My name is Su Su, I am 40 years old this year. My hometown is Hebei. I am an out-and-out farmer. After winning the lawsuit, if the other party fails to fulfill the court judgment during the performance period, it can apply to the court for enforcement.

I am Su Su, I am 40 years old this year, my hometown is Hebei, and I am an out-and-out farmer.

My grandfather is a veteran of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea , and he is a good man praised by everyone.

My father grew up under the aura of my grandfather, and he was also a good man. There was no one in the village who did not praise my father for his conduct.

Starting in 1999, my dad and some distant relatives started building construction, first building houses for some people in the village.

Because the house was well built, he did a lot of projects later, and the projects got bigger and bigger, and he gradually became a contractor.

Once, my dad and the others contracted a relatively large project. After the project was completed, my distant relative saw so much money, became greedy, and took away all the project money.

At that time, my father was responsible for recruiting workers and supervising the project, while my distant relative was responsible for the business and settlement of the project payment.

After my relatives ran away with the project money, my dad had to advance the wages to the workers himself, because he is a good person and he hired the workers, so he has to take responsibility.

Moreover, the workers recruited to work on the construction site were all poor people who wanted to make money, and they were all people introduced by acquaintances or acquaintances. He couldn't bear that the workers could not get paid.

After that, my dad stopped partnering with relatives and started doing projects by himself.

As a result, the landlord was cheated this time. The landlord was short-settled by 14,000 yuan. In the era of households with 10,000 yuan, 14,000 yuan was a huge sum of money.

Later, my dad came to the landlord many times to ask for money, but he was rejected every time.

At that time, my father had the desire to kill people, but when he thought about his father being a veteran respected by everyone, and he still had three children waiting to be fed.

He endured it again. He had no money, so he could only look for people to borrow money and settle the wages of the workers.

then continued to work as a contractor, from the countryside to the city, where he has been working for more than 30 years. Most of the people

encountered during this period were difficult homeowners or developers, and occasionally one or two good ones were encountered.

When I was in the first grade of junior high school, my dad was stabbed three times by the homeowner's 18-year-old son while he was collecting construction money from the homeowner, and four of his ribs were broken.

Although the pain was unbearable, he got his wages back and he felt it was worth it.

After that, my dad only stayed in the hospital for 4 days and was discharged. Despite the pain, he continued to work on the project with the workers.

Because he knows that the workers are short of money, and he can't bear to lose a day's income if he stops working for a day.

My dad started to officially take over projects from developers in 2006. Because he didn’t have much capital at the time, he partnered with someone to contract the project.

As a result, this partner, like my distant relative before, tricked my dad again.

My dad advanced the wages of the workers himself, and the money he initially invested was cheated by his partners, so he owed a huge sum of money.

After my father was cheated by a partner this time, he no longer dared to join a partnership with others and started to work alone. If he had no money, he would borrow money or take out loans.

However, no matter how hard my dad worked and how much he thought about the workers, the projects he contracted either failed to make money or were cheated by developers and he could not get the project payment.

My dad was just demolishing the east wall to repair the west wall. Occasionally, he would meet some good developers who could offset the good with the bad, allowing us to survive.

The best time was when I got married in 2008. My mother-in-law asked for the full payment to buy a wedding house, and the developer used the project money to offset it and gave me a wedding house.

lives his life in this way. Although he doesn't earn much money, he doesn't need to owe a large amount of debt like before.

However, the good times did not last long. In 2015, my grandfather died of illness. Before my grandfather died of illness, he had been paralyzed for many years. My mother had always taken good care of my grandfather day and night without any regrets.

For this reason, the township government also sent my mother a banner of " Glorious Home " to commend my parents for their filial piety.

Maybe it’s because my grandfather believed in Buddhism during his lifetime. After he passed away, without his protection, our family began to have bad luck.

In the second year after my grandfather left, the government demolished the building we just built at the construction site due to Party A’s reasons for the project we contracted.

