Being a scientist must be the dream of many people since childhood. Although this ideal will gradually be forgotten as they grow older, the worship and admiration for science will always exist in their hearts.

Being a scientist must be the dream of many people since childhood. Although this ideal will gradually be forgotten as they grow older, the worship and admiration for science will always exist in their hearts. When you hear or see a certain scientist or their deeds, your inner admiration and emotion cannot be expressed in just one or two sentences. In their scientific research positions, they create various researches for the country and the people day after day, year after year, and contribute all their efforts.

my country's Chinese Academy of Sciences is the institution with the most scientists. It is not only an institution of the State Council, but also the highest academic institution and academic development center in my country. Its capabilities represent the strength of the country and contribute immeasurable energy to the development of the motherland. However, the news that nearly a hundred scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences resigned collectively made the entire Internet lament. What happened when they gave up their formal institutional establishment and monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan?

1. Scientists resign collectively. What is the problem?

First of all, the salary of working scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences is generally more than 10,000 yuan per month, with various benefits and benefits, and they also enjoy various subsidies and subsidies, which is a formal establishment within the system. However, there are still a small number of people who are dissatisfied with these salary levels and prefer to pursue their own interests and so-called economic value. Therefore, they leave the Chinese Academy of Sciences and work in companies and economic entities, just to obtain greater benefits.

Secondly, there is a "gathering of heroes" in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and anyone you pick out is a leader in a certain field. But in this kind of atmosphere where people are superior to others, personal heroism cannot be reflected. Once you pursue personal reputation and personal value too much, you will be overwhelmed by the whole group or compared with better people. This is also one of the reasons why scientists leave. As arrogant and proud scientists, many people pursue fame and so-called popularity too much, and are unwilling to gather together and pursue individuals.

Once again, entering the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one has almost reached the pinnacle of domestic positions. Whether it is career or interpersonal aspects, he is at the top of the mountain. Therefore, if you want to go to the next level, you must not only be limited by the height of the mountain, but also by the number of people. This is intolerable for some scientists who are pursuing high-level positions. Perhaps, they care more about who is first and who is the highest, rather than the commanding heights of their profession and career.

2. How to save the situation requires giving enough respect and support

First, improve the treatment of scientists. In a country that attaches great importance to scientific and technological development and capability advancement, scientists can be said to be an important competitiveness and foundation for the country's future development. Without them, the country's future will be worrying. But currently, the most representative group of people with high incomes are those celebrities who have not made much contribution. They can easily earn hundreds of millions in salary, and they still have to act like celebrities and make fools of themselves. The scientists' whole life dedication may not be as much as their income from one play.

Under such a premise, we need to give scientists more respect, not only from the bottom of our hearts and spiritually, but also from the perspective of salary and basic security to highlight their preciousness. It not only represents our respect for them, but also represents their strength. The country attaches great importance to the development of science and technology and the system of talent cultivation.

Large companies such as my country's Huawei are very representative in their treatment of product research and development departments and personnel. More than 90% of the company's profits are invested in research and development and the improvement of the salary of scientific research personnel, which not only promotes the rapid development of the company, but also cultivates the loyalty of talents. In such an environment, there is no fear that new technology and new power will not be born without .

From a national level, we should also increase support and investment in the careers of scientists. On the basis of national assessment, adequate support should be given to various research projects that benefit the country and the people, from policies to funding supports, affirms, and encourages . Only in this way can scientists' enthusiasm for scientific research be mobilized, and scientists' love for the country and loyalty to their positions can be improved, which can contribute to the innovative development of science and technology.

Finally, strengthen scientific research determination, cultivate scientific research strength, and risk scientific research capabilities. The cultivation of scientists not only requires great personal motivation, but also requires sufficient training from the country, whether it is money or other things. In the subsequent training of talents, we must pay attention to the return of expatriate talents, and more importantly, the cultivation of patriotism among talents. We must determine scientists' love for science and their love for the motherland.

It is said that scientific undertakings, especially scientific research, are lonely . But in my opinion, from the country to the people, being able to value the existence of scientists, respect their correct scientific research results, value their efforts, and give them the benefits they deserve are all manifestations of respect for scientists. . In the future, we need to do a lot more to cultivate more talents and scientists.