The reform and innovation of veteran variety shows and the continuous deepening of new variety shows. How will the sound variety break through in 2021?

Author / Er Er

Recently, new variety shows have been gathered on major platforms, but music variety shows are rarely seen. "Singer", which kicked off the sound synthesis market in the first quarter of each year, has already ended this year.

At present, only " Masked Singer Guess Guess 5" in the music synthesis market is strong, but the audience's enthusiasm for the mysterious singer will gradually fade. In the latest issue, Zhang Zhilin Yuan Yuyi and his wife are on stage to sing, and only Can use gossip topics to introduce topics.

What they sang, I really don’t remember...

, let alone the just-concluded "Hey Sing and Turn 2", the show has not become popular since the first season, and the performance of the second season was mediocre. The closing night The audience rating of 59 cities was 0.722%, which was lower than the 1.839% of "Sister's Philharmonic Path" broadcast at the same time.

If you insist on finding out the most impressive works of the network entertainment master recently, it should be the first time CCTV boys sang "Youth" in the " classic chants spread " this year.

The comparison of attention and popularity between new and old sound comprehensives can be described as a two-fold sky.

In 2020, "The Voice of China", "Singer", "Masked Singer Guess and Guess" will strive to reform and innovate, but they are no match for the "Summer of the Band", " Rap New Generation " and other Internet comprehensives.

In 2021, what trump card of the veteran music syndicate can save the decline? Who will stand out for the new sound synthesis?

Is the N-generation music category really not popular anymore?

old-brand sound synthesis is declining, especially traditional programs dominated by popular music, it seems to be getting worse.

is represented by "The Voice of China", "Guess the Masked Singer" and "Singer". Looking back on 2020, these veteran variety shows did not seem to have left any deep impression.

If you don’t remind me, maybe you have overlooked their development trajectory in 2020:

"The Voice of China" has held nine seasons of by 2020. Last year’s "Z14z Voice of China 2020" was first on the short video platform. Simultaneously broadcast on the Internet, the champion of the show is the 18-year-old Shan Yichun.

also has a cold knowledge: Shan Yichun's "Love That Never Lost" is ranked first in the 2020 QQ Music Variety Music Viewing List.

"Masked Singer Guess 5" will be broadcast in the fourth quarter of 2020. Variety celebrities such as Da Zhang Wei and Yang Di are invited to the show, as well as singers such as Hacken Lee, Wang Zhengliang, and Wen Bixia on stage. , Z14z is currently nearing the end of .

It is well known that the "Singer·The Year of the Fight" broadcast in 2020 is the final season, but even if the show has popular singers such as Zhou Shen , Hua Chenyu, Mao Buyi, the first issue of reached the audience due to the stimulation of the epidemic. The ratings are the highest in 5 years, but the stamina is not enough to return to the peak .

Although their popularity and attention have dropped sharply, the investment promotion situation can still compensate.

Among them, "The Voice of China 2020" has the best investment situation: Jindian is the exclusive title, and the online exclusive title is Miss Food. The other sponsors and cooperating brands include Kaishili Wine, McFuddy Dog Food, Gaotu Classroom, Orchid flower ancient peanut oil, ABC light and thin series...

"The Year of Singer Dangda" was named by Haitian Soy Sauce. The cooperative brands include GAC Trumpchi, Baisuishan, and Sprite.

"Masked Singer Guess Guess 5" was named by Kyoto Ninji'an, and the co-branded Beijing Hyundai.

does not have "Singer" this year, and "The Voice of China", which is entering its tenth year, may become a huge success. The current show has invited Jay Chou to return to the mentor seat, and there may be more surprises in the future. Whether the program can return to its peak, the tenth year can be regarded as an important node.

old-fashioned music syndicate stands tall, and new programs dominated by pop music are also gradually incubating new IP.

"Hey Sing and Turn" and "Our Song" will be broadcast in the second season in 2020. Both programs feature classic new sings. The gameplay is different. The investment situation is also fair:

2" is titled by Magic Sports Drink, and the cooperative brand has Job Help; "Our Song 2" is exclusively titled by Guangming Youpei, and the cooperative brands include Kugou Music and Buick Motors.

Even if the old-fashioned sound synthesis is snatched from the limelight by the new sound synthesis, from the perspective of investment promotion and their respective development potentials, if new content such as innovation and reform is used in the program, as well as the selection and promotion of talents to follow up the audience’s preferences, there is a chance to be able to Launched popular works like "Love That Never Lost Connection". Even if

doesn't have the popularity of once smashing smash, but occasionally it can be a blockbuster.

band, rap, many vertical themes can be unlocked by the sound synthesis?

is facing the dilemma of "old age" on the one side of the old-brand sound synthesis, and on the other side, many new topics have been unlocked.

In 2020, rap and band variety show will flourish.

Rap variety shows include "Rap New Generation", " China New Rap 2020", "Rap Listen to Me", etc. The broadcast platforms are B Station, iQiyi, and Mango TV.

uses the same type of show to fight, the 2020 rap winner is station B, and the worst loser is Mango.

"The New Generation of Rap" was not paid much attention when it was first broadcast. Later on the program, "Everything can be rapped" and clear characters, etc., made it a high score and high topicality;

"China New Rap 2020" The popularity of the three rap programs is the highest, but as the fourth season program of the entire IP, there is a certain gap in reputation and influence from the predecessor "China Rip Hop";

"Rap Listen to Me" seems relatively mediocre in it , Whether it is the rap spirit delivered by the program or the works launched by the program, it is difficult to help it fight word-of-mouth or traffic wars.

This year, "Rap New Generation 2", "China New Rap 2021" and "Rap Listen to Me 2" are all intensively prepared. Among them, "Rap New Generation 2" is very popular, and a battle will start again. The band variety show of

was amazing last year, but it was not the "Summer of the Band", which won a large number of fans after the first season, but "Tomorrow's Sons Season".

"Tomorrow's Sons Orchestra Season" created a band formation system. The rich orchestra style and the fierce program competition system make the audience enthusiastic. After successfully using band themes to enhance the value of IP, set its sights on folk in 2021.

The influence of "Band's Summer 2" is still influential. The program itself is reformed in the competition system, and it has reference value for the expression of the theme of the program and the recording of the band. It is reported that a commercial performance after a certain band went on the show rose to 1.2-2 million, and the show's exposure and blessing were super strong.

" Our Band " creates a very hilarious atmosphere, but lacks professionalism. The biggest attraction is Wang Junkai .

is also threeThe show is sparring, Tencent Video launched "Tomorrow's Sons Orchestra Season", iQiyi launched "Summer of the Band 2", and Mango TV launched "Our Band". Mango, who is good at emotional observation, will continue to work hard in the sound synthesis .

After 2020's exploration and innovation, how to expand the IP effect of rap, band, and folk songs, and how the N-generation will last? This year is bound to be another year of intense competition for new and old music variety shows.

The reform and innovation of the old variety show and the continuous deepening of the new variety show, can the sound show be supported in 2021?