Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were

2024/06/0114:55:33 story 1642

Text | Wu Zehua

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews1

In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes.

At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At the beginning of

, my parents were very opposed to it.

After a long time, they not only did not object, but also helped me take care of the orchard.

In the second year, my grapes had a good harvest and I made money.

My dad and my mom were laughing from ear to ear.

In autumn, my dad and I went to buy apples and heard the cry of a baby in the grass on the roadside.

We quickly parked the tricycle and ran into the grass, where we found a baby wrapped in a small blanket.

I looked up and found that there was no one in the field, so I shouted at the top of my lungs: Which family's baby - which family's baby - which family's baby -

My dad was scolding, what are you shouting? They must have abandoned it and left it here. Think about it, if it were your baby, would it be left in the grass on the roadside early in the morning?

I think, yes. Who would leave their baby in the grass?

I carefully picked up the baby and said to my dad, Dad, let’s go to the village ahead and ask?

My dad said, this is the only way. If you let this kid stay in the grass, what should you do if you encounter a poisonous snake ?

We carried the baby to Wangjiazhai in front of us and asked, whose baby was left on the roadside?

A group of people came to watch and talked a lot. Finally, they all shook their heads and said, "I have never seen a baby in the village, and everyone is holding it in their arms!"

Some people advised me to send me to an orphanage or the police station.

My dad and I took the baby to the police station. Several policemen from the

police station called each village to find out more, and they all said that no family had ever lost a baby.

An old policeman asked me, young man, are you married?

I said, no!

He said that if you get married and your family conditions are not bad, I advise you to adopt him and raise him. You are so destined.

When I heard this, I hesitated for a moment, then looked at the baby's bright eyes, staring at me, and suddenly fell in love with her.

My father said that he is not married yet! How to raise it? If he carries a baby back with him, which girl would be willing to marry him?

The old policeman smiled and said, yes, yes.

I heard what the old policeman said and quietly discussed with my father, Dad, can I take him and raise him?

My dad glared at me and scolded me, "Take me away to raise my ass!" You're not getting married?

I said, Dad, if the girl likes me, she doesn’t care.

My father scolded me, if you don’t have a baby, the girl will definitely not mind, but if you have a baby, she will definitely mind! Think about it, you have no money to raise your own child, and yet you are raising someone else’s child.

I said, Dad, if I can support you, my orchard will all bear fruit next year. If you sell it, I can earn at least 110,000 to 20,000 yuan a year.

The old policeman smiled and said, Brother, just listen to your child. You are equivalent to saving a life! The old man often said that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

My dad was silent for a while and said, baby, you have to figure it out yourself! Dad has neither objection nor support.

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews2

So, I took the baby home and named her Zhao Shanshan, nicknamed her Shanshan.

My mother was very happy when she saw that I had brought a baby back, and she said, "People, you have to have a conscience!" You said, if we see a baby abandoned on the roadside and don't pick it up, how can we do it? No one wanted it, so we took it home and raised it, which was considered a good thing.

However, my personal marriage has been criticized by people around me.

The first relationship was frustrated.

Xiaofang and I are childhood sweethearts. I have liked her since we were young.

graduated from high school, she was admitted to a university in the north, and I was admitted to a university in this province.

She graduated from college and went to a Sino-foreign joint venture company in Shanghai.

She has been taking classes for half a year. She heard that I was engaged in agriculture at home and was very interested. She called me and said that she was willing to do it with me.

Of course I am happy to do it, and I also hope to have a helper. After all, my parents are old and I don’t want them to be too tired.

The night she came back, we sat on the beach where we loved to play when we were children, and talked about many dreams. When we talked about personal relationships, she sighed and said, Brother Zhao Jie, I am tired of staying outside, and I really want to come back with you to engage in agriculture. , but I heard my mother say that you adopted a girl, and I hesitated again.

I smiled and said, yes. My dad and I were selling apples and heard babies crying on the roadside. No one claimed them, so we took them back. The policeman at the police station said that I saved a life. The old man often said that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. My mother said, this is a good thing!

She said angrily, who could leave the baby on the roadside? I suspect that the child was born between you and that girl. You abandoned the girl and couldn't bear to let go of the baby, so you came up with this bad idea.

I was shocked, Xiaofang actually said such a weird thing, what kind of teaching is this?

