The "space trip trio" returned successfully, artificial intelligence technology gradually matured, and scientists successfully developed a COVID-19 vaccine... Scientific breakthroughs are emerging one after another. However, people generally pay less attention to science and thin

's "space trip trio" returned successfully, artificial intelligence technology gradually matured, scientists successfully developed new crown vaccine ... Scientific breakthroughs are emerging one after another. However, people generally pay less attention to science and think that science is very profound and too far away from them. Is it really the truth?

"The Age of Science: Key Technologies Leading the Future"

"The Age of Science: Key Technologies Leading the Future" tells us that human daily life is closely related to the development of science.

"The Age of Science: Key Technologies Leading the Future" is a history of scientific development. It is not a simple list of scientific achievements, but tells the complete development process and interprets the connotation of modern science. The development of

science is continuous. The construction of scientific concepts and the birth of scientific inventions are not achieved in one step. Many scientific and technological achievements are achieved by "standing on the shoulders of giants": the knowledge system is constantly updated and iterated to provide guidance for scientific practice. At the same time, a large number of scientific practices will continue to Accumulate experience and lay the foundation for future research.

Human beings' knowledge of the world is always limited, so they are in a process of constant exploration.

For example, the universe mentioned in the book went through a long process to explore . Based on the research results of scientists such as Galileo Galilei and Kepler, Newton established a classical mechanical system and laid a solid theoretical foundation for the exploration of the universe. In the 20th century, Einstein proposed the subversive theory of relativity, which brought the concept of "space-time". Since then, cosmological theories such as the Big Bang and have been born one after another, and the space probe has been successfully launched, giving people a deeper understanding of the universe.

If we only focus on the occurrence of major scientific events and ignore its development process, we will not be able to truly understand modern science. The fragmented information of cannot show the formation and evolution of a discipline, as well as the intrinsic connections between disciplines, which is not conducive to our understanding of the relationship between modern science and human society.

This book is different from other general histories of science. It focuses on the "highlight" era in the history of science - the 20th century.

In the 17th century, Isaac Newton laid the foundation for modern science. Since then, the development of science has never made such significant progress as in the 20th century: humans successfully landed on the moon, Einstein proposed the theory of relativity, penicillin and other antibiotics and nuclear medicine were put into clinical use, and the world's first cloned sheep was born... Various scientific achievements in the 20th century laid the scientific foundation for today's and the future world.

The emergence of these science and technologies not only directly changes people's living conditions, but also profoundly affects people's ideas and ways of thinking, and determines the future development direction of science. Therefore, understanding the science of the 20th century is the only way for us to understand current and future science.

This photo records the precious moment when humans first landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. The person in the photo is astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the Apollo 11 mission.

The book is divided into five chapters, corresponding to the five themes of space exploration, nuclear energy development, chemical applications, life sciences and communications, showing outstanding achievements in astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology and other disciplines.

Between the lines, the scientific development context of the 20th century is clearly presented before our eyes. We can learn about the important breakthroughs in science in the 20th century, and we can also intuitively feel the changes in human life.

For example, the emergence of radio, movies, telephones, televisions and computers has suddenly shortened the distance between people, and the entire earth has become a "global village".

The early computer ENIAC (Eniac), with a mass of 27 tons

In 1901, the Italian engineer Guglielmo Marconi carried out the first wireless signal transmission across the Atlantic in the history of the United Kingdom, making a great contribution to radio. made outstanding contributions. In 1920, the first radio programs appeared. Broadcasting has gradually become the main channel for people to obtain information.

With the invention of the television picture tube, television was successfully launched, which was one of the most talked-about inventions of the 20th century.Since then, sounds and images have gradually entered thousands of households.

The birth of computers and Internet technology has brought people new ways of information exchange, enabled the sharing of information resources, and enabled the transmission of information to break through the limitations of time and space. In 1983, personal computers were widely used in homes, and the cover of Time Magazine named it "Machine of the Year."

Cover of Time Magazine (January 3, 1983)

The development of science and technology has greatly improved people's quality of life and changed people's lifestyles and behavioral habits, but it has also brought about certain environmental problems.

In the 20th century, plastics, with their low manufacturing costs and easy shaping, gradually replaced some natural materials with limited resources and became an indispensable product in people's lives. However, environmental pollution caused by plastics is becoming increasingly serious and even threatens human health.

The situation of plastic pollution is grim, marine life is facing a huge threat

Today, science and technology are developing at an unprecedented speed. Various scientific products have penetrated into all aspects of human life. The development of human society is inseparable from science. .

We live in such a scientific era and need to keep up with the pace of modern scientific development. This book "Scientific Era: Key Technologies Leading the Future" can help us understand complex modern science.

"The Age of Science: Key Technologies Leading the Future"

01 "Times" specially authorized

Stephen Hawking The complete collection and publication of relativity works!

"Time" (Time), also known as "Time", was founded in New York in 1923. It is one of the three major current affairs weekly magazines in the United States and has extensive influence around the world. In 1999, Time Magazine published an article titled "A Brief History of Relativity" by British physicist Stephen Hawking, which introduced Einstein's huge contribution to the advancement of human knowledge from a scientific perspective.

Stephen Hawking, a famous physicist at the University of Cambridge, England, and one of the greatest scientists in modern times

02 Precious historical pictures

recreate the real scenes of the 20th century!

"The Age of Science: Key Technologies Leading the Future" contains a large number of precious historical and scientific photos, from photos of rockets, detectors, medical equipment, integrated circuits to nuclear power generation schematics, showing us the scientific achievements of the 20th century, At the same time, it also pointed out environmental problems such as plastic pollution that must be solved for human development.

In order to visually present the complex atomic structure, a researcher used a molecular model for demonstration, taken in 1941

03 Peking University professional translator translated and reviewed

This book was written by Peking University professional translator Qingxin Translation has verified the professional knowledge and proper nouns in the book in detail. At the same time, some knowledge points have been explained for ease of understanding.

"The Age of Science: Key Technologies Leading the Future"