There was a scholar in a certain place, a native of Yanling, named Li Xiaozhi. He was young and had just become a boy student. He had just entered Pan, that is, he was an official student in the county. In the dream, two people who looked like government officials came to him wit

2024/07/0218:06:33 story 1820

There was a scholar in a certain place, a native of Yanling, named Li Xiaozhi. He was young and had just become a boy student. He had just entered Pan, that is, he was an official student in the county. In the dream, two people who looked like government officials came to him wit - DayDayNews

There is a scholar somewhere, a native of Yanling , named Li Xiaozhi. He is not very old and has just become a boy student. He has just entered Pan (the entrance ceremony of ancient Chinese students), that is, an official student in the county.

On this day, Li Xiaozhi was reading in the study. When he felt sleepy, he fell asleep on his stomach.

In the dream, two people who looked like government servants came to him with red documents and said, "Master Li, we have official business. Please come with us quickly."

Li Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on, and thought it was The teacher asked him to go, but he had no time to read the paperwork, so he hurriedly changed his clothes and hat, and then went out with the two of them. Seeing that there was a sedan outside, Li Xiaozhi couldn't help but wonder, and asked: "The school is so close, why use a sedan?"

The two government officials did not answer him, but just urged him to get on the sedan and set off, so Li Xiao got on the sedan. , the bearers quickly carried him and ran away quickly. Li Xiaozhi looked outside from the window on the side of the sedan, and saw the vast yellow sand outside. The sky was bright and dark for a while. Looking at the trees and houses on the roadside, he realized that he had never walked this road before.

Soon, he arrived In front of a city, it was very large and spacious, with three streets and six cities, and many people coming and going. After they saw Li Xiaozhi's sedan, they all avoided it.

After entering the city, he quickly came to a government office. This government office looked very magnificent, bigger and more beautiful than the governor's government office. The bearers carried the sedan to the central gate of the government office. Soon, two groups of honor guards came out, beating gongs and drums, and blasting firecrackers, as if to welcome Li Xiaozhi.

There was a scholar in a certain place, a native of Yanling, named Li Xiaozhi. He was young and had just become a boy student. He had just entered Pan, that is, he was an official student in the county. In the dream, two people who looked like government officials came to him wit - DayDayNews

Li Xiaoyi was confused and didn’t know what was going on.

The sedan quickly entered the corridor, and I saw many people wearing black gauze hats and wearing red official uniforms approaching, and each official bowed to the sedan. Li Xiaozhi counted a total of sixteen people. He had never seen such a huge formation before, and he thought the school was inviting people to sing, and they were the actors from the theater troupe.

Li Xiaozhi was about to get out of the sedan chair to return the gift, but the two government officials had already said "no gift" to the officials.

Then, the bearers continued to carry the sedan chair until they reached the bottom of the steps of the main hall in front, and then stopped. Li Xiaozhi got out of the sedan chair and saw the nine-room wide hall, which was very luxurious. In the middle of the hall, a high platform was built with white jade. The platform was covered with golden dragon and yellow curtains hanging down on all sides.

Following the government officials, Li Xiaozhi entered the main hall from the left. The corridors on both sides were very far, and it took a long time to walk before reaching the main hall at the back. Entering the room on the left side of the main hall at the back, I opened the curtain and saw that the furniture displayed inside was all classic, exquisite and clean. After the two government officials brought Li Xiaozhi here, they let him in, and then they left.

Soon, eight boys came, almost all of whom were only eleven or twelve years old. Some boys were holding golden futou, and some were holding golden futou. The boys came with yellow dragon robes, and some came with walking shoes, or jade belts, or scarves, or masks, and some came with bronze mirrors... Anyway, they all came with them. Nothing comes empty-handed.

The boy asked Li Xiaozhi to change clothes. Li Xiaozhi asked them why they wanted to change clothes. The boy only said that it was the rules here and refused to say anything else.

