The sun is scorching, and the summer training of the Shanghai Jiushi Men's Basketball Team at the Sanjia Port Base is still in full swing.

Under the scorching sun, the summer training of the Shanghai Jiushi Men’s Basketball Team at the Sanjia Port Base is still in full swing. On July 14, Shanghai Jiushi Basketball Club Party Branch Secretary, Vice Chairman and General Manager Jiang Yusheng, Shanghai Jiushi Basketball Club Party Branch Deputy Secretary and Union Chairman Lu Wenjie, and Shanghai Jiushi Basketball Club Deputy General Manager Liu Junjun came to the training together. Base, inspected the progress of summer training, and expressed condolences to all members of the team who were actively working hard in summer training under high temperatures.

Recently, the domestic epidemic situation is still complex and changeable, and the high temperature weather in Shanghai continues to refresh history. Jiang Yusheng, Secretary, Vice Chairman and General Manager of the Party Branch of Shanghai Jiushi Basketball Club, expressed his gratitude to all the coaches who fought hard and sweated in the scorching heat. , players, and staff expressed their sincere condolences, and highly affirmed the team's hard training in hot weather. They also pointed out that summer training requires everyone to make more efforts, and hoped that every member of the team can work together. We must work hard, face difficulties, actively prepare for the new season, and "shark" the future with a new look. At the same time, we instruct the team to continue to do a good job in epidemic prevention and heatstroke prevention measures.

In addition, the club also thoughtfully prepared summer cooling gift packs for the entire team to help every team member better spend this hot summer.

Finally, I sincerely wish every coach, player, staff and fans of the Shanghai Jiushi Men’s Basketball Team to find coolness in this hot summer, good health, safety and success!

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