My mother doesn’t spend money on shopping. As a traditional farmer, my mother, who has never been out of the mountains, attaches great importance to money. Her children cannot do without money when they get married, build a house, or have children. She will never spend a penny un

Mothers don’t spend money on shopping

As a traditional farmer, mothers who have never been out of the mountains attach great importance to money. Their children cannot get married, build houses, have children, etc. without money. They will never spend a penny unless it is absolutely necessary. . My mother, who is over 60 years old, has her own unique view on food and clothing: just keep warm and eat well. She never cares about the fashionable style of clothes or the color and fragrance of food, let alone the color of clothes and the nutritional combination of food.

However, since my mother came to the city, my son and I went shopping with her and everything changed.

It was a Saturday morning, and it was a rare leisure time. Anyway, my mother finally agreed to go shopping with my son, but the condition was that we didn’t buy any “useless” things.

I was secretly happy that being able to persuade my mother to go to the mall was the first step towards success: looking at the various clothes in the mall and the colorful people around me, I didn’t believe that she was so disgusted with her clothes. No idea. At least, it should be psychologically touched. After slowly "baptizing" it in the future, I believe there will be a change.

I deliberately squeezed into the elderly clothes counter, touching this item, that item, and making gestures on my mother's body. From time to time, I asked if this was good and how was that.

The six-year-old son was even more arrogant. He pulled his mother back and forth in the crowd, bumping into this person and stepping on that foot, causing the mother to either apologize to this person or say sorry to that person.

Mother didn’t buy it in the end, not because she didn’t like it, but because she couldn’t bear the two to three hundred yuan.

My son spread his hands to me, shrugged, and smiled at me: Dad, I have tried my best.

When he walked to the exit, his son saw a man who looked like a boss signed a name, scratched the card, carried his things and went out. He shouted happily: "Dad, Dad, look, that uncle didn't give any money." I went out. Is it free to buy things here?"

I ignored my son's question and said seriously to my mother: "Mom, I'd better buy that black coat for you. It doesn't cost anything. I'll sign it. Just the words. "

As soon as I finished speaking, my son ran over and picked up his mother's favorite black coat.

swipe the card and sign.

I put the pen into my pocket coolly and handed the clothes to my mother: "Mom, if you need anything in the future, just ask, and I will sign for it when you buy things in this mall."

My mother didn't react yet and refused to take the clothes. : "Can I buy clothes without spending money?... Can I buy clothes without spending money?"

The younger son shouted again: "Dad is so awesome, can you apply for a card like this for grandma, so that grandma can take me to the supermarket again?" There is no need to spend money.”

’s mother spent three days learning to write her name, and tried to swipe cards and sign to “shopping without spending money”, and it worked every time!

Mother’s clothes are becoming more and more exquisite, and her food is becoming more and more delicious. The concept of food and clothing that she had when she first entered the city has long been abandoned without a trace.

One day, my mother came to me with a shopping guide: "Leizi, Leizi, why didn't you let me sign this dress when I went to the mall to buy it?"

When I saw it, I broke out in a cold sweat: the price was 4800, My wife and I earn less than 5,000 yuan a month!

photos from the internet

photos from the internet

photos from the internet