A brief talk about Neijiaquan (20) Tingjin’s Kung Fu Long Heyu·Yu Neijia Thoughts 2014-10-23 09:54 Tingjin is a unique expression in Neijiaquan, used to describe the perception of force. The word "listen" expresses this process vividly, reflecting its delicate, quiet and accurate

A brief talk about Neijiaquan (twenty) Tingjin’s kung fu

Long Heyu·Yu Neijia thinking 2014-10-23 09:54

Tingjin is a unique expression in Neijiaquan. Used to describe the perception of force. The word "listen" expresses this process vividly, reflecting its delicate, quiet and accurate characteristics, just like a blind person listening with his ears.

Tingjin is a necessary process for cultivating, understanding and using inner strength. It is one of the standards of expression of Kung Fu level, and it is also the prerequisite for the continuous upgrading of push hands and Sanshou strength. It is a very important skill in the internal boxing skill training system.

Tingjin’s Kung Fu is divided into three different stages and levels.

1. Listen to yourself.

From the first day of training in Neijiaquan, under the guidance of the master, no matter what kind of introductory skills you start with, the skill of listening to Jin will start. The first thing is to listen to your own Jin.

What is listening to your own strength? No matter what kind of exercise you practice, this exercise will have an effect and influence on your own body and mind, causing big or small, subtle or subtle changes in your body and mind. This change may It's the body feeling of heat, numbness, soreness, maybe the sound coming from the muscles and bones, maybe it's the fluctuation of the mind. This change is the feedback from your body and mind to you, which means that your body and mind have something to say to you, so listening to your own energy means learning to hear these voices from your body and mind, understand these voices, and learn to talk to them.

Therefore, to listen to your own energy, you must first have a clear awareness, and be clear about every action and thought at the moment without any vagueness. If you train this kind of awareness consciously, it will become sensitive, delicate, and clear. When you are unconscious, it becomes rough and blurry. It is a kind of self-insight. You need to retract your focus from the chaotic outside world to yourself, let your eyes and heart look inward, and pay attention to your body and heart, so that you can receive the situation from them. See their big and small movements, hear their voices as thin as insect gnawing, and feel the rise and fall of every tiny thought. The more you calm down and do this, the more and more truly you can see and hear about yourself, and the more you understand yourself, and over time, you can establish the most delicate connection with your body and mind.

Listening to one's own strength is also reflected in the awareness of one's own strength. By listening to one's own strength, one can clearly understand the process of losing clumsy strength, how the strength goes from big to small, from stiff to soft, and slowly becomes weak. How does Jin come from scratch, from germination to development, and gradually replaces clumsy force? Where does Jin come from, where does it go, what is its size and angle, and its direction in the body, whether it is continuous or intermittent. , how pure it is, or still contains clumsy power, how much clumsy power it still contains, what characteristics it emits, whether it is impatient or gentle, domineering or supple, etc. When you can clearly be aware of it and understand its every move, you can hone it, adjust it, and control it better and more accurately.

Therefore, listening to your own energy is one of the important purposes of practicing Qigong, and it is also the prerequisite for practicing various other high-level exercises.

2. Listen to others.

In sparring and confrontation, you can understand the opponent through joining hands, and be able to find out the opponent's boxing problems and treat them. This understanding and treatment must first be achieved by clearly and clearly listening to the opponent's strength.

The degree of self-listening skills also represents the degree of listening to others. Only how much you listen to yourself can you listen to others. If your level of listening to yourself is low, then when you put your hands together, the sound of other people's punches will be vague and rough. You don't know how much the opponent weighs, and you can't figure out the size and direction of the opponent's strength, how stiff it is, and how soft it is. The style is urgent or slow, solid or lively. If you don't even know clearly, you can't talk about treatment and control. Even if you can barely control it, it will be difficult to be accurate and just right.

Only when the self-listening skills have been deepened to a certain extent, and you can put your hands and listen to the other person, can you be as clear and clear as listening to yourself. The big movements, small movements, and even micro movements of his body will be clear, and his rough and sick areas will be clear. , only then can you clearly see the degree of his energy, whether it is urgent or slow, whether it is straight or round, and only when you listen carefully, clearly, and clearly can you have a clear understanding of the other party's situation. Know yourself and the enemy. If you listen well and the other party listens poorly, you can achieve the goal of knowing others while others don’t know you. Because with good listening skills, you can clearly see the other party's problems and treat them accurately.

Listening to other people's enthusiasm is not only listening to his various reactions, but also listening to his intentions. Because a person's intention will first be reflected in his physical reaction. This reaction may be very subtle. Even if the other person is not good at listening to his energy, he may not even notice it. But if your ability to listen to your energy is high enough, You can hear it and predict his behavior. Therefore, a master can make the last move first, that is, let the opponent move first, and the one who moves later can restrict the one who moves first. This is often because the master has heard your intentions in advance through listening to Jin, and has restrained you with countermeasures before you complete the intended behavior. So it makes people feel magical and incredible. In fact, most of this relies on deeper listening skills.

Listening to other people’s enthusiasm is the moment you get involved with the other person. It’s as if you have opened your electronic perspective, and the other person instantly becomes transparent in front of you. At that moment, you weigh out its various characteristics like a scale. The reaction, various measures, like feeling the pulse, clearly detected his lesions. The next treatment becomes easier and easier.

3. Listen to others in advance.

What is pre-listening? Pre-listening is to understand the physical condition of others before joining hands. This is a state where the skill of listening to music has reached a certain level.

When you hold hands and listen to someone, your skills have reached a very precise and delicate level, reaching an extreme level. At this time, you can try to anticipate other people's intentions, that is, the moment before you join hands, you can predict the other person's intentions and various indicators based only on the other person's body shape, expression, direction, and trend. At the beginning, you need to combine the situation of joining hands to verify the accuracy and scope of the prediction. After continuous correction and adjustment, over time, you can reach the point where you can basically predict the opponent's situation without joining hands.

can predict the opponent without taking action, and deal with it in a more advanced way, which will often produce more advance and more appropriate constraints on the opponent. This is the embodiment of the advanced level of Tingjin Kung Fu, and it is also a must for San Shou Kung Fu.