I glared at her and said, you came back not to engage in agriculture with me, but to blackmail me?

Xiaofang said angrily, am I blackmailing you? I grew up with you, why should I blackmail you?

After she finished speaking, she got up and left.

The next morning, Xiaofang's mother came to my house and told my mother, "Auntie, I, Xiaofang, said that she would be with Zhao Jie as long as Zhao Jie takes the baby to the orphanage."

After hearing this, I got up immediately and told Xiaofang’s mother, Aunt, I will not take the baby to the orphanage.

After Xiaofang returned to Shanghai, she called me and said, "Zhao Jie, I really didn't expect you to secretly eat the forbidden fruit with another girl. It's irresponsible."

I said, I am an aboveboard person and I am not afraid of criticism from others! If you don’t believe it, you can use my hair and my baby’s hair to do a paternity test .

Xiaofang snorted coldly and said, your business is none of my business! It's not the baby you had with any girl, and I don't like living with a man who has a baby.

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews3

A year later, my orchard had a bumper harvest.

After being introduced by a classmate, I met a girl who raised chickens.

Her name is Wang Qin, she is one year younger than me, and she graduated from Agricultural University.

We met and had a great chat. When she heard that I had adopted a baby, she blocked my mobile phone number the next day.

From now on, no one will care about me anymore.

A few years passed. As I got older and older, people around me began to talk. Some people said that the baby I adopted was my biological child. That girl might be my college classmate, or she might be... My junior high school classmates may also be my high school classmates. Some people even said that I had this child with a widow.

My dad heard this and scolded me for not listening to him, but now I am making a mess.

My mother felt relaxed and said with a smile, my dear, remember, good people are rewarded. The time has not come yet, but when the time comes, you must repay it.

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews4

After Shanshan turned one year old, she became more beautiful, cuter and sweeter as she grew.
I carry it with me wherever I go. I am worried that it will touch or fall. I am even more worried that it will be flooded when I go to the river to play in the summer.

In summer, she likes to swim, and I built a swimming pool in the orchard.

She likes to eat fish. I also dug a fish pond in the orchard and raised many fish.

When Shanshan was six years old, I was sent to the town to sign up for school.

I take her to school every morning and pick her up after school in the afternoon.

She is very happy. When we are together, she will tell me stories and sing to me.

At the age of thirty, I had no partner, so my father started mumbling in my ear, blaming me for not adopting Shanshan in the first place.

Of course, rumors are flying everywhere, more and more people are cynicizing, and more and more people are watching with cold eyes.

One day, that day was Saturday, Shanshan ran to play with some children in the village and came back crying.

I asked her, what's wrong? Who bullied you?

Shanshan said, Dad, they called me a motherless child! Say you picked me up! Said you beat my mother away! You don’t want my mother anymore!

I comforted her, don't listen to them. You are my child. Your mother didn't run away, she went to a place far, far away.

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews5

One day, I received a call from Shanshan’s head teacher, saying that Shanshan was very weird recently and wanted to meet me to have a good communication.

I put down what I was doing, went to school, and met Shanshan’s class teacher.

The class teacher is very beautiful, about 1.7 meters tall, with fair skin, bright eyes, and his face looks like honey.

When we sat down, she smiled and said to me, "Oh, I didn't expect you to be so young."

I smiled and didn't answer, not knowing what she wanted to express.

She made me a cup of tea, sat down and said straight to the point, my surname is Yang, you can call me Teacher Yang.

I smiled and said, Hello, Teacher Yang!

Teacher Yang said, I heard from students in the class that Shanshan has no mother. Is this true?

I said, yes. I picked this child up while running. I felt pitiful, so I adopted him.

Teacher Yang was immediately shocked and asked, "Are you never married?"

I said, after graduating from college, I will go home to start a business, engage in agriculture, and plant fruit trees. Once, my dad and I were selling apples. We heard a baby crying in the grass on the road. We stopped the car and ran to see it. It was a baby. After asking for a long time, no one took it. We took it to the police station. After asking for a long time, the police station still didn't find it. An old policeman wanted me to adopt her. I felt sorry for the baby, so I adopted her.

Teacher Yang asked, don’t you plan to get married?

I said, it’s not that I don’t plan to get married, but that many people are unwilling to marry me after they heard that I have a baby.

Teacher Yang smiled and said, you are amazing! So great!

