After the Chinese women's volleyball team lost 3-1 to the Italian women's volleyball team in the finals, their World League journey also came to an end. Although the Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals of the World League, it has trained the team and inc

2024/06/3015:14:32 sports 1610

After the Chinese women's volleyball team lost 3-1 to and the Italian women's volleyball team in the finals, their World League journey came to an end. Although the Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals of the World League, it has trained the team and increased its knowledge. Three major gains have made the Chinese women's volleyball team more confident.

After the Chinese women's volleyball team lost 3-1 to the Italian women's volleyball team in the finals, their World League journey also came to an end. Although the Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals of the World League, it has trained the team and inc - DayDayNews

The first gain is that the sudden emergence of secondary attacker Wang Yuanyuan has made the Chinese women's volleyball team more stable. Before the start of the World League, the Chinese women's volleyball team's main secondary attacker position has not been determined except for Yuan Xinyue . Although Wang Yuanyuan is the starting secondary attacker, she is competing with Yang Hanyu , Gao Yi and Zheng Yixin . . But as the World League progresses, Wang Yuanyuan's performance is getting better and better. Her offensive and defensive stability, movement speed, and cooperation with the setter are all blossoming. In actual effect, Wang Yuanyuan not only left behind other substitute offensive players, but also surpassed Yuan Xinyue and became a point that the Chinese women's volleyball team relies on. This makes the other main force of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the secondary offensive position without hesitation to lock in Wang Yuanyuan. body.

After the Chinese women's volleyball team lost 3-1 to the Italian women's volleyball team in the finals, their World League journey also came to an end. Although the Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals of the World League, it has trained the team and inc - DayDayNews

The second gain is that and Gong Xiangyu are becoming more and more stable, their technology and psychology are becoming more and more mature, and they have become an important pillar of the team. Before the start of the World League, the Chinese women's volleyball team selected a captain. Gong Xiangyu was very popular, but the national team still awarded the captaincy to Yuan Xinyue, who had more seniority. However, judging from the performance of the World League, Gong Xiangyu is not only excellent at both ends of the offense and defense, but also can make suggestions, and even takes on the task of communicating with referees, becoming the invisible captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team. This will help the Chinese women's volleyball team to have better choices in choosing the captain.

After the Chinese women's volleyball team lost 3-1 to the Italian women's volleyball team in the finals, their World League journey also came to an end. Although the Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals of the World League, it has trained the team and inc - DayDayNews

The third gain is that the pattern of the World League confirms the correctness of the Chinese women's volleyball team's fast and changeable style. The semi-finals of the World League are announced. High-profile European teams occupy three seats, namely Serbia , Italy and Turkish Women's Volleyball Team ; the speed-style team only occupies one seat, that is Brazil Women's Volleyball Team . This pattern proves that in the world of women's volleyball, the European style still has the upper hand. The Chinese women's volleyball team actively pursues a fast and changeable style based on its high level. This style has a strong restraint on European teams. The Chinese women's volleyball team's record of undefeated victories against European teams in the World League round-robin is proved. Although the Chinese women's volleyball team lost to the Italian women's volleyball team in the finals, this was not the fault of the fast and changeable style, but the fault of the incomplete lineup. Therefore, the Chinese women's volleyball team will be more confident in sticking to its own style.

After the Chinese women's volleyball team lost 3-1 to the Italian women's volleyball team in the finals, their World League journey also came to an end. Although the Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals of the World League, it has trained the team and inc - DayDayNews

Of course, the Chinese women's volleyball team has gains that need to be persevered, but there are also shortcomings that need to be improved. Li Yingying has made too many mistakes, which is a shortcoming that needs to be solved urgently. Talking about the current shortcomings of the Chinese women's volleyball team, there are many, and they are more serious. For example, the comprehensive strength of Li Yingying's opposite parties Wang Yunxiu and Jin Ye is not strong, and there is also the lack of technical ability of free agent Wang Weiyi. These are all constraints. It reflects the overall strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team. However, these players may only be transitional roles for the Chinese women's volleyball team and may leave the national team in future games. However, Li Yingying is the main force of the Chinese women's volleyball team, so solving Li Yingying's shortcomings is a top priority.

After the Chinese women's volleyball team lost 3-1 to the Italian women's volleyball team in the finals, their World League journey also came to an end. Although the Chinese women's volleyball team did not enter the semi-finals of the World League, it has trained the team and inc - DayDayNews

In the finals against the Italian women's volleyball team, we did have many opportunities to win, but in the end we lost. Li Yingying's 11 mistakes were also one of the important reasons. So why did Li Yingying, who had transformed in the Olympics, make so many mistakes a year later? This has to mention our unbalanced league. In the domestic league in the 2021-2022 season, the Tianjin Women's Volleyball Team has never been dominated by one player. Li Yingying is proud of the world in a ripple. She lacks the experience of riding the wind and waves, so when she encounters a real opponent, she will be unable to do so and will naturally make mistakes. That’s more. This requires Li Yingying to use the courage she had to lose 14 pounds, keep in mind the team training of "strengths are stronger, make up for weaknesses", and try her best to build herself into a truly first-class main attacker in the national team training.

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