Osmanthus fragrans is my elementary school classmate from the first grade to the fourth grade. When Osmanthus was born, the leafy Osmanthus tree in front of their house was in bloom. Her mother, who was blind due to eye disease, named her Osmanthus fragrans, hoping that her daugh

2024/05/2613:07:33 story 1115

Osmanthus fragrans is my elementary school classmate from the first grade to the fourth grade. When Osmanthus was born, the leafy Osmanthus tree in front of their house was in bloom. Her mother, who was blind due to eye disease, named her Osmanthus fragrans, hoping that her daugh - DayDayNews

Osmanthus fragrans is my elementary school classmate, from the first grade to the fourth grade.

When Osmanthus fragrans was born, the leafy Osmanthus fragrans tree in front of their house was blooming. Her mother, who was blind due to eye disease, named her Osmanthus fragrans, hoping that her daughter would grow up to be as fragrant as Osmanthus fragrans. It's a pity that she failed to live up to her mother's expectations and this beautiful name.

A mother cannot see well and cannot take good care of her children. Osmanthus is dirty all day long. Her clothes are not changed until they are shiny and shiny. Her hair is like a chicken coop. She has never been combed and rarely washed. She can smell a stink from a distance. Every time she changed seats, no classmates were willing to sit at the same table with her, so the teacher had to arrange her seat in the last row of the classroom so that she could sit alone.

In the first grade, the children who had just learned to write had to be supported by the teacher for a period of time. When the teacher was supporting Osmanthus's hand to write, he always turned his head to one side. One time, I finally couldn't help it anymore and said: "Osmanthus, your mother's eyes can't see. You have to learn to pick yourself up, wash your face, hands and feet, and do good personal hygiene. Osmanthus is a very fragrant flower. If If you always don't wash your face, hair, bathe, or wash your feet, then you are no longer a flower, but just like a wild animal in the mountains. "

The teacher said that this storybook was not malicious, but it was picked up by a bunch of naughty boys. Learn and use it. They no longer call Osmanthus fragrans by her original name, but simply call her wild animal. Guihua cried and carried her schoolbag home and stopped studying...

When her mother learned that Guihua was nicknamed a wild animal by her classmates, she angrily came to school with a stick, reported the situation to the teacher, and ran to the classroom again. Li viciously scolded the male classmates who nicknamed Osmanthus fragrans, and threatened to tear the mouths of anyone who called her a wild animal again.

However, Guihua’s mother’s behavior of protecting the calf not only failed to scare the children and took off the label of “wild animal” for Guihua, but instead earned her an even more unpleasant nickname – “Pong Stinky”.

With a vengeful nature, when the children passed by Guihua’s house, they would lift her up like a brigade building a bridge and road. The leading boy shouted the name of Guihua’s mother loudly: “How many guests can you please——” (Osmanthus’s His father’s name is Rong Sheng, his nickname is Rong Yaji.) The other students responded in unison: “Pang stinks——”

Guihua’s mother scolded angrily, “Mom is a bastard! Your mother stinks, your father stinks, your grandfather is thirteen. Daidu Pong is smelly—" He chased them to the edge of the field, picked up the stone for pressing the bucket mat, and threw it at them. Everyone laughed and ran away, and the shouts of "How many guests are there?" became even louder in the sky.

Teacher punished those students who made mistakes by sweeping the floor and copying their homework, but the effect was not satisfactory. Because of the social environment at that time, giving nicknames was a form of entertainment. Among the men in the village, ranging from old men in their 80s to newborn children, there were very few who did not have nicknames.

Everyone’s nickname is taken from a certain personality trait of that person. Those with inconvenient feet are called "broken" (cripples), those with inconvenient eyes are called "blind", those with inconvenient ears are called "deaf", those with poor brains are called "ha's", and those who are not tall are called "short" "," those with scars on their faces are called "scars", those with no hair on their heads are called "scabby", those with missing hands are called "lame", those with cleft palates in their mouths are called "missing"...

Osmanthus mother's eyes I can't see it, the sanitary conditions at home are very poor, and there is always an unpleasant odor on my body. If you ask a craftsman to do the work, you won’t be able to eat for anyone else. There is rat urine in the rice and insects in the vegetables. It is common to use the spoon as a rice spoon and a vegetable spoon. She couldn't see the child after pooping, so she hugged her body. There was poop all over her clothes. She used her fingers to scrape the child's buttocks. She then poked into the pot to see if the water was hot and whether she could put rice in it. It’s time to eat.