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews6

A week later, I took Shanshan home.

Shanshan told me, Dad, Teacher Yang will come to my house to play tomorrow.

I suspected that she wanted to know how I educate my children. She didn't care and said, OK. Dad kills chickens and sheep for her to eat.

Sure enough, I received a call from Teacher Yang the next morning. She said that she would come to my house at noon.

After lunch, Teacher Yang came with a sun umbrella and a white backpack.

I saw her coming at the gate, greeted her, and said with a smile, "Oh, thank you for your hard work, Teacher Yang!" The roads in the countryside are not good and the sun is so strong. Thank you so much!

As soon as she entered the room, Shanshan hurriedly carried water for Teacher Yang to drink, and said, Teacher Yang, the weather is too hot, please drink water quickly!

Teacher Yang smiled, stroked her head and said, our Zhao Shanshan is so sensible and well-behaved! Yesterday, she told me, Teacher Yang, my dad is amazing. You said that you planted more than 800 acres of fruit trees, raised 20 sheep, 10 cows, and more than 100 chickens. I talked about a lot, and I can’t remember clearly. I told her that I must go to your father's orchard tomorrow.

I said, after dinner, I will take you to the orchard for a walk and you can take a look.

She smiled and said, "I don't want to eat anymore. I came here after eating." In the afternoon, I'll have a meal of farm food at your place.

Shanshan hugged Teacher Yang’s arm and said, Teacher Yang, when my father heard that you were coming, he killed a sheep and a big rooster.

Teacher Yang said, let's go, let me go to your orchard first and take a look.

I carried Shanshan on my back and took Teacher Yang to my orchard.

My parents are resting in the orchard.

Teacher Yang was very enthusiastic when he saw me.

I built six small wooden houses, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a dining room in the orchard.

Teacher Yang looked at it and sighed, oh, it is simply a paradise!

After we came back from a walk in the orchard, we sat in the restaurant and chatted.

After chatting until the afternoon, I started cooking, and she helped me with it, which was very enjoyable.

After dinner, Teacher Yang had no intention of leaving. He moved a wicker chair and sat in the yard, holding Shanshan in his arms and telling stories.

Out of politeness, I moved a wicker chair to sit and chat with her.

Shanshan saw me sitting next to me and said to me, Dad, our teacher Yang is so beautiful!

Teacher Yang covered her mouth and smiled for a while, and said, Shanshan, you have learned how to praise others! Who taught you this?

Shanshan said, I said it myself. My dad is great. However, many girls are unwilling to marry him because of me. Many people say that I am a drag and have harmed my father.

Teacher Yang looked at me and said, your father is very good! It’s amazing to take you in and raise you up! Ordinary girls are not worthy of him!

Shanshan tilted her head and asked, Teacher Yang, do you have a boyfriend?

Teacher Yang smiled, looked at me and said, no. What's wrong?

Shanshan was stunned for a while and said, Teacher Yang, my father is very good. Really, my dad is very good.

Teacher Yang smiled and asked, what do you want to say?

Shanshan tugged at the corner of her clothes and said shyly, I hope you will be my mother! Marry my dad.

Teacher Yang blushed and said, your father is too good, I am not worthy of him!

Shanshan took my hand and put it on Teacher Yang’s hand, saying, “My dad is a very nice person!” However, there is one shortcoming: he doesn't like to talk. Just promise him!

Teacher Yang looked at me with a red face and said with a smile, "Look, your girl is so sensible."

I said, I am honored to have adopted her. I really didn't expect that many people disliked me for adopting her, but you praised me instead.

Teacher Yang smiled and said, yes! You are excellent!

The next day was Sunday, and Teacher Yang spent another day playing in the orchard.

On Monday morning, I sent him and Shanshan to school. At the school gate, Teacher Yang stopped and said to me, I will keep the room in your orchard, and I will move to your place in the afternoon.

I said excitedly, OK! I'm responsible for cleaning everything.

On May Day of the next year, Teacher Yang and I got married.

On New Year's Day, Teacher Yang gave birth to a pair of twins, a boy and a boy.

Text | Wu Zehua 01 In 2012, after I graduated from college, I returned to my hometown and contracted 800 acres of barren hills to plant fruit trees and grapes. At that time, I was only twenty-two years old, the age when I dared to venture and fight hard. At first, my parents were - DayDayNews

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