This article is reprinted from the "Chinese Biophysical Society" public account Chinese Biophysical Society. The official subscription account of the Chinese Biophysical Society serves BSC members and professionals in the field of biophysics. 300 original articles "Tan Jiazhen Li

This article is reproduced from the official subscription account of the " Chinese Biophysical Society " public account

Chinese Biophysical Society Chinese Biophysical Society, which serves BSC members and biophysics professionals. 300 original contents

"Tan Jiazhen Life Scientist Award" (hereinafter referred to as "Tan Award"), as one of the important awards in the field of life sciences in China, has attracted much attention since its inception. Today, the Society will walk into the "Talk Award" with you


Why is the " Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award" established?

In 2008, Mr. Tan Jiazhen celebrated his 100th birthday, and the Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award was established.

Mr. Tan Jiazhen is one of the founders of modern genetics in my country and an outstanding scientist and educator in modern China. He devoted his life to the cause of genetics, trained a large number of outstanding talents for genetics research, established China's first genetics major, founded the first genetics research institute, and established the first life sciences academy.

The establishment of this award aims to uphold Mr. Tan’s dedication to the cause of life sciences, promote the industrialization of life science research results, and encourage my country’s life science workers to continue to innovate.


About Academician Tan Jiazhen

Academician Tan Jiazhen (1909.9.15-2008.11.1), native of Ningbo, Zhejiang, is an international geneticist, one of the founders of modern genetics in my country, and an outstanding scientist and educator.

Tan Jiazhen has made important contributions to the development of genetics in my country, especially in the fields of The evolution of the genetic structure among Drosophila populations and Coccinella heterochromia Color spots Genetic variation research fields, which have contributed to the development of genetics in China. Provide important arguments to lay the foundation for the modern comprehensive theory of evolution.

Tan Jiazhen has been engaged in genetics research and teaching for more than 70 years and has published more than 100 academic papers. The discovery of the "mosaic dominance phenomenon" in the inheritance of color spots in ladybirds is considered an important supplement to the development of classical genetics and a key argument for modern comprehensive evolutionary theory. In the 1950s, he established China's first genetics major, the first genetics research institute and the first school of life sciences at Fudan University, which was known as the "Morgan School of China". He brought the English word Gene into Chinese and translated it as "gene".

The content is excerpted from the official website of Tan Jiazhen Life Science Development Foundation


Who is the focus of the "Talk Award"?

Scientists and professors who have made achievements in the life sciences in the territory of the People's Republic of China, as well as young scholars who have achieved innovative research results; people who have made outstanding contributions to the industrialization process of life sciences and scientific and technological achievements.


What awards does "Talk Award" include?

"Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award" has five awards:

"Tan Jiazhen Life Science Achievement Award " 2 winners

Tan Jiazhen Life Science International Cooperation Award 1 winner

"Tan Jiazhen Life Science Clinical Medicine Award ” 2~3 winners

“Tan Jiazhen Life Science Industrialization Award ” 1~2 winners

“Tan Jiazhen Life Sciences Innovation Award ” 10 winners


What are the recommended channels for “Tan Award” ?

Unit Recommendation

The China Association for Science and Technology Life Science Society Consortium is responsible for organizing the recommendation work of the Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award by relevant national societies. The total number of candidates recommended by each society for each award shall not exceed 2 (inclusive).

Expert recommendation

1, members of the Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award Award Committee and members of the Bureau of the China Association for Science and Technology Life Sciences Consortium can each recommend 2 candidates for the Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award, among whom they can recommend the Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award Achievement Award 1 candidate.

2. Each member of the Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award Review Committee may recommend one candidate for the Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award.

3. Each previous recipient of the Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award can recommend one candidate for the Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award.

(Note: The number of expert-recommended candidates who meet the above conditions 1 and 3 shall not exceed 2, and the number of expert-recommended candidates who meet the above 2 and 3 conditions shall not exceed 1)


Which members will win the prize in 2021?

"Tan Jiazhen Life Science Achievement Award"

Academician Zhang Mingjie

Xu Huaqiang Researcher

"Tan Jiazhen Life Science Innovation Award"

Researcher Yang Haitao

Professor Lou Zhiyong

Researcher Lu Boxun

Researcher Cai Shiqing

Professor Xue Tian

Helping talent growth

Building a broad platform for members

The Chinese Biophysical Society attaches great importance to the cultivation of young talents, gives full play to its unique advantages as a third-party evaluation organization, and actively recommends outstanding talents to the country. In the past four years, upon the recommendation of the society, many members have won the " National Natural Science Award ", " China Youth Science and Technology Award ", "Tan Jiazhen Life Science Award", " China Young Female Scientists Award ", " "Youth Talent Promotion Project" and so on.