The 45-year-old Dong Ming is competing for the position of section chief at his unit. He has been in a dilemma: If he loses this opportunity, he will run for the fifth grade soon. It is probably impossible again, and it will be difficult to be higher than others in terms of perso

The 45-year-old Dong Ming has been in a dilemma when competing for the position of section chief in his unit. : If he loses this opportunity, he will soon go to work for the fifth grade. It is probably impossible again, and it is difficult to gain high reputation in terms of personal charm and public prestige. There are great variables in being ahead of others.

For several days, Dong Ming felt burdened, not knowing whether to give it a try or not.

At noon on Friday, Dong Ming took half a day off and wanted to spend the afternoon thinking carefully about it and drafting a competition speech. When he walked to the vegetable market near his home, he wanted to buy some cooked food and suddenly found a fortune-telling stall on the corner. An old man with white hair was sitting there in a daze.

Dong Ming never believed this, but today he walked over by mistake and sat on the small stool in front of the stall.

"What do you want, sir?" the old man asked.

Dong Ming was stunned, thinking that he couldn't directly ask whether the competition would be successful. It was too ridiculous, so he asked: "There is no snow this winter. Seeing that the sky is getting warm, do you think it will rain again?"

The old man squinted She raised her eyes and said, "Whether it snows or not, I'm afraid it's not what you really care about. The questioner avoids the important and ignores the trivial, so it's not appropriate for me to answer straightforwardly. I can only say that you are at a critical moment, and everything depends on man-made efforts, so you don't have to ask about the outcome.

Seeing the old man’s pretentious look, Dong Ming couldn’t help but laugh and stood up to leave. The old man stopped him, took out a large envelope from the box and handed it over, "Take it home and keep it, open it when it snows for the first time, and everything will come true."

Dong Ming took it unconsciously, thinking of Mr. Ma Sanli 's famous "Physiognomy": "Physiognomy, fortune-telling, and horoscopes are all deceptive. But in the past, there was a market for these things, and there were stalls dedicated to them. It's very profitable to do fortune telling, tell people's fortunes, and give them a few words of flattery."

After returning home, Dong Ming began to write a speech, and the writing process went surprisingly smoothly. He started from the situation of his technical major and talked about the integration of theory and practice in these years. He wrote vividly.

Dong Ming performed well at the job competition meeting not long after. In a speech attended by a total of 7 people, he explained his future position ideas and his own advantages in a very organized and practical manner, and finally won the first place in the competition. The day after the appointment of

was announced, the cold air hit. Dong Ming got up early in the morning and saw clouds outside the window and a cold wind, as if it was going to snow.

Thinking of the fortune teller's words, he found the envelope and pulled out the note inside. There are four calligraphy words written on the note: It will snow today. Dong Ming laughed loudly: "It's such a good calculation, I admire it!"

After laughing, Dong Ming was thoughtful.