All our belongings were invested in this project, and we also borrowed a lot of money. We were really on the verge of tears. At that time, we felt that the sky was falling and we could not live our lives.

We contacted the developer many times afterwards, but to no avail. From that time on, nothing we did went smoothly, and we didn’t receive any projects for three consecutive years.

Just like this, our foreign debts are piling up and we can't even afford the money for lawsuits. My dad instantly aged a lot under the heavy pressure.

went on like this for three years, finally getting some work and borrowing some money. However, after the project was completed, no money was given, and the debt could not be settled after repeated attempts to clear the debt. The developer of

insisted that he had no money, and the government could not do anything to him.

Every time we see our father, who is worried and his hair has turned gray, the hearts of the three of us sisters are as sharp as a knife. The three of us sisters all thought of our own ways to raise money for him.

My sister was married in a rural area, and her whole family was farming. She only made so little money from selling wheat every year, leaving only a little for living expenses, and the rest was given to my father.

But such a small amount of money is like a stone thrown into the sea, causing few waves and causing family discord.

Although my sister married in the city, both husband and wife are office workers. They only earn more than 2,000 yuan a month after working. After excluding living expenses, there is not much left.

She had no choice but to borrow hundreds of thousands from her mother-in-law to give my dad an emergency. The husband's family also complained a lot.

And I am just a worker and don’t earn much. I also use various methods to get money for my dad.

This has also caused trouble for my small family. My wife has repeatedly said that she wants to divorce me.

All this is because we have a good father.

That’s it. What happens next is even more devastating.

Just a few months ago, my dad came to me and asked me to help him again.

As a son, since my father was in trouble, I couldn't just ignore him, so I tried to find a way to lend him money.

Just when I was still worrying about how to make money to repay the borrowed money, trouble came again.

Just a few days ago, the creditor who borrowed money to finance the demolition project came to visit.

Because when my dad borrowed money, he used my house as a mortgage.

We never expected that the houses built under this project would be forcibly demolished.

My father originally wanted to give it a try and earn some money to spend his old age, but he never thought that he would fall into a deeper quagmire.

When the creditors came to my house to make trouble, I was the only one at home with my 10-year-old son. They asked us to move out immediately. The house was already mortgaged to them.

My son looked at those vicious debt collectors and quickly took out all his New Year's money and said to me: "Dad, use this money to pay off grandpa's debt!"

When I heard this, I burst into tears. He was only 10 Years old, we have to bear this with us at such a young age.

Later, my parents came, my wife came back, and my sisters also came.

We said all the good things to the creditor together, my mother even knelt down in front of the creditor, and then the creditor left my house with some cruel words.

That day, my mother told me that she was 60 years old. She had only served her parents-in-law, raised children, and done housework all her life. She had not made any big contribution to the family. She said she wanted to go out on the road to make money. .

My mother said: "I heard that if you are hit by a car and die, you can be compensated hundreds of thousands, which can be regarded as solving some difficulties for the family..."

I was scared to death, and I quickly advised her not to do such a stupid thing. thing. Even if I were asked to sell iron, sell houses, or get divorced, we can't do that kind of thing.

After I sent my mother home, I returned home and thought of the scenes that had happened in this home over the years, and I couldn't help but feel sad.

I called my wife and wanted to tell her what my mother said. I didn’t say a few words on the phone and I couldn’t help crying. They say men don’t shed tears easily, but I really couldn’t bear it. Living.

I am Su Su, I am 40 years old this year, my hometown is Hebei, and I am an out-and-out farmer.

My grandfather is a veteran of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea , and he is a good man praised by everyone.

My father grew up under the aura of my grandfather, and he was also a good man. There was no one in the village who did not praise my father for his conduct.

Starting in 1999, my dad and some distant relatives started building construction, first building houses for some people in the village.

Because the house was well built, he did a lot of projects later, and the projects got bigger and bigger, and he gradually became a contractor.

