On July 16, 2022, Beijing time, the Budapest station of the WTT Star Challenge ended on the third day of the competition. In the women’s singles quarter-finals, world champion Wang Manyu fought hard for 5 games and defeated Mima Ito 3-2 to advance to the semi-finals. Meet Sun Yin

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Beijing time on July 16, 2022, the Budapest station of the WTT Star Challenge ended on the third day of the main competition. The women's singles quarter-finals, the world champion Wang Manyu fought hard for 5 games and defeated Mima Ito 3-2. , advanced to the semi-finals, and joined Sun Yingsha . Wang Manyu played four games on this match day and won all four games. He persisted to the end with his strong willpower and will next launch an attack on the Triple Crown.

On July 16, 2022, Beijing time, the Budapest station of the WTT Star Challenge ended on the third day of the competition. In the women’s singles quarter-finals, world champion Wang Manyu fought hard for 5 games and defeated Mima Ito 3-2 to advance to the semi-finals. Meet Sun Yin - DayDayNews

Judging from the schedule, the third day of the race will be the biggest test for the athletes, especially athletes who are multi-tasking and have to enter a state of continuous rotation. For the National Table Tennis Team, , Wang Chuqin, and Wang Manyu play three roles. They have to play up to four games on this competition day. Although the competition adopts a best-of-five-set system, it is still very hard. However, Wang Chuqin and Wang Manyu showed strong strength and both ended the match day with outstanding performances of winning 4 games.

On July 16, 2022, Beijing time, the Budapest station of the WTT Star Challenge ended on the third day of the competition. In the women’s singles quarter-finals, world champion Wang Manyu fought hard for 5 games and defeated Mima Ito 3-2 to advance to the semi-finals. Meet Sun Yin - DayDayNews

Wang Manyu first played in the third round of women's singles. She defeated teammate Fan Siqi 3-0 and advanced to the women's singles quarterfinals. Later, Wang Manyu partnered with Sun Yingsha in the women's doubles quarter-finals. Facing the powerful Ishikawa Kasumi / Hirano Miu , Wang Manyu/Sun Yingsha won 3-1 and advanced to the semi-finals. After a short break, Wang Manyu continued to play. She partnered with Wang Chuqin in the mixed doubles semi-finals. As a result, they swept the French combination Simon Gautz/Pavard 3-0 and advanced to the finals. They will compete with Zhang Benzhi and / Hayata Hina. competes for the mixed doubles championship.

On July 16, 2022, Beijing time, the Budapest station of the WTT Star Challenge ended on the third day of the competition. In the women’s singles quarter-finals, world champion Wang Manyu fought hard for 5 games and defeated Mima Ito 3-2 to advance to the semi-finals. Meet Sun Yin - DayDayNews

After these three games, Wang Manyu's consumption has been very high, but she still has to participate in the women's singles quarter-finals. Her opponent is Mima Ito. This is obviously the focus of the women's singles. After all, Mima Ito is the national champion. Ping's number one rival. Under the condition of great physical exertion, Wang Manyu and Mima Ito played for 5 games. Wang Manyu won two games in a row after falling behind 1-2. In the decisive game, he defeated Mima Ito 11-9 and advanced to the semi-finals.

On July 16, 2022, Beijing time, the Budapest station of the WTT Star Challenge ended on the third day of the competition. In the women’s singles quarter-finals, world champion Wang Manyu fought hard for 5 games and defeated Mima Ito 3-2 to advance to the semi-finals. Meet Sun Yin - DayDayNews

Winning all 4 games in one day, Wang Manyu maintained a strong momentum in the three individual events and has a good chance of winning the Triple Crown. As the winner of the World Championships Women's Singles Championship, Wang Manyu is indeed more mature now and has become more and more capable. The wind is blowing. The same is true for Wang Manyu's partner Wang Chuqin. He eliminated Calderano and Lin Yunru in the men's singles field, and joined Ma Long in the men's singles semi-finals. In the men's doubles arena, he partnered with Ma Long and successfully advanced to the semi-finals. Young Wang Chuqin has basically secured his main position in men's table tennis. Like Xu Xin, he is an all-round player in men's table tennis.

On July 16, 2022, Beijing time, the Budapest station of the WTT Star Challenge ended on the third day of the competition. In the women’s singles quarter-finals, world champion Wang Manyu fought hard for 5 games and defeated Mima Ito 3-2 to advance to the semi-finals. Meet Sun Yin - DayDayNews

In fact, in addition to Wang Chuqin and Wang Manyu, Sun Yingsha, Ma Long, Liang Jingkun, Lin Gaoyuan and others who appeared on this match day also played two roles. They played at least three games and performed very well. In the end, the National Table Tennis Team won three semi-finals seats in the men's singles and women's singles, and the three doubles events also retained the hope of winning the championship. This is the strength of the National Table Tennis Team. Although the main players of the National Table Tennis Team have been absent for a long time, This competition is very promising to win all the championships, let’s wait and see!

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