Therefore, everyone thinks that calling this woman "Pong Smelly" is very appropriate, very creative and very professional. So, not only did he not stop the children from shouting, he also shouted along with them.Once, my father met the new bamboo craftsman on the team on the road and asked him where he was going. He casually said that he was going to mend Pong Xiu's bucket mat.

How can the power of individuals defeat the power of groups? Guihua's mother was unknowingly brainwashed amidst the scolding. Once, Osmanthus was obsessed with playing pick-up with the neighbor's children and missed dinner time. Her mother stood on the field in front of the house and shouted: "Osmanthus - Osmanthus -" She shouted for a while but she didn't hear her. Osmanthus responded, and she scolded: "That's a wild thing! That's a wild thing!"

This scene immediately triggered widespread imitation by children.

At that time, we would line up when we got home from school, forming up according to different routes, singing and walking back. The teams heading to Shuikou Mountain and Yueguang Mountain began to branch off after bypassing the big harvest field, changing from one team to two teams. The singing slowly weakened and turned into a reappearance of Osmanthus Mother calling Osmanthus home. The Yuexingshan team shouted: "Osmanthus--osmanthus--" and the Moonlight Mountain team replied: "That's a wild thing--that's a wild thing--" At first only the boys shouted, but then everyone shouted together, and they kept shouting all the way home. .

Osmanthus can only acquiesce in this nickname. Everyone has forgotten her real name. The group leader shouted: Yewu, please hand in your homework quickly! The labor committee member shouted: Yewu, today you clean the toilet! The monitor shouted: Yewu, you stay after school today to memorize Lesson 32...

The teacher no longer stopped the students from calling her Yewu, and sometimes even blurted out the word Yewu herself.

Osmanthus fragrans has average academic performance, but is particularly good at labor. At that time, teachers would lead students to go up the mountain to cut firewood. Osmanthus always climbed up the tree quickly to cut branches, allowing the students who could not climb trees to pick them up below. The students who received help would laugh and say, it’s a wild animal after all, it’s so good at climbing trees. She would laugh awkwardly and shyly.

I am not good at bundling firewood and it always falls apart. Osmanthus helped me bundle the firewood, but I couldn’t pick it up. She picked me up halfway and helped me pick it up.

But at that time, I took all of this for granted, and felt that her kindness to me was just hoping that I could accept her when she wanted to join our gaming circle. Until one time, I put the fifty cents my grandma got from selling baskets of sweet potatoes in my empty wallet. I thought about living like a rich person, but I lost it while catching dragonflies. At night, my grandma was crying and attacking me. When I asked about my guilt, Osmanthus sent me my wallet. She picked it up on her way home from the supply and marketing cooperative to buy salt. She didn't know it was mine at first and was going to give it to the teacher the next day. When others said I had lost the money, she immediately gave it to me.

Money was really scarce at that time, but the folk customs at that time were really simple. Just tell someone who has lost the money, and the whole village will automatically start to help find it. Parents will ask their children if they have picked it up, and have they seen others pick it up? Then nine times out of ten, you can get it back.

There are people with evil intentions. Once, when the supply and marketing cooperative held an exchange meeting, a pregnant woman lost ten yuan. It was found that a boy in our village picked up the thread. They found the school and the teacher. The teacher learned from the boy that he had given the money to his mother and asked him to go home to his mother to take it back and return it to the owner. The boy's mother had an angry look on her face when she led the boy to school: "When did you find the money and give it to me?" The boy stopped saying anything.

The pregnant woman’s relatives kept saying good things to the boy and his mother, saying that the pregnant woman was very pitiful. The ten yuan was the money her family asked her to buy seeds and fertilizer. Her mother-in-law was very evil. If she lost the money, she would be punished when she went back. Beat to death. In the end, the boy and his mother did not return the ten yuan to others. From then on, their family's reputation in the village was not very good.

Osmanthus returned my fifty cents to me, which was like saving my life at that time. After all, it was half a basket of sweet potatoes, which was a huge sum of money. If I threw it away, I would feel ashamed. Grandma's indulgence. I gave Osmanthus a pink ribbon to express my gratitude. She hesitated for a long time but didn't answer, and said, I don't want it.

I said what do you want?

She blushed and said nothing.

I said, do you want to be friends with me? I promise you that we will be good friends from now on. I will bring you with me when I play games. If anyone dares to bully you, I will not play with him!

She lowered her head and scraped the nails of her left hand with her right thumb. After a long while, she said, "I want you to call me the name my mother gave me."

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