In order to remember the outstanding contributions of Academician Wang Ganchang and pay tribute to the vast number of scientific and technological workers, on July 1, the China Science and Technology Museum and the Chinese Nuclear Society officially launched the exhibition of Wan

This year marks the 55th anniversary of the successful explosion of my country's first hydrogen bomb . It is also the 115th anniversary of the birth of academician Wang Ganchang,

, the recipient of the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Merit Medal. In order to remember the outstanding contributions of Academician Wang Ganchang and pay tribute to the vast number of scientific and technological workers, on July 1, the China Science and Technology Museum and the Chinese Nuclear Society officially launched the exhibition of Wang Ganchang’s life story.

The China Science and Technology Museum displays an exhibition on the life and deeds of Wang Ganchang. (Photo provided by China Science and Technology Museum)

Wang Ganchang is the main founder and pioneer of my country's experimental nuclear physics, cosmic ray and elementary particle physics research. He participated in the development of my country's atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb, and was the first to develop my country's nuclear weapon One of the main founders. In 1986, he, together with Wang Daheng and others, put forward the "Recommendations on Tracking and Studying the Development of Foreign Strategic High-Tech". Taking this as an opportunity, the country formulated the "863" plan, which made important contributions to my country's economic construction and social development.

The China Science and Technology Museum displays an exhibition on the life and deeds of Wang Ganchang. (Photo provided by China Science and Technology Museum) The

exhibition focuses on Wang Ganchang's growth experience and has four themed exhibition areas: "Study diligently and serve the country scientifically", "Endless pursuit to win the laurels", "Dedicate yourself to the country as a hero in two bombs", and "Dedicate yourself to serve as a role model for future generations". , through 35 life stories and nearly 20 physical objects such as medals, certificates, notes, and related interactive experience exhibits, it demonstrates his outstanding scientific achievements and patriotic feelings, and guides the public to understand the characteristics of the times of the " two bombs and one satellite " spirit.

The China Science and Technology Museum displays an exhibition on the life and deeds of Wang Ganchang. (Photo provided by China Science and Technology Museum) The

exhibition will be on display in the west hall of China Science and Technology Museum until September, and visitors can visit it for free. (Reporter Wen Jinghua)