Thinking about it, I really deserved a beating when I registered at the university. I was able to avoid Ma Jiajue's fate thanks to my roommate's grace of not killing me. The first time I traveled far away was to go to university. It felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View G

2024/05/1614:10:32 story 1548

Thinking about it, I really deserved a beating when I went to university to register. I was able to avoid ending up like Ma Jiajue thanks to my roommate’s grace of not killing me.

The first time I traveled far away was to go to college. It felt like Grandma Liu entering Grand View Garden . It was the first time I saw the high-rise buildings in a big city, the wide and straight roads, the rolling waves of the Yangtze River, the Steel Dragon Yangtze River Bridge, and the first time I took a train. Everything felt very novel, and I didn't feel the fear of being alone and helpless when I was far away from my hometown. Instead, I was as excited as if I had a shot of chicken blood. I didn't feel sleepy at all along the way. I just regretted that it was a night journey and I couldn't see the scenery along the way.

Thinking about it, I really deserved a beating when I registered at the university. I was able to avoid Ma Jiajue's fate thanks to my roommate's grace of not killing me. The first time I traveled far away was to go to university. It felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View G - DayDayNews

Thinking about it, I really deserved a beating when I registered at the university. I was able to avoid Ma Jiajue's fate thanks to my roommate's grace of not killing me. The first time I traveled far away was to go to university. It felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View G - DayDayNews

Thinking about it, I really deserved a beating when I registered at the university. I was able to avoid Ma Jiajue's fate thanks to my roommate's grace of not killing me. The first time I traveled far away was to go to university. It felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View G - DayDayNews

It was already four o'clock in the morning when the train arrived at the station. The school very considerately arranged for the seniors to pick up the train, and a bus specially made a trip to pick them up from school. It's just that the weather is not kind and it's raining heavily, which really brings a lot of trouble to those of us who are traveling in large and small packages.

Thinking about it, I really deserved a beating when I registered at the university. I was able to avoid Ma Jiajue's fate thanks to my roommate's grace of not killing me. The first time I traveled far away was to go to university. It felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View G - DayDayNews

The bus slowly drove into the campus with a bus full of tired people. In order to welcome us little freshmen, the campus kept the lights on all night. Even if it rained heavily in the dark night, it could not hide its brilliance. People began to get off the bus at the station. I listened carefully, fearing that I would miss my college. It was raining heavily. The moment the car started and the door was about to close, I finally heard the name of my college. I immediately called out and clumsily dragged my luggage out. I was rude to the seniors who were wearing raincoats and stayed up all night to pick me up in the rain. He complained: "Why didn't you shout earlier and louder? I almost stopped sitting!" Then he followed them to the dormitory. Thinking about it afterwards, I was really heartless. They stayed up late at night and came to pick me up in the rain. I still said that to them. Damn it! You deserve to be lost!

Thinking about it, I really deserved a beating when I registered at the university. I was able to avoid Ma Jiajue's fate thanks to my roommate's grace of not killing me. The first time I traveled far away was to go to university. It felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View G - DayDayNews

arrived at the dormitory hall, went through the formalities, received the keys, and then went to the dormitory on our own. It must have been about 5:30 at that time. It was still dark because of the rain, and everyone was sleeping soundly. I fumbled to open the dormitory door, clicked on the light, and started looking for my bed. The four brothers in the dormitory have been here for three years, and their parents are sending them off. The accommodation places around the school have long been full, so they can only make do by temporarily squeezing into the dormitory. The beds in the dormitory were placed above the bed and under the table, so the place that should belong to me was full of people. Not only was there someone on the bed, there was also someone nestled on the table below!

Thinking about it, I really deserved a beating when I registered at the university. I was able to avoid Ma Jiajue's fate thanks to my roommate's grace of not killing me. The first time I traveled far away was to go to university. It felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View G - DayDayNews

My cool operation is here. I patted the bed frame, like a vicious dog guarding its food, and there was no doubt that this was my bed! I immediately woke up my roommate and my parents who were sleeping under the bed and apologized to me and explained the reason. He also said happily that the four of you are here and we will be brothers from now on! Look after each other!

Alas, I feel so ashamed when I think about it afterwards. I have already delayed my rest and still have the passion to report to the school. Why can't I think about others and let them rest until dawn? Won't it be dawn soon? However, my overreaction was also due to the fact that I had just arrived, the situation was unclear, and I was angry when I saw my bed space was occupied, so I was protecting my own rights.

The above are the stupid things I did when I first came to school. My younger brothers and sisters who are about to enter college must not imitate me.

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