Once, my dad and the others contracted a relatively large project. After the project was completed, my distant relative saw so much money, became greedy, and took away all the project money.

At that time, my father was responsible for recruiting workers and supervising the project, while my distant relative was responsible for the business and settlement of the project payment.

After my relatives ran away with the project money, my dad had to advance the wages to the workers himself, because he is a good person and he hired the workers, so he has to take responsibility.

Moreover, the workers recruited to work on the construction site were all poor people who wanted to make money, and they were all people introduced by acquaintances or acquaintances. He couldn't bear that the workers could not get paid.

After that, my dad stopped partnering with relatives and started doing projects by himself.

As a result, the landlord was cheated this time. The landlord was short-settled by 14,000 yuan. In the era of households with 10,000 yuan, 14,000 yuan was a huge sum of money.

Later, my dad came to the landlord many times to ask for money, but he was rejected every time.

At that time, my father had the desire to kill people, but when he thought about his father being a veteran respected by everyone, and he still had three children waiting to be fed.

He endured it again. He had no money, so he could only look for people to borrow money and settle the wages of the workers.

then continued to work as a contractor, from the countryside to the city, where he has been working for more than 30 years. Most of the people

encountered during this period were difficult homeowners or developers, and occasionally one or two good ones were encountered.

When I was in the first grade of junior high school, my dad was stabbed three times by the homeowner's 18-year-old son while he was collecting construction money from the homeowner, and four of his ribs were broken.

Although the pain was unbearable, he got his wages back and he felt it was worth it.

After that, my dad only stayed in the hospital for 4 days and was discharged. Despite the pain, he continued to work on the project with the workers.

Because he knows that the workers are short of money, and he can't bear to lose a day's income if he stops working for a day.

My dad started to officially take over projects from developers in 2006. Because he didn’t have much capital at the time, he partnered with someone to contract the project.

As a result, this partner, like my distant relative before, tricked my dad again.

My dad advanced the wages of the workers himself, and the money he initially invested was cheated by his partners, so he owed a huge sum of money.

After my father was cheated by a partner this time, he no longer dared to join a partnership with others and started to work alone. If he had no money, he would borrow money or take out loans.

However, no matter how hard my dad worked and how much he thought about the workers, the projects he contracted either failed to make money or were cheated by developers and he could not get the project payment.

My dad was just demolishing the east wall to repair the west wall. Occasionally, he would meet some good developers who could offset the good with the bad, allowing us to survive.

The best time was when I got married in 2008. My mother-in-law asked for the full payment to buy a wedding house, and the developer used the project money to offset it and gave me a wedding house.

lives his life in this way. Although he doesn't earn much money, he doesn't need to owe a large amount of debt like before.

However, the good times did not last long. In 2015, my grandfather died of illness. Before my grandfather died of illness, he had been paralyzed for many years. My mother had always taken good care of my grandfather day and night without any regrets.

For this reason, the township government also sent my mother a banner of " Glorious Home " to commend my parents for their filial piety.

Maybe it’s because my grandfather believed in Buddhism during his lifetime. After he passed away, without his protection, our family began to have bad luck.

In the second year after my grandfather left, the government demolished the building we just built at the construction site due to Party A’s reasons for the project we contracted.

All our belongings were invested in this project, and we also borrowed a lot of money. We were really on the verge of tears. At that time, we felt that the sky was falling and we could not live our lives.

We contacted the developer many times afterwards, but to no avail. From that time on, nothing we did went smoothly, and we didn’t receive any projects for three consecutive years.

Just like this, our foreign debts are piling up and we can't even afford the money for lawsuits. My dad instantly aged a lot under the heavy pressure.

went on like this for three years, finally getting some work and borrowing some money. However, after the project was completed, no money was given, and the debt could not be settled after repeated attempts to clear the debt. The developer of

insisted that he had no money, and the government could not do anything to him.

