As Giankudu gets older, can they pass on it?

Who would have thought that James has been with us for 18 springs and autumns. As the pride of heaven, he broke a string of records for the youngest. The last youngest gentleman was named Kobe, so I don’t need to say more about James’ achievements. Seeing the Lakers continue to reinforce the tail of James' peak, we can think that there is not much time to see him playing.

Durant is 33 years old after he has been tossing around, people will use words like newspaper group as his label, but no one can ignore his ability, Antetokounmpo has been convinced by him, and his peak is still a few years away. Let us take a look and cherish it.

Even the cute god Kuri in our hearts is over thirty years old.

Can future stars challenge them? When the hero is late, can a new generation of stars be passed on?
