He was very dissolute and lustful, and he would not let go even the maids and servants who were quite qualified in the palace. He even carried two taels of gold and vowed to find famous prostitutes all over the world.

There was a dandy named Wei Shu, who came from a family of officials in Xianyang . He was very dissolute and lustful, and he would not let go even the pretty maids and servants in the house. He even carried a thousand taels of gold and vowed to find famous prostitutes all over the world.

It is said that as long as there is a lonely woman in a prosperous place, he will go there personally.

If you meet an ordinary-looking person, you will only stay with her for two days; but if you meet a beautiful person, you will stay with her for half a year.

One of his uncles is named Wei Zheng. He was once a well-known good official, but now he has resigned at home.

Wei Zheng was very dissatisfied with his nephew's conduct, so he invited a well-known local private school teacher and forced him and his sons to study behind closed doors.

As the saying goes, a country is easy to change, but a person's nature is hard to change. So that night, while his husband was sleeping, Wei Shu secretly climbed over the wall and left to visit a lonely beautiful woman. He didn't come back until dawn, which was normal.

One night, Wei Shu climbed over the wall as usual, but accidentally slipped and broke his leg.

A gentleman who was passing by happened to see this, so he went to tell Wei Zheng.

When Wei Zheng found out, he became furious and beat his nephew Wei Shu severely. He didn't give him medicine until Wei Shu was beaten so hard that he couldn't get up.

After Wei Shu recovered from his injury, his uncle Wei Zheng made a covenant with him: he should read twice as many books as other brothers and write good articles, so that he would not be prohibited from wandering out; otherwise, he would Get beaten like last time.

Wei Shu, who had been beaten up, still dared to disobey his uncle's commandment and study and write honestly.

Fortunately, he is talented and intelligent, and every time he studies, he will exceed the progress set by his teacher.

In just a few years, Wei Shu was admitted to the Juren Examination. He wondered if his uncle would stop him from meeting beauties! So I couldn't help but get excited.

Unexpectedly, his uncle's restraint on him was even stricter than before. Even when he went to the capital to take the exam, he would give the accompanying old servant a diary and ask the old servant to write down Wei Shu's daily words and deeds.

Therefore, after several years, Wei Shu was cautious in his words and deeds, never daring to take any extraordinary action.

Later, when he passed the Jinshi examination, his uncle relaxed his restraints a little.

From then on, Wei Shu was like a bird that broke out of its cage, going out to have fun every day. But in order not to be discovered by his uncle, he pretended to be Wei and entered a remote alley where there was a beautiful woman alone.

One day, Wei Shu passed by Xi'an and accidentally met a young opera singer. His name was Luo Huiqing. He was sixteen years old and his appearance was actually a bit more beautiful than that of a woman.

Wei Shu liked him very much when he saw him, so he stayed with him under different excuses, fooled around with him, and gave him some property as gifts.

He stayed like this for a few days. Wei Shu was reluctant to let go of him, so he planned to take him home and asked how many people there were in his family.

Luo Huiqing did not doubt that he was there, and said with a smile: "My mother has passed away long ago, but my father is still there, and my surname is not Luo. My mother worked as a slave in the Wei family in Xianyang when she was young, and was later sold to the Luo family. "I was born in more than four months. If I can go back with the young master, I can visit the Wei family."

Wei Shu was shocked when he heard this, and asked his mother's surname. Luo Huiqing replied, "My surname is Lu." '. Isn't this one of the slaves he has favored? He was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

It turned out that not long after he had an affair with that slave, he was sold to the Luo family as a slave by his jealous wife.

The next morning, Wei Shu had no face to face Luo Huiqing, secretly left a letter and some belongings, and left without saying goodbye.

Soon after, Wei Shu became the county magistrate of Suzhou .I heard that there was a prostitute named Fang Weiniang who was extremely beautiful, so she let her stay in the backyard of the government office and teased her by saying, "Could it be that the girl's name is taken from 'Spring Breeze Yiqu Du Weiniang?'"

Mrs. Wei shook her head and laughed, and said: "That's not so! My mother was a famous oiran in Suzhou. At that time, a young man from Xianyang came, who happened to have the same surname as you. He spent a lot of money and became my mother's benefactor, staying for two or three days. Months later, they made a marriage vow. More than eight months after the young master left, I was born, so I was named Wei. In fact, Wei is my last name. Before leaving, the young master also gave me a gold hairpin as a gift. , is still there today, but I didn’t expect that the sweet lover would never come back, causing my mother to die of depression. When I was four years old, I was adopted by an old lady Fang, so I took her surname. "

County Magistrate Wei. Hearing this, he was immediately ashamed, after all, he and Fang Weiniang had already... no! Now that I am an official, I must not let this scandal leak out to avoid affecting my official career. The safest way is to let her disappear completely from this world.

So he hatched a poisonous plan, pretending to drink with Wei Niang, and secretly put a poison called Hedinghong in the cup.

As soon as Wei Niang drank a glass of wine, she fell to the ground and died.

County Magistrate Wei immediately called the actors and musicians, handed the body to them, and paid a heavy sum of money as compensation.

But he never thought that Fang Weiniang's usual friendships were with high-ranking officials and powerful people. They were suspicious of the sudden death of their friend Wei Niang, and used their power to investigate and secretly investigate. Finally, they found out that the matter was related to Wei Shu, so they handed the evidence to Wei Shu's immediate boss. Within a few days, Wei Shu was dismissed from office and imprisoned again. In the prison, Qiuhou asked and beheaded.

At the moment when his head hit the ground, two ghosts appeared on the execution ground in an instant, holding iron chains to restrain Wei Shu's soul to the Palace of Hell.

Sitting in the hall is the legendary King of Hell , and standing on both sides are bull heads and horse faces. His Highness was also kneeling with a female ghost. If he looked closely, he saw that it was Fang Weiniang who was poisoned by Wei Shu, staring at Wei Shu with hatred in her eyes.

Wei Shu also saw Fang Weiniang at the same time, and was shocked but also accompanied by a trace of regret and guilt.

So when the king of hell listed the evil deeds he had committed, he admitted his guilt without hesitation.

The King of Hell's verdict was: Wei Shu had bad conduct and poisoned his own daughter, which violated human ethics and was not tolerated by nature. He was cast into the realm of animals and executed immediately.

Fang Weiniang looked at Wei Shu being taken away, and although she couldn't bear it, she became heartbroken when she thought of what happened to her and her mother, and she suppressed the idea of ​​interceding for him. All the resentment disappeared at this moment. After thanking the King of Hell, he slowly walked out of the Palace of Hell, walked onto the Naihe Bridge, drank Meng Po Soup, and started a new journey in the next life.