Every time we see our father, who is worried and his hair has turned gray, the hearts of the three of us sisters are as sharp as a knife. The three of us sisters all thought of our own ways to raise money for him.

My sister was married in a rural area, and her whole family was farming. She only made so little money from selling wheat every year, leaving only a little for living expenses, and the rest was given to my father.

But such a small amount of money is like a stone thrown into the sea, causing few waves and causing family discord.

Although my sister married in the city, both husband and wife are office workers. They only earn more than 2,000 yuan a month after working. After excluding living expenses, there is not much left.

She had no choice but to borrow hundreds of thousands from her mother-in-law to give my dad an emergency. The husband's family also complained a lot.

And I am just a worker and don’t earn much. I also use various methods to get money for my dad.

This has also caused trouble for my small family. My wife has repeatedly said that she wants to divorce me.

All this is because we have a good father.

That’s it. What happens next is even more devastating.

Just a few months ago, my dad came to me and asked me to help him again.

As a son, since my father was in trouble, I couldn't just ignore him, so I tried to find a way to lend him money.

Just when I was still worrying about how to make money to repay the borrowed money, trouble came again.

Just a few days ago, the creditor who borrowed money to finance the demolition project came to visit.

Because when my dad borrowed money, he used my house as a mortgage.

We never expected that the houses built under this project would be forcibly demolished.

My father originally wanted to give it a try and earn some money to spend his old age, but he never thought that he would fall into a deeper quagmire.

When the creditors came to my house to make trouble, I was the only one at home with my 10-year-old son. They asked us to move out immediately. The house was already mortgaged to them.

My son looked at those vicious debt collectors and quickly took out all his New Year's money and said to me: "Dad, use this money to pay off grandpa's debt!"

When I heard this, I burst into tears. He was only 10 Years old, we have to bear this with us at such a young age.

Later, my parents came, my wife came back, and my sisters also came.

We said all the good things to the creditor together, my mother even knelt down in front of the creditor, and then the creditor left my house with some cruel words.

That day, my mother told me that she was 60 years old. She had only served her parents-in-law, raised children, and done housework all her life. She had not made any big contribution to the family. She said she wanted to go out on the road to make money. .

My mother said: "I heard that if you are hit by a car and die, you can be compensated hundreds of thousands, which can be regarded as solving some difficulties for the family..."

I was scared to death, and I quickly advised her not to do such a stupid thing. thing. Even if I were asked to sell iron, sell houses, or get divorced, we can't do that kind of thing.

After I sent my mother home, I returned home and thought of the scenes that had happened in this home over the years, and I couldn't help but feel sad.

I called my wife and wanted to tell her what my mother said. I didn’t say a few words on the phone and I couldn’t help crying. They say men don’t shed tears easily, but I really couldn’t bear it. Living.

I cried that I was unable to do anything, had no money or ability to solve my father's difficulties, so that my mother had to use her own life to help, making the person who gave birth to me and the person who gave birth to me suffer.

I cry because I have such a father who doesn’t think about his own family. When we don’t have money to contract the project, can’t we not do it?

Can't we do something else? He insisted on contracting projects, which not only made his own life miserable, but also made the three small families of his children miserable.

After that, I also had the idea of ​​​​committing suicide. I imagined that I would be in a car accident like what my mother said.

But when I think of my elderly parents, my ruthless mouth, my stubborn heart, my never-ending wife, and my lovely 10-year-old son, I can’t help but feel cruel.

but what should I do? I can't repay my father's debt or my own debt.

I even want to kill the developers who owe us money, but every time I hear my son call me "Dad", my heart breaks.

Some well-intentioned people advised me: "It will be fine, good people will be rewarded with good things."

As the saying goes: Good people will be rewarded with good things! But, do good people really get rewarded? Why can’t I see where the good news is? I really can't see where those good rewards are?

God, we are such a grateful family, such a family that values ​​love and justice, we will be good people for life. Why can't

receive God's favor? Why do we have to suffer so much in this world? Our four families can hardly survive.

what should we do? We really don’t know what to do anymore?

