There was a scholar named Guo Sheng in Dongshan, Zichuan, who loved reading since he was a child. But he was born in a mountainous area, and his family was an ordinary family. He never had any guidance from famous teachers, so he could only explore his studies on his own. Even in

2024/05/1705:36:33 story 1248

There was a scholar named Guo Sheng in Dongshan, Zichuan, who liked reading since he was a child. But he was born in a mountainous area, and his family was an ordinary family. He never had any guidance from famous teachers, so he could only explore his studies on his own. Even in my twenties, I still write some typos. There are always foxes near Guo Sheng's home, and they sometimes come to harass him. The clothes, food, supplies and utensils in his home are often stolen or damaged by foxes, which makes Guo Sheng very annoyed.

There was a scholar named Guo Sheng in Dongshan, Zichuan, who loved reading since he was a child. But he was born in a mountainous area, and his family was an ordinary family. He never had any guidance from famous teachers, so he could only explore his studies on his own. Even in - DayDayNews

That night, Guo Sheng studied hard all night again and didn't rest until the early morning. When I woke up the next morning, I found that the book I had placed on my desk had been scrawled all over by the fox with the ink from the inkstone on the desk. Where the graffiti is so severe, you can't even see the number of lines clearly. Guo Sheng checked it and found that there were only sixty or seventy articles left that could be read. Guo Sheng has always loved books as much as his life. Seeing this situation, he felt depressed and angry, but he could do nothing.

In order to improve his own skills, Guo Sheng copied more than 20 of his most proud articles and prepared to take them out to seek corrections from outside teachers. But when I got up the next day, I found that my article was opened on the desk, and it was almost completely smeared with deep and shallow ink spots. Guo Sheng almost fainted when he saw this, thinking that all his hard work would be in vain. It happened that at this time, one of his friends, Wang Sheng, came to the house as a guest. Wang Sheng was also a scholar, and he often discussed and exchanged articles with Guo Sheng. He saw Guo Sheng with an angry expression on his face, standing in a daze in the room with a book smeared with ink in his hand, and asked him what was going on? When Guo Sheng saw an old friend coming to visit, he quickly invited him into the house. Then he showed him the blotted scroll and told Wang Sheng his troubles.

There was a scholar named Guo Sheng in Dongshan, Zichuan, who loved reading since he was a child. But he was born in a mountainous area, and his family was an ordinary family. He never had any guidance from famous teachers, so he could only explore his studies on his own. Even in - DayDayNews

Wang Sheng was greatly surprised after hearing this, and took Guo Sheng's article booklet to look through it carefully. After looking at it for a while, he found that the place where the fox smeared it seemed to have some clues. He pulled Guo Sheng over and pointed it out to him: "All the places that the fox has erased are the parts that you wrote poorly and were repetitive. These parts can be deleted. Look at the rest of the content, it reads like this Isn't it much smoother? This fox seems to have made such corrections on purpose. It can be your teacher." Guo Sheng looked at Wang Sheng suspiciously, and then read the article that the fox had revised carefully. As expected, the article was smooth as Wang Sheng said. A lot.

At this moment, Guo Sheng suddenly realized that the fox was helping him rather than causing trouble. After studying hard for several months, he looked back at his old works and found that he couldn't stand them anymore. So he rewrote two articles and put them on the desk, hoping that the fox would help him revise and correct them. The next morning, the fox had indeed erased and revised his article. He picked it up and read it, and found that it was indeed better than his original writing. From then on, Guo Sheng regarded the fox as his teacher and often asked the fox to review his articles. After about a year, Fox no longer used ink to erase the text on his articles, but only used thick ink to sprinkle large spots on the paper. Guo Sheng didn't understand what it meant, so he showed it to Wang Sheng.

After Wang Sheng read Guo Sheng's article, he slapped his thigh: "This fox is really a good teacher for you. Your article is complete and you can take the exam." So Guo Sheng took the provincial examination that year and passed the exam as expected. A scholar. Guo Sheng was overjoyed and from then on he often placed food and wine next to his desk to entertain Teacher Fox. Every time he bought a sample essay for an exam, he asked Fox to help him choose it. After Fox decided which article to take, he tried his best to write according to the sample essay. As a result, he ranked high in the next two exams. Passed the exam and became a merit student.

There was a scholar named Guo Sheng in Dongshan, Zichuan, who loved reading since he was a child. But he was born in a mountainous area, and his family was an ordinary family. He never had any guidance from famous teachers, so he could only explore his studies on his own. Even in - DayDayNews

At that time, the articles written by Mr. Ye and Mr. Miao were very popular among the people, with elegant writing and gorgeous writing. Guo Sheng also copied their articles and cherished them very much. He would take them out and read them when he had nothing to do. But that night he forgot to put the book away after reading. When he woke up in the morning, he found that the fox had poured a large bowl of thick ink on it, and there were almost no words that could be read clearly. Guo Sheng was a little dissatisfied, so he imitated the writing methods of Ye and Miao, drafted a title of his own, and wrote an article. He read his article over and over again and was very proud of it. Who would have known that there were almost only a few words left that had been altered by the fox. At this time, Guo Sheng began to have doubts about the fox's level.

Soon after, Mr. Ye was investigated by the court because of the style and content of his articles, and all his articles were banned. Guo Sheng secretly admired the fox's foresight. But since then, Guo Sheng's articles began to be scrawled by foxes until there were only a few words left. Guo Sheng had been among the best in the previous exams, and his enthusiasm was getting higher and higher. Now his article was criticized by the fox as almost useless. He was not convinced, so he began to suspect that the fox had made random changes. So he secretly copied out the good articles that had been covered with ink spots by the fox, and gave them to the fox for correction. Who knew that this time the fox had blackened out all these articles. After seeing this, Guo Sheng laughed and said: "This fox seems to be making trouble. I haven't changed a word of these articles. Why did it regard it as a good article without changing a word before, and now it has wiped it all out?"

Since then, Guo Sheng stopped preparing food and wine for the fox, and packed up all the books and articles he had read and locked them in a box. When I got up this morning, I saw that the lock in the box was still in good condition, and it seemed that it had not been touched. But when he opened the box, he found that the outer cover of the book had four ink marks, each of which was as thick as a finger. Opening the cover, there were five ink marks drawn on the first chapter table of contents, five ink marks were drawn on the second chapter table of contents, and there were no other marks after that.

There was a scholar named Guo Sheng in Dongshan, Zichuan, who loved reading since he was a child. But he was born in a mountainous area, and his family was an ordinary family. He never had any guidance from famous teachers, so he could only explore his studies on his own. Even in - DayDayNews

From this time on, there was no trace of the fox again, and it actually disappeared. In the subsequent exams, Guo Sheng took the fourth grade once and the fifth grade twice. After contacting the marks left by the fox before, he realized that the fox had already left a mark on the results in advance. Only then did Guo Sheng realize that he was filled with regret, blaming himself for being too arrogant. But if I want to find a teacher who is like a fox, where can I look for him?

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