Picture | Internet Zhuozhuo is 7 years old and has just entered first grade. During the Spring Festival, Zhuo Zhuo and his parents returned to their hometown in the countryside to celebrate the New Year. As soon as he got home, Zhuo Zhuo ran into the yard and chased the little la

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Zhuo Zhuo is 7 years old and has just entered the first grade.

During the Spring Festival, Zhuo Zhuo and his parents returned to their hometown in the countryside to celebrate the New Year. As soon as

arrived home, Zhuozhuo ran into the yard and chased the little lamb . Even a seven-year-old or an eight-year-old dog can't bear it, and the whole day is full of chaos. Two days later, several lambs and a big rooster avoided him at a distance.

On the third day, Zhuo Zhuo discovered a new toy—the donkey that belonged to his neighbor Chunshan’s grandfather. This is the only remaining donkey in several nearby villages. It is gray, not too tall, and very docile. It is taken out for a walk on the street by its owner every morning, and then tied to a wooden stake under the wall to eat corn stalks quietly.

Zhuo Zhuo was so excited. This was the first time he saw a donkey. He watched it from a distance, wanting to get close and touch its big ears. Seeing that Zhuo Zhuo was interested in the donkey, the old man came over and teased him, saying, my donkey is amazing. It can see the road clearly even when walking in the dark night. Look at the egg-shaped "scar" on its leg, which is the "night mark". Eye". It can also watch the house at night. If there is any movement, it will hit the ground with its hooves, which is faster than a dog.

An old man and a young man were basking in the sun under the wall. For a whole afternoon, Zhuo Zhuo was immersed in the magical experience of this donkey. The old man finished smoking a pack of cigarettes, untied the reins and handed it over to Zhuozhuo for two laps.

Zhuo Zhuo touched the donkey carefully. It waggled its ears and looked at it. It seemed that it did not reject this little guest from the city at all. The behemoth followed obediently, and Zhuo Zhuo was so proud.

Grandpa Chunshan also promised to teach Zhuo Zhuo how to feed a donkey tomorrow.

Before going to bed at night, Zhuo Zhuo took out his yogurt and put it in his pocket and said that he would give it to the donkey in the morning.

Zhuo Zhuo came to Grandpa Chunshan’s house early the next morning. Under his guidance, he sifted a trough full of wheat mangos with a bamboo sieve, and finally sprinkled a bowl of cornmeal. Although his new clothes were stained and his hair was covered with dust, Zhuo Zhuo felt very accomplished. After the donkey finished eating the fodder and drank a bucket of warm water, the donkey's belly was round and round.

For several days in a row, Zhuo Zhuo got up on time to feed the donkey. On the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month , Zhuo Zhuo said seriously, Mr. Chunshan, why don't you sell me the donkey after the Chinese New Year, and I will take it back and keep it to open the eyes of my friends. The old man smiled and said, OK, how much do you pay? Zhuo Zhuo thought about it and said it would be about six hundred yuan. Grandpa Chunshan said, OK.

Zhuozhuo jumped up happily and said quickly, let's hook up, don't regret it. One old and one young, they even hooked up.

In the next few days, Zhuo Zhuo took better care of the donkey. After sifting the forage, an extra half bowl of cornmeal will be added.

On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, after breakfast, Zhuo Zhuo took out the red envelopes he had received in the past few days from under his pillow, totaling 900 yuan, stuffed them into his pocket and went to Grandpa Chunshan's house. As soon as I entered the door, I said I was going back to the city in the afternoon and came to take the donkey.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then he immediately took out the donkey from the west room and handed it to Zhuo Zhuo with a smile.

The whole family looked at the donkey brought back by Zhuo Zhuo and couldn't laugh or cry. I had to tie him in the sheepfold first.

In the afternoon, Dad started the car, and Zhuo Zhuo insisted on stuffing the donkey into the trunk. Mom smiled and said, Grandpa is joking with you. You can't buy a donkey for six hundred yuan. Besides, there is no place to pawn it in the building back in the city. Feed it.

Zhuo Zhuo didn't care about this, he cried loudly and said, you are all liars. You agreed to bring her back to the city to raise her. He was so anxious that he stamped his feet...

The car kept driving out of the village, and Zhuo Zhuo could still be heard crying. Voice.

was walking home when he met Chunshan. Grandma Zhuozhuo said angrily, Brother, how can you make such a joke with your child? The Chinese New Year makes children unhappy.

Chunshan took a puff of cigarette and said, "Seeing how much my child likes donkeys, I really want to give them to my children. Our village will be demolished after the wheat autumn season, and I have no place to feed it. This donkey will help." After a lifetime of farm work, I couldn’t bear to be sold, skinned and eaten. After saying that, he stuffed the red envelope Zhuo Zhuo gave him, took the reins, and left without looking back.