The 38-year-old "Melo" Carmelo Anthony has closed the door to winning the championship in his career? It's hard to say. If the Warriors really need Melo, Melo is also willing to play as the Warriors' 11th man. Maybe Melo makes the right choice + teamwork + luck, and there is stil

38-year-old " Melo " Carmelo Anthony , the door to winning the championship in his career has been closed?

It's hard to say. If the Warriors really need Melo, Melo is also willing to play as the 11th man for the Warriors. Maybe Melo has chosen the right choice + team up + Luck, there is still a chance to win.

It will be difficult for the 38-year-old Melo to enter the Warriors' main rotation, because the Warriors will put three rookies Wiseman , Moody, and Kuminga into the rotation for good training and training in the new season. The Warriors don't really need the old Melo. Shooting and offensive scoring, these are the most realistic situations.

There are rumors that the Warriors want Melo, but I don’t believe it. The Warriors need to give young people a chance. Old players like Melo, unless the defense is still first-class, as reliable as Porter or Iguodala , rebounds Not bad, he can defend and match up at least 2-3 positions. Otherwise, Melo, who can only shoot and attack, is not the Warriors' cup.

If the Warriors are really willing to pick up Melo, Melo should immediately join the Warriors and join a team without any thought. There is no shame in joining a team. As long as you are smart, capable, and willing to play as the 11th or 12th man on the team, you don’t care about playing time and space. Be prepared, you'll have a great time playing in the Warriors' system and culture.

Melon made most of the wrong decisions in his life.

During the Knicks era, Melo thought he was the team's star, but he was "young, frivolous" and ignorant. , thunder, , and the Rockets era, Melon gradually felt the helplessness and difficulties in life of "time does not give me time".

During the 2019-21 two-season Trail Blazers career, Melon, who had no market and no one wanted, found the "warmth of home" in the Trail Blazers. It was a "tragic life" of self-proving, retrieving value, and finding the joy of playing.

In the summer of 2021, Melo finally made the right decision. He decided to join the Lakers and become teammates with his old friend "LeBron James" to compete for the championship together. Unexpectedly, God is not as good as man. In the summer of 2021, the Lakers not only signed Melo, but also traded for Westbrook. Westbrook was out of tune with the Lakers and even had a negative impact. In addition, Davis was injured for 42 games. James was injured for 26 games, the Lakers were full of injuries, and Westbrook could not integrate into the team at all. Everyone saw the miserable situation of the Lakers last season.

Melon's bad luck makes people speechless.

Are there more and better choices for melon now? Probably not, for several reasons:

1. Championship teams do not need a 38-year-old veteran who can only shoot: Western Warriors, Suns , Mavericks , the Eastern Conference Celtics , Heat , Bucks , 76ers, these top championship teams may not have the space or demand for Melo.

2. Championship teams need 3D players who can defend and have multiple functions: Melo does not belong to this type of hard-working player with speed and match-up ability. He can defend at least three positions and can be used as a sacrifice to play hard work and achieve the success of the team. . Melo is only good at helping the team with shooting and scoring. It is difficult for such an old veteran to adapt to the current trend of the player market.

3. Everything in the future of the Lakers is variable: For Melo, the best and final option is to join the same team as James and return to the Lakers. But the Lakers are now facing two dilemmas for which there is currently no solution.

The first is that Westbrook cannot be sent away. The Lakers' chance and hope of winning the championship is to send away Westbrook and replace him with Irving . As long as the Lakers fail to send away Westbrook, it will be difficult for the Lakers to turn around.

The second is rhythm. The Lakers' reorganization step must first trade Westbrook and get Irving at the same time. Before they can solve the problem, it will be difficult for the Lakers to decide whether to use the veteran's minimum salary to keep Melo. That is no longer whether Carmelo wants to come back. The most important thing is: do the Lakers want Carmelo to come back? Give him a favor and a chance.

In addition to wrong choices and bad luck, will Melo have a happy ending and join a team that truly suits him and allows him to play happily and even win a championship?

Melo's life is about to end with regret. I wish him good luck.