During the World Cup qualifying window in June, Australia, Japan, and Taipei, who were in the same group as the Chinese men's basketball team, competed, attracting the attention of many media and fans, especially the series in which China and Japan challenged Australia, which wer

During the

6 world qualifying window, Chinese men's basketball team Australia, Japan, and Taipei competed in the same group, attracting the attention of many media and fans, especially the series in which China and Japan challenged Australia, which belonged to Asia's strongest teams and Australian football teams. The competition between teams is of great reference value. The Chinese men's basketball team and Australia fought fiercely for 4 quarters and ended up losing by 7 points. However, in terms of the game process, Zhou Qi's strong explosion and Guo Ailun's sharp breakthrough left a deep impression on the fans. Zhou Qi defeated China After Taipei , they even made direct announcements, looking forward to the second game with Australia. If they can continue the competitive state of the first two games, they will have the capital to compete with Australia.

The Asian basketball world is waiting for the China-Australia war. The contest between the Japanese men's basketball team and Australia was one-sided. Only 4 points were scored in a single quarter. The Japanese men's basketball team lost 52-98 to and the Australian men's basketball team . Not only was this lineup deeply questioned by the outside world, but after the game, it also encountered complaints from Japanese fans when it came to the staffing and selection of the Japanese head coach, and public opinion reached its peak.

Yuta Watanabe , who played for the NBA Raptors last season, originally planned to keep an open mind on whether to participate in Asian events, and the Japan Basketball Association did not explicitly call him up.

But after Japan's 46-point defeat to Australia, he immediately posted on social media and announced that he would represent the Japanese men's basketball team in the Asian Cup game. It can be seen that the Japanese men's basketball team lost consecutively to China and Australia. With this lineup alone, it is very difficult to get the right to qualify in international competitions. Even against second-tier teams in Asia, it is difficult to get the expected opportunities.

Yuta Watanabe is a forward player with very comprehensive abilities, with shooting ability and breakthrough damage. According to the level of Asian forward players, they currently belong to the ceiling level. And his appearance in the Asian Cup means that the Japanese men's basketball team has a real backbone and has the possibility of competing with the Chinese men's basketball team.

This Japanese men’s basketball team is a small team that focuses on three-pointers and counterattacks. In the previous series of the Chinese men’s basketball team, we can see that a large number of three-pointer tactics were set up. At one time, there were 5 players on the field. They all have the ability to shoot three-pointers and have a very smooth chemical reaction, but in terms of handling key balls, they lack Yuta Watanabe and Rui Hachimura who have outstanding abilities and have the ability to handle the ball at critical moments. The return of Yuta Watanabe at this time can fill this link very well. Considering that there are many naturalized players in Japan who may appear in the Asian Cup, the purpose of the Japan Basketball Association is very clear, that is to compete with the Chinese men's basketball team for the Asian Cup. champion.