During the Qing Dynasty, there was a small mountain village at the foot of Wuyue Mountain. There was a young widow named Wan Xiao in the village. She was beautiful and slim, and was one of the top beauties in the local area. But as the old saying goes, beauties are destined to ha

During the period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a small mountain village at the foot of Wuyue Mountain. There was a young widow named Wan Xiao in the village. She was beautiful and slim, and was one of the top beauties in the local area. But as the old saying goes, beauties are destined to have bad luck, and Wan Xiao is no exception.

Wan Xiao was born in an ordinary farmer's family. Because her family was really poor, she was sold to a family named Du when she was very young and became a child bride. Fortunately, the Du family treated her quite well. Her husband was called Du Ruo and he was an honest and honest salesman.

After their marriage, the relationship between the two was stable and their life was comfortable. However, Du Ruo was just a piece of wood and worked hard outside all day long to make money. Unfortunately, Wan Xiaohua was as old as Wan Xiaohua and could only stay in the empty house alone. However, she never complained and always supported her husband's career.

But something unexpected happened, and Du Ruo accidentally fell off a cliff while going out to purchase goods and died. This incident had a great impact on the family. After taking care of Du Ruo's funeral, the parents-in-law, who had always been in good health, fell ill one after another, and their health became worse day by day.

Not long after, the two passed away one after another. The successive blows caught Wan Xiao off guard. She was so distraught that she cried all day long. Fortunately, with the help of her neighbors, she was not unable to survive. Among them, two people contributed the most, namely bricklayer Si Yuchen and carpenter Chi Zhenpeng.

They are both Du Ruo's childhood friends. The three of them grew up together and are as close as brothers. The funeral affairs of Du Ruo and his parents were all handled by the two of them, which solved a lot of trouble for Wan Xiao. However, Wan Xiao's life did not get better. She became extremely unlucky. She never succeeded in anything she did, and her life was almost in danger several times.

That afternoon, Wan Xiao came to Si Yuchen for help. It turned out that her stove had collapsed inexplicably. Not only that, when she was cleaning it up, many large centipedes actually came out of the cracks. Wan Xiao was a little scared, so she came to Si Yuchen and hoped that he could help repair the stove.

Si Yuchen did not refuse, packed up his things and came to Wan Xiao's house. On the way here, he learned from Wan Xiao that she always had a strange dream at night. In the dream, she was lying on an unfamiliar stone slab with countless centipedes crawling up and down on her body. The ground gnawed at her body, but she couldn't move and could only watch as she was chewed into bones.

Not only that, there were three other corpses lying next to her, which belonged to her husband and parents-in-law. Si Yuchen's face changed slightly after hearing this. He seemed to have guessed something, but he didn't say much.

After repairing the stove, it was already late at night and it started to rain heavily. Wan Xiao suggested that he stay overnight and go back early tomorrow morning. Si Yuchen didn't want to agree, but as soon as he walked into the main room, he felt a strong sinister aura that made him breathless.

Si Yuchen had learned disgusted with witchcraft from his master, so he could feel the slight change in the atmosphere in the house. It seems that someone has placed a curse on Wan Xiao's house. As for what the curse was, it is still unknown. While the two were eating, a large centipede suddenly fell from the roof beam, shocking the two.

Wan Xiao looked melancholy and said that there have been a lot of centipedes at home recently. She has tried many methods, but to no avail. After Si Yuchen heard this, he immediately had a clue in his mind. That night, he sneaked into the kitchen with a carving knife and carved a large red-crowned rooster on the kitchen stove. After doing all this, he took out a small bag of cinnabar from his arms and sprinkled it on the carved rooster statue. He blew it gently and the rooster's eyes suddenly lit up, as if it came to life. Afterwards, Si Yuchen wiped off the cinnabar, and the newly carved rooster statue disappeared.

Strangely enough, since then, centipedes have never appeared in Wan Xiao's house, and she is no longer haunted by nightmares at night, and her life has gradually gotten better.

One morning, carpenter Chi Zhenpeng met Wan Xiao on the road who was out shopping for groceries. The two looked at each other, but did not take the initiative to say hello. The atmosphere was a bit subtle. However, when Chi Zhenpeng saw the rosy Wan Xiao, he showed a puzzled expression, and then followed him quietly.

When Wan Xiao arrived home, she found Chi Zhenpeng who was following her. She felt helpless and immediately turned around to invite him into the house as a guest. Chi Zhenpeng did not refuse and immediately nodded in agreement. But as soon as Chi Zhenpeng walked into the yard, he rolled his eyes, passed out, twitched all over, and foamed at the mouth.

This frightened Wan Xiao, and she immediately ran out to invite the doctor, but not long after she left the house, she ran into Si Yuchen. She told Si Yuchen the situation, but to her surprise, Si Yuchen didn't panic at all. Instead, he laughed: "I didn't expect that the real culprit behind this was him!"

Wan Xiao was confused and had no idea what was going on. , Si Yuchen took her back home and got into the kitchen. At this moment, a majestic portrait of a rooster appeared on the stove, and in the rooster's mouth was a large centipede.

After that, the two came to Wan Xiao's room again, and Si Yuchen climbed up the beam and found a small wooden box on it. The wooden box contained a centipede carved from wood, but it had been broken into two halves. , and the centipede is wrapped around a small wooden figure. The wooden figure looks exactly like Wan Xiao, with her name and birthday engraved on the back.

Si Yuchen told her that this technique is called the Centipede Death Curse. Anyone who is cursed will be plagued by bad luck. All their relatives will die within three years. After three years, the bad luck will turn into bad luck, and they will definitely die. Fortunately, Si Yuchen discovered it in time that day and carved a rooster on the stove. The rooster is the nemesis of the centipede and can naturally break this technique.

The reason why he did not tell Wan Xiao earlier was because Si Yuchen planned to find out who was behind the scenes, but he never expected that Chi Zhenpeng was actually the person who wanted to harm Wan Xiao. At this moment, his technique was broken and he suffered backlash, which led to that situation.

After learning the truth, Wan Xiao was really surprised. After a moment, she seemed to have made up her mind, gritting her teeth and telling the story of the complicated relationship between her and Chi Zhenpeng.

It turned out that after Wan Xiao married into the Du family, she had been staying alone in the empty house. During this period, she met Chi Zhenpeng. In order to satisfy her own needs, she deliberately hooked up with Chi Zhenpeng and secretly had a private meeting with him while her husband was away. Chi Zhenpeng was deceived by her false love and thought that she really wanted to leave Du Ruo and wander around the world with him.

But whenever Chi Zhenpeng mentioned taking her away, she would excuse him with various excuses. Until one time, Wan Xiao was really impatient and said something stupid casually that if Du didn't die, she wouldn't be able to leave. What she didn't expect was that Chi Zhenpeng actually killed Du Ruo.

It turns out that Du Ruo's death was not an accident, but Chi Zhenpeng deliberately pushed him off the cliff. After Wan Xiao found out about this, she was worried about exposing her relationship with Chi Zhenpeng and did not dare to report it to the official. She could only temporarily cut off contact with him. But this completely angered Chi Zhenpeng, so he secretly cast the Centipede Death Curse while taking care of Du Ruo's funeral.

Si Yuchen was shocked after hearing this. He was really the most vicious woman. He never thought that all these incidents were caused by Wan Xiao. Later, Si Yuchen chose to report to the police, and both Chi Zhenpeng and Wan Xiao were arrested and received due punishment.