@Jian said: After reading Brother Susu’s story, I deeply sympathize, but there is nothing I can do about it. The life of us people is really difficult, especially in the past few years due to the mask disease.

Since ancient times, good people will be rewarded, and good people will be blessed. I believe it.

Good people are not rewarded, and sometimes they are taken advantage of by bad people. There are indeed many such examples.

This world is sometimes like this. If you are kind, others will take advantage of you. You are evil, but everyone comes to please you.

But even so, we should not change ourselves just because of some individual cases.

So why is this happening? I personally think, do good people really get rewarded? It depends on whether this good person is really "good" or not.

Su Su's father is indeed a good man in a broad sense, but he is a bit too good and is a fool.

From the perspective of others, we see him as a kind and good man because he always thinks about the workers.

But if we look at it from the perspective of a developer, he is always so forbearing and is a helper.

Is a person who always helps bad people hurt themselves or others really a good person? The answer is definitely "no!"

As the saying goes: Kindness must have a bottom line and a bit of edge. Only such kind people are truly good people and will receive good rewards. What should I do with

? My suggestion is to sue the developer to the court as soon as possible and demand repayment, because once the three-year statute of limitations expires, the right to win the lawsuit will be lost.

In this society governed by the rule of law, we should not be subject to life or death, shouting and killing at every turn. We must learn to use the law to arm ourselves and protect our rights and interests.

We, small migrant workers, cannot defeat other capitalists. In this era of such advanced Internet, we can only win by being calm and taking up the weapon of law.

When you have nothing to do, don’t kill time with those useless videos, learn more legal knowledge.

Therefore, you should complain to the local petition bureau and construction bureau as soon as possible, and remember to collect evidence that the other party is in arrears with the project payment.

can also file a lawsuit in the local court and jointly increase the liability of the subcontractor and the general contractor.

According to Article 807 of the " Civil Code ": If the contract developer fails to pay the price as agreed, the contractor may urge the contract developer to pay the price within a reasonable period. If the contractor fails to pay within the time limit, the contractor may sue in court.

When negotiating with developers, you should always pay attention to recording or taking photos to collect evidence in case of emergency. As long as there is evidence, you can usually win the case. After

wins the lawsuit, if the other party fails to fulfill the court judgment during the performance period, it can apply to the court for enforcement.

When accepting compulsory enforcement, the court will inquire about the real estate, vehicles, securities and deposits in the name of the other party in accordance with the law.

If the other party has no property for execution in its name, the contractor can request the court to auction the project in accordance with the law. The contractor will have priority in receiving the proceeds from the auction.

People's good and evil are all in one mind, in one thought. Good deeds are rewarded. If people don't repay you, God will definitely repay you in another way. One day, you will have your own unexpected good luck and good retribution.

May you be kind, not lose your edge, and be treated gently by this world.

Friends, do you agree with the saying "good people are rewarded"? What do you think Susu should do? I hope everyone can give him some sincere suggestions, thank you everyone!

When negotiating with developers, you should always pay attention to recording or taking photos to collect evidence in case of emergency. As long as there is evidence, you can usually win the case. After

wins the lawsuit, if the other party fails to fulfill the court judgment during the performance period, it can apply to the court for enforcement.

When accepting compulsory enforcement, the court will inquire about the real estate, vehicles, securities and deposits in the name of the other party in accordance with the law.

If the other party has no property for execution in its name, the contractor can request the court to auction the project in accordance with the law. The contractor will have priority in receiving the proceeds from the auction.

People's good and evil are all in one mind, in one thought. Good deeds are rewarded. If people don't repay you, God will definitely repay you in another way. One day, you will have your own unexpected good luck and good retribution.

May you be kind, not lose your edge, and be treated gently by this world.

Friends, do you agree with the saying "good people are rewarded"? What do you think Susu should do? I hope everyone can give him some sincere suggestions, thank you everyone!