Hit the nail on the head! Fans revealed the real reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Italy in the World League: Cai Bin has no solution. Netizens pointedly pointed out: This game fully exposed that the head coach's command is so rigid and lacks adaptability. Al

hits the nail on the head! Fans revealed the real reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Italy in the World League : Cai Bin has no solution. Netizens pointedly pointed out: This game fully exposed that the head coach's command is so rigid and lacks adaptability. Although in this game, under the focus of the opponent, Li Yingying 's offensive and serving conditions were not good, but she was the best in the team in terms of first pass and defense, and was also the only qualified one, effectively ensuring the safety of other players. attack. The second pass really needs to be tempered. Few of the passes are comfortable. They just want to be fast. Except for and Wang Yuanyuan , there are problems with almost all other attackers. The distribution of the ball is very unreasonable. The basic skills are too poor and lack of Variety. The entire team's serves lacked aggressiveness and were all dishonest. The entire team did well in terms of offense and blocking. Gong Xiangyu is positioned as a defensive supporter in the Lang Ping cycle, and is the nanny for the liberation of Zhu Ting . In Cai Zhou's positioning of offensive support, the offensive ability of the support is liberated. The distribution of the ball in the second pass is a criticism of the Chinese women's volleyball team over the years. It is caused by being complacent and not in line with the world. All domestic teams' second pass is set to win 75% of the ball for the main attack, and 25% for the secondary attack and support. The coach and the setter were not clear-headed. When the fourth position could not be opened, they kept passing to the fourth position.

As a result, a lot of efforts in defense and ball protection were wasted. We should pass more passes to the second position and organize more technical attacks at the third position. The Chinese women's volleyball team must reform, introduce Serbian coaches, Brazilian coaches, change the coaching model that has remained unchanged for decades, must cultivate strong support from the top, and must change the ball distribution model, so that the Chinese women's volleyball team can regain the world's number one. Attackers such as Zhu Ting and Aigru will be targeted all over the world, but they still play the ball. In the final analysis, they are still not strong enough. Saying that the setter is not good, then why does Gong Xiangyu drop the ball so high? A good setter is the upper limit of a volleyball team. The problem of the Chinese women's volleyball team is actually the problem of setter. So we can't help but ask what is the problem of setter? One: The passing rate is extremely low, which greatly reduces the Chinese team's offensive strength. Some people will say that it is caused by a poor first pass. In fact, this is not the case. The Chinese women's volleyball team's second pass is not good even if the first pass is good. The second is that the tactical organization is not good, and the third is what? Fans can think for themselves, the Chinese team must vigorously explore potential passers! The playing style of Wang Yunxiang and is a reflection of the team as a whole, with rough techniques and tactics, and the frequency of errors in receiving and serving. It looks like a fight, but is actually brute force and rough. It is also a matter of basic skills and coaching level.

Yuan Xinyue was wreaking havoc on the court. At least I saw at least two of them in one and a half games. They stood straight in the front area and caught the ball, then flew back. He couldn't block the ball, and the smash was as soft as ever. The overall footwork is too slow. Looking at the Japanese players' agility all over the field, the opponent just can't be beaten, and the gap is huge. The audience only saw Li Yingying defending the ball in the back row. The others basically had no defensive ability in the back row and should learn the training methods of the Japanese team. The Chinese women's volleyball team is not aggressive in serving and has no ability to receive strong jump serves. Therefore, seeing that Aignu's serve is messed up, how to improve the strong jump serve has become a top priority for the team's development. We don’t want to blame this and that for losing. Losing is normal. At present, the Chinese team does not have the strength to compete with Italy. Although Li Yingying suffered a setback on the offensive end, she created opportunities for other attackers in the first pass defense. Don’t Look at the issue from a one-sided perspective, don’t lose the game, you have to find someone who will be blamed. If you lose against Thailand, Japan, the United States, and Brazil, who will be blamed! There are wins and losses when playing games. If you lose, find out the reasons. If your skills are not up to par, come back to strengthen practice, learn from each other's strengths, and prepare for the next game. The new Chinese women's volleyball team gives fans great expectations.

has lagged behind traditional strong teams from a technical and tactical level. We should pay attention to this, otherwise women's volleyball team will fall! The coaching staff regretted it! Especially the training of young players, rather than the training of old players. If this continues, young players will never have the opportunity to exercise! There were only six or seven people playing ball! Let’s first take a look at the Chinese team’s first pass. How many of them were in place? Second pass passes all over the court.Looking at Italy again, everyone is in place, and the second passer almost stands in place to pass the ball. In addition, there are many defensive loopholes, how can we still win this game? To put it bluntly, he is the coach. His brain is still not good enough. Li Yingying’s opponent is so bad, why not solve it? You can’t use Zhu Ting, but you should be able to use Zhang Dining. She is your apprentice. You want her to confirm it. It will come. Why don’t you want to solve the problem that everyone has seen? You just want to use people like you to fight it. It’s obviously not good enough. Everyone has seen the result, but you don’t want to solve it. This is not Is it a problem with your coach? In fact, they were in the lead many times, but the main attack and free agent were too poor, and Yuan Xinyue did not perform as well as he should, which ruined the good game! Obviously, as the majority of fans have said, Yuan Xinyue is not suitable to be the captain.

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