Folktale: widow misses her dead husband, tied a red rope at the foot of the bed, and caused a catastrophe

2021/09/0422:51:03 story 1211

In the Ming Dynasty, there was a widow named Matchmaker in a remote mountain village. The husband has passed away for two years, but the matchmaker still can't let it go, and she misses her very much. Especially at night, the feeling of loneliness hits, it is difficult to resist, and can't help crying.

A few days ago, the matchmaker heard a way. If you miss the dead, tie a red rope at the foot of the bed, hold the other end in your hand, and then continue to say the name of the dead, for a hundred times, the dead in your heart will appear.

This night, the matchmaker is ready to tie a red rope to the foot of the bed. He lay down on the bed, holding the thread in his hands, and closed his eyes and kept calling the name of his deceased husband "Er Li".

The matchmaker shouted while counting, ninety-nine, one hundred. A cold wind blew from the window, and the matchmaker felt chilly, but the dead husband Erli was not seen. The matchmaker was not reconciled, and counted it a hundred times again, still the same.

Did the step go wrong? The matchmaker recalled carefully, remembering that the time was in the middle of the night. Therefore, the matchmaker had to wait patiently.

In the dead of night, the matchmaker acts again. This time, just counting to sixty-six times, the matchmaker felt the sound of the foot of the bed and heard the rustling sound, as if something was crawling out.

Is the dead husband here? The matchmaker was a little excited, and continued to call Erli's name. At the same time, the matchmaker hooked her head down, wanting to see what happened.

Folktale: widow misses her dead husband, tied a red rope at the foot of the bed, and caused a catastrophe - DayDayNews

However, the matchmaker was taken aback and screamed immediately. This person has fat head and big ears, so what is the appearance of Erli!

The matchmaker dropped the rope and shrank to the corner of the bed, praying that what was in front of her would disappear quickly. But the man has crawled out and patted the dust on his body, "Little lady, didn't you call me? What are you afraid of?"

The matchmaker said in a panic: "I didn't call you, I called me My husband, Erli." This man laughed, "I am Erli, my name is Zhang Erli."

The matchmaker was anxious, "I got it wrong, I am looking for Li Erli, you go."

this The smile on the man's face deepened, "I've come here, just let me go, okay?" Then, the man walked up step by step.The matchmaker yelled in panic: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Guess what I want to do."

"Don't come over, I'll call someone when you come back!"

"Scream, you are even shouting I broke my throat and no one could hear it." It turned out that the undead cast a spell to block all the sounds in the room, and the inside cannot be heard from the outside.

The matchmaker kept shouting "Help", but to no avail.

Folktale: widow misses her dead husband, tied a red rope at the foot of the bed, and caused a catastrophe - DayDayNews

Since you cannot rely on others, then rely on yourself. The matchmaker kicked it decisively. This person didn't hide, and blocked it with a fat belly, "Little lady, you don't have any strength, you are soft." After saying that, he held the matchmaker's foot with his hand and giggled.

The matchmaker struggled desperately, retracted her foot, jumped out of the bed suddenly, and circled with her opponent. This person is fat and slow, far less flexible than the matchmaker.

"Since the little lady wants to play, then I will play with you." The man took off his shirt, and then ran after the matchmaker, "Run faster, I want to catch you." After running for a while, the matchmaker was out of breath, but this person was not tired and still full of vitality.

In this way, the matchmaker was still caught, "Enough trouble, now you should listen to me." Then, the matchmaker was thrown onto the wooden bed. At this time, she was exhausted and there was nothing left. Fear, powerless to resist.

Tears came from the corner of the matchmaker's eyes, "Li Erli, where are you! If you don't show up again, your wife will be bullied!"

It was really " Cao Cao Cao Cao is here", the bed rang again. When the movement was quiet, Li Erli also climbed out along the red rope, "Matchmaker, I'm late!"

When the matchmaker saw her husband, she was instantly full of strength and cried and rushed over, "I miss you so much!"

Li Erli is in front of the matchmaker, "You are the second gift, don't you hurry up, you want to force me to shoot?"

Folktale: widow misses her dead husband, tied a red rope at the foot of the bed, and caused a catastrophe - DayDayNews

Zhang Erli disagrees"How can you screw me over your little arms and legs? I think you should be the one to run away? Obediently send your wife here to avoid suffering."

Li Erli yelled, "I can't beat you, but I I've found someone who can beat you! Look behind you."

Zhang Erli disapproved, "Who can you fool with this trick?" As soon as the voice fell, I suddenly felt a chill behind him, turned his head to look, and immediately knelt down. , "Lord Yin Chai".

It turned out that Li Erli was late because today is the day of his reincarnation. If he misses today, he needs to wait another year. However, the matchmaker was in danger today. Li Erli thought about it a bit, and could not bear the suffering of his wife, so he chose to come back to save her. Of course, Li Erli couldn't beat each other with the power of one person, so he specially invited the evil servant of the underworld.

The murderer Zhang Erli saw the bad guys and respected them, and didn't dare to mess around anymore. In this way, Zhang Erli was taken back to the underworld and was punished.

Now, only Matchmaker and Li Erli are left in the room. The matchmaker looked at her husband and cried and said, "I was so scared just now."

Li Erli was very distressed and patted the matchmaker on the back, "It's okay, I will guard you for another year and let no one bully you!" ”

Statement: The story is based on folk sources, contains fictitious elements, and does not promote feudal superstition. If you like it, you are welcome to like and pay attention to bring you more exciting stories.


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