On July 15th, Beijing time, the CBA Summer League officially kicked off. The defending champion Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team’s first game was scheduled for 8 p.m., and they will compete with the host Qingdao Men’s Basketball Team. Although both sides are mainly young players an

2024/06/3012:51:32 sports 1243

On July 15th, Beijing time, the CBA Summer League officially started. The defending champion Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team’s first game is scheduled for 8 pm. It will compete with the host Qingdao Men’s Basketball Team. Although both sides are mainly young players and are basically training. However, no one expected that Qingdao would be able to defeat the Liaoning men's basketball team at home after sending away a set of main players during the offseason. Many young players around 17-18 years old would still be the main force, facing Yan Shou. Qi, Zhou Juncheng, Liu Yanyu, Cong Mingchen and others have reached the point of complete explosion. On the competition field, I have seen many scenes of Yang Ming being furious. The main players are in poor condition, and the young players cannot bear the burden in a short time. Heavy task, Liaoning Men's Basketball Team 56-88 Qingdao Men's Basketball Team, losing by 32 points, creating the largest point difference on the first match day.

On July 15th, Beijing time, the CBA Summer League officially kicked off. The defending champion Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team’s first game was scheduled for 8 p.m., and they will compete with the host Qingdao Men’s Basketball Team. Although both sides are mainly young players an - DayDayNews

Many fans noticed that Yan Shouqi made 6 of 17, Zhou Jun 1 of 10, and Cong Mingchen 2 of 10. The overall main outside players were in poor condition. They broke through and killed many times but were unable to finish efficiently. Liu Yanyu was even more afraid to appear. The situation of inside singles is directly related to Qingdao men's basketball inside player Yang Hansen.

This 17-year-old youngster is 2.10 meters tall and does not have strong physical resistance, but he is very good at reading defense. He only played 10 minutes in the first half and scored 7 points, 6 rebounds and 5 rebounds in 3 of 4 shots. Among them, Yan Shouqi, Zhou Junlong, and Liu Yanyu tried to finish by breaking through the basket, but were blocked by Yang Hansen, or directly blocked the block, setting the Qingdao men's basketball bench on fire.

On July 15th, Beijing time, the CBA Summer League officially kicked off. The defending champion Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team’s first game was scheduled for 8 p.m., and they will compete with the host Qingdao Men’s Basketball Team. Although both sides are mainly young players an - DayDayNews

Throughout the game, Yang Hansen played 23 minutes and scored 8 points, 6 rebounds, 2 steals and 6 blocks. The offensive end is basically focused on the basket, and the huge defensive influence on the defensive end gives the Liaoning Men's Basketball Team a great threat. In the subsequent second half, when the impact on the basket was greatly reduced, the rest of the Qingdao Men's Basketball Team Young players were able to delay defense with high quality. As a result, no one from the Liaoning men's basketball team stepped forward to score. Even if Yang Ming sent out his main forward Cong Mingchen, he still could not change the situation of the game. Yang Ming's blood pressure soared and he vomited many times on the bench. Fenfang, this group of young players dare not look directly at them.

On July 15th, Beijing time, the CBA Summer League officially kicked off. The defending champion Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team’s first game was scheduled for 8 p.m., and they will compete with the host Qingdao Men’s Basketball Team. Although both sides are mainly young players an - DayDayNews

This is actually a very outrageous game for many of the main players of the Liaoning men's basketball team. Cong Mingchen has been playing for many years, and Yan Shouqi has been playing for almost 5 years. The remaining players are Zhou Juncheng, Lu Zijie , , Ma Zhuang, and others have been following the Liaoning men's basketball team for a long time. Facing a group of young players from the Qingdao men's basketball team from 2003 to 2005, they fell into a passive situation. Yang Ming's rage is understandable. , especially Yang Hansen, who is only 17 years old, gave the Liaoning men's basketball team 6 blocks, increasing the defensive threat of the Qingdao men's basketball team.

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