Family addiction "Our Song 2" reproduces the contemporary value of innovative variety shows

"The "spiritual guy" who finally won the golden voice partner of this season's "The Voice of Chinese Dream·Our Song"." As the host Lin Hai's voice fell, singers began to compose Chen Xiaochun and GAI Zhou Yan" The "spiritual guy" group sent blessings. The "spiritual guy" won the "Golden Sound Partner" of the second season of "The Voice of Chinese Dream·Our Song" with a total of 304 votes. Amidst the applause and cheers of the crowd, the two opened their arms as wings and happily rushed to the leader. Podium.

The second season of "The Voice of Chinese Dream·Our Song" (hereinafter referred to as "Our Song 2") jointly produced by Ciwen Media and Dragon TV (hereinafter referred to as "Our Song 2") ushered in the closing ceremony on the 27th, and the CSM59 city received 2.20% that night. The ratings of CSM35 City are 2.18%, winning the ratings for 12 consecutive weeks. The post-00 share has broken 14%, the post-90s share has broken through 13%, and the post-80s share has broken 15%. The excellent performance of

singers has caused a lot of searches from the audience. There are 12 programs throughout the season, with 500+ hot searches on the whole network and 100+ hot searches on Weibo. The names of the singers and classic golden songs have appeared side by side many times, familiar and hot. The Weibo topic of our song and the second season of our song received over 13 billion views and 42.5 million discussions. The high attention of

has made the program ranked first in the Weibo Variety Show, Yien Variety List, and Blue Eagle Meiland List for 12 consecutive periods. The ratings won the championship, the popularity is unabated, and the list is leading. From the first season to the second season, the audience's enthusiasm is high, and the popularity of the program continues. The number of votes in the first round of

was similar to each other. In the second round of performances, the five groups of singers worked hard to amplify their moves one after another. The singers sang well and the audience was satisfied. "Zhe is too powerful" moved the audience by " with affection ", "King of the King" handsome and aerodynamic "Knock", "very full of resources" sweet and lively "Rainbow Clouds", "spiritual guy" chivalrous and cheerful " "The Great Wall Never Fall" and "You Come Back" in which "Dalong Xiaonan" talked about his miss, set off a climax of the current show. The performance and program format of

singers made the audience not hesitate to praise. The words "creative", "surprise" and "expected" can all tell the audience that they are immersed in this program and love it very much.

Friends gathering are all "famous scenes"

If you want to define the atmosphere of the entire season, the singer chorus at the end of the music festival can summarize the song "Friends". The last competition is not called the "Finals" but the "Music Festival", and the one with the highest number of votes is not called the "Champion" but the "Golden Sound Partner". This is also true. Singers of all ages and styles gather here. They are all friends who convey the charm of music. No one can sing better than anyone else. Only the sparks of the pair of partners that the audience prefers at the moment.

on the stage of "Our Song 2" also witnessed the dream moments of many "fans, brothers and sisters". From the first issue of Li Jian , he successfully chased the star Alan Tan and formed a partner with an idol. The stage of "Song of Love 2" will always usher in "confession" among singers.

Chang Shilei and Coco Li improvise, "You don't know how many me your music affects" to explain the heart. Sun Nan seized the opportunity to sing with idol Zhong Zhentao and revealed that he actually loves Cantonese songs. Joey Yung and Zhang Yixing are deeply influenced by the "philosophical love song", and Zhang Xinzhe's voice is a mark in memory. Even the "spiritual guy" was born because GAI Zhou Yan went to Chen Xiaochun from the beginning, tried his best to fight for and cooperated with idols several times, and finally got the title of "Golden Sound Partner". For fans, no What's more exciting than "you really fit in with your idol."

"I like your music very much" and "In my memories, it is your voice." The mutual recognition and love between the singers just proved that they were also the benefit of the extensive influence of the golden songs of the era. By. Don't understand the words yetThe age of intention and emotion, or through the sizzling radio, or through the overturning cassette, or through the small and exquisite MP3, or through the karaoke of all members, the moving melody flows out through the singer’s sweet voice , The most primitive memory of music is formed in the small head, that is, "good".

In the eyes of the singers, their own attempts and breakthroughs, tribute and re-enactment, should contribute to the construction of this "bridge". When Zhong Zhentao and sang classics on the show, he said to the audience, "Just take what you haven’t heard. Come and listen to new songs.” It also shows that the singers come to this stage and have confidence in the attractiveness of the golden songs, and they are also confident in their own tricks.

praises continue to go overseas to show national comprehensive innovation

During the broadcast of the program, domestic key media frequently paid attention to the influence of the widespread dissemination of "Our Song 2", and "New Weekly" published an article on the client of "People's Daily" The review "Our Song 2" gave music memory a special opportunity, thinking that only with the contemporary spirit to color these golden songs, these concerts that carry many memories will once again shine. "Wen Wei Po" wrote that "The Second Generation" and "Our Song 2" have produced a higher level of industry value than this time last year-erasing the arrogance and prejudice in music, penetrating the generation and style of music. Circle layers, use unlimited collisions to explore the resonance of the times. "Radio News Review" published an article reviewing the show on the night of its closing. It believed that "Our Song" could still maintain its vitality in the second season, maintain high popularity and high reputation, thanks to the way that the show used senior singers and new singers to perform on the same stage. Concept, let the music bloom with charm, use music to achieve intergenerational communication, and successfully break through different audiences. Z3z

praised by the key media and paid attention to the industry's big players. "This music carnival shows the infinite vitality of music." Everyone reached a consensus on the widespread influence of the "Our Song 2" program. The

program is highly recognized in China, and it goes overseas, which also reflects the innovation of the National Comprehensive. The brilliance at the Cannes TV Festival in France laid the foundation for the loss of the "Our Song" model overseas. At present, the well-known French program production company Hubert has purchased the official authorization of the "Our Song" program model in French-speaking Europe. For the first time, Chinese TV variety shows broke the traditional mode of buying programs from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, and then made localized transformation.

In the current diversification of transmission channels, more singers have the opportunity to show, new repertoires emerge in endlessly, and listeners choose more, but it also distracts the heritage of Chinese classics. Integration and selection is the role played by many music programs such as the "Our Song" series. "Our Song" series chief director Chen Hong once said, "I hope that through this program, more listeners and audiences can discover music, enjoy music, fall in love with music, and overcome age barriers through music, and become a bridge of intergenerational communication."

The program model of "Our Song" has been well received in China and popular abroad, which proves that not only in China, people all over the world are thirsty for good music and need good programs. This is a recognition of the innovation of domestic variety show creators. .

​​Editor-in-Chief Review | Yan Ming Zhao Bin

Supervisor | Chen Yuhua

Chief Editor | Li Guangyu

Writing/Editing | Xiao Yao

Layout/Design| Wang Chunzhi

Part of the picture comes from the network

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