After changing clothes, the boy asked him to put on the mask again. Li Xiaozhi refused to wear a mask and asked: "I have already changed my clothes, why do I need to wear a mask?"

The boy said: "This is the rule here, you must wear a mask."

Li Xiaozhi thought, maybe he was trying to pretend In a drama, if you play an ancient person, you might be afraid of being recognized. So, he put on a mask. The mask was very strange. After putting it on, it felt like his real face. Li Xiaozhi seemed to notice something different and asked the boy to bring over the bronze mirror.

There was a scholar in a certain place, a native of Yanling, named Li Xiaozhi. He was young and had just become a boy student. He had just entered Pan, that is, he was an official student in the county. In the dream, two people who looked like government officials came to him wit - DayDayNews

The boy held the mirror, and Li Xiaozhi looked at himself in the mirror. He suddenly became completely different, as if he had changed his face. At this time, he has a square face, long beard and beard, wearing a golden crown on his head, a dragon robe, a jade belt hanging around his waist, and his steps clouds , he is just like an emperor!

At this time, the eight boys said "Ascend to the palace" in unison, and there were also people outside saying "Ascend to the palace".Then the boy took Li Xiaozhi out to the front hall, and went up a little bit from the steps. When he got to the steps, there was a koan with a sign tube for the order, a seal box, an inkstone and so on. The yellow curtain opened, and the two government officials supported Li Xiaozhi to the public case. The sixteen officials they saw earlier also went to the hall and saluted. Behind the sixteen officials, there are many petty officials, government servants, etc.

Li Xiaozhi noticed that among the people below, there were also Yaksha and Bull Head Horse Face. They all followed suit and stood aside.

After the salute, everyone stood in their own positions, lined up neatly on both sides, and no one dared to speak. The scene was very serious.

Li Xiaozhi vaguely felt something. He thought about it and was suddenly shocked: Could this be... could it be Hades? Have you become the king of and ? what on earth is it?

was secretly surprised when he saw a yamen officer bring up the case file, and the prisoners outside were also brought under the main hall, and then the petty officials below began to interrogate the prisoners, and then began to torture them. The torturers on both sides stepped forward and began to attack the prisoners. Some skinned them, some slapped their faces, some had their stomachs broken, some had their intestines removed, and some pulled out their tongues... The cries of the prisoners sounded very miserable. .

Li Xiaozhi didn't know how the petty officials interrogated the prisoners because of the distance, nor did he know what they said.

Soon, the interrogation of the first batch of prisoners ended and the case files were delivered, but the clerk rolled up all the contents, only showing the year and month, and asked Li Xiaozhi to write the time and approval with a red pen, and then took them away. Li Xiaozhi did not see the content of the case, nor the final result.

There was a scholar in a certain place, a native of Yanling, named Li Xiaozhi. He was young and had just become a boy student. He had just entered Pan, that is, he was an official student in the county. In the dream, two people who looked like government officials came to him wit - DayDayNews

Soon, the clerk outside sent word that a chaste and filial woman had arrived. The clerk next to her immediately asked Li Xiao to come down the steps to greet her.

Li Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on, so he quickly went down the steps and went to the front to greet him. And the officials, yakshas, ​​judges, bull-headed horse-faced people, etc. all knelt down. It seemed that this filial woman had a good background.

I saw a red cloud slowly descending from the horizon, with a bright golden light above it. There were golden boys and girls holding up the canopy, and in the middle was a yellow and thin middle-aged woman. The woman looked at Li Xiaozhi, nodded slightly, then turned into a gust of fragrant wind and went to the west. The clerk asked Li Xiaozhi to return to his original position, and sent over a thick case file, and asked Li Xiaozhi to write the year, month, day and comments for review. Li Xiaozhi discovered that these were all male prisoners.

Later, the clerk brought in thick case files again, this time they were all female prisoners. Li Xiaozhi reviewed and signed one by one. When he saw a name, he suddenly found that it was very familiar. That was his aunt's name. His aunt happened to be sick at that time. He wanted to see the contents of the case file, but the clerk had already taken it away.

After reviewing the case file, the clerk said to go down to the palace, and then the judge, Yaksha, Bull Head Horse Face, officials, and clerks all left. Li Xiaozhi returned to the inner hall, took off his mask, took off his fake beard and long beard, and then changed back to his original clothes. The boy sent him out again and sat on the sedan chair. The sixteen officials were still in the corridor and saluted him as soon as they saw him.

At this time, a pair of large lanterns were hung in front of the sedan. On the upper (right) lantern, there were three black characters "Seventh Hall" written on it; while on the lower (left) lantern, there were " Yama King" written in large black characters. " three black words. In this way, Li Xiaozhi sat in a sedan chair and arrived home. He changed his clothes and went back to sleep.

Soon, someone sent a letter and woke up Li Xiaozhi. Li Xiaozhi stood up and took a look and found that it was just dawn.

Li Xiaozhi asked the visitor: "From the gate to here, there are five or six doors. How can you come in?"

The man said: "Those doors are not locked, so I can come in."

Li Xiaozhi was very surprised. He said: "Who opened the door that I personally closed last night?" He went out to see his family and found that they were not up. He read the letter and found out that his aunt was seriously ill and asked him to visit her quickly.

There was a scholar in a certain place, a native of Yanling, named Li Xiaozhi. He was young and had just become a boy student. He had just entered Pan, that is, he was an official student in the county. In the dream, two people who looked like government officials came to him wit - DayDayNews

When Li Xiaozhi rushed over, her aunt was already dying.

As soon as her aunt saw Li Xiaozhi, she felt much better and said, "My child, you're here. It's a good time. When you came, those little devils ran away. I'm afraid, don't leave, just sit here.""

Li Xiaozhi asked her aunt, and comforted her aunt by saying: "A little illness will be cured soon, don't be sad.

Aunt suddenly asked in a sarcastic tone: "Since you don't want me to die, why did you mention my name on the case file?" Isn't this God's will? I can’t blame you, you didn’t know it at the time. "

When Li Xiaozhi heard this, he was immediately horrified, remembering what happened in Hades.

Soon, the doctor came, and Li Xiaozhi was going out to pick up the doctor. His aunt held his hand and said, "Oh, you have been taken advantage of. Ah, child. They disguised you as the King of Hell and killed many people who did not deserve to die, so they did not dare to let you read the files, but only allowed you to review them. My child, don’t think that only the human world is dangerous, but the underworld is equally dangerous.

Li Xiaozhi was horrified and frightened, and asked: "So, then, where did the real King of Hell go?" Why did they choose me? Isn’t this harming me?

Auntie said: "The King of Hell is ill. They saw that your handwriting is very similar to the handwriting of the King of Hell, so they found you." The Emperor of Heaven will investigate this matter, and those who do not know are not guilty, and you will be fine. However, you have to be more careful in your actions in the future. "

After finishing speaking, my aunt passed away.

There was a scholar in a certain place, a native of Yanling, named Li Xiaozhi. He was young and had just become a boy student. He had just entered Pan, that is, he was an official student in the county. In the dream, two people who looked like government officials came to him wit - DayDayNews

The story ends here. In my opinion, this story only tells two truths.

First, the human heart is sinister. This is the case in the world, but it is not the same in the underworld. What about those ghost officials, ghost officials, ghost yakshas, ​​bull-headed horse-faced people, judges and other ghosts and immortals , who know more than people, and are more cunning and cunning than people. People think that they can go to heaven after death, even if they go to hell. I complain to the King of Hell, but I don’t know that the underworld is not fair, and even the King of Hell may be fake and a puppet.

Secondly, before doing anything, you still need to see and think clearly, especially when you don’t know others or you don’t know them. If you are not familiar with the situation, otherwise you may help evil people and do things that hurt or kill others unjustly without knowing it


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