The picture comes from the Internet

Uncle Tang took a desperate risk and borrowed a loan shark.

The matchmaker who received the bride price happily arranged the marriage for the northeastern girl.

After drinking the wedding wine, on the first night of their wedding, the girl told Brother Shengli, I'm sorry, I can't have children.

Brother Shengli said, it’s okay, as long as we are good to each other, and as long as you live your life with me wholeheartedly, I will be good to you all my life.

We have been married for half a month. I heard from Brother Shengli that they have never consummated their marriage, and he has never touched a Northeastern girl. Either she is in pain today, or she is not ready because she wants to wait a little longer.

One night, in the middle of the night, I heard my cousin knocking on my door and asked my dad to quickly put on his clothes and take a hoe to the entrance of the village to block people. Said, Victory’s wife ran away!

My father, my mother, and the surrounding neighbors all got up. When we arrived at the entrance of the village, it was pitch black and we couldn't see anything. There were no ghosts on the road, and the guest house was empty.

My uncle slapped his head and squatted on the ground and cried. Everyone realized that they had been fooled, and the matchmaker and the Northeastern girl ran away with the bride price!

The story of my cousin's family spending money to marry a wife spread in the village and was regarded as a joke.

The picture comes from the Internet

The high-interest loan had to be repaid, and the cousin fell down in anger, making the family worse.

Brother Shengli just doesn't believe in this evil. He always feels that his wife should not be here to cheat her into getting married. When we were together, we were very close to each other. Although my wife didn't like to talk, she was always very happy and sweet.

He remembered the address of the last time he went to Northeast China, and he took the train there alone.

A few days later, Brother Shengli returned to the village like an eggplant beaten by frost. Nothing!

People in the village persuaded my uncle’s family to call the police. My uncle was a very face-conscious person and was afraid of being embarrassed, so there was no point in calling the police. Brother Shengli also insisted not to call the police. He believed that the "daughter-in-law" would come back.

When I went home during the second summer vacation, I saw an extra woman in Brother Shengli’s room. She was still wearing thick braids and her belly was swollen.

Brother Shengli smiled and said, call sister-in-law! When I saw it, it was the northeastern woman who cheated on her marriage.

It turns out that after the girl returned to the Northeast, she thought that Brother Shengli's family had been so kind to her and had deceived so many families. This was the first time she met such a kind family.

then figured it out, and came back on his own initiative, and brought 10,000 yuan back to Brother Shengli. He said that the other 10,000 yuan should be considered as a tribute to his aunt (the matchmaker) for so many years. After all, she also I got breast cancer , my days are numbered, and I can’t deceive others anymore.

The picture comes from the Internet

However, before this daughter-in-law came back, my cousin had passed away with deep resentment and regret. He did not get to see his younger son really get married and live a real life, nor did he see his grandson running around. scene.

Now, Brother Shengli has become a grandfather. I live an ordinary life in the village with the Northeastern girl, but the Northeastern daughter-in-law still wears thick braids, smiles and says nothing, and still